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What is causing this ?

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check out all the blacked out stuff



Edited by Veltro2k

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what terrain and terrain mods?  idk myself but that info would help those that do

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yup, missing the tiles


what terrain, and what terrain cat does the terrains main ini call for?? (Like below....)



TerrainFullName=Eastern Mediterranean
//CatFile=..\VietnamSEA\VietnamSEA.cat   <<<--- these here


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It could be a mismatch between the tiles and the requirements of the terrain Data.INI: if the tiles are BMPs and the Data.INI calls for TGA tiles (or vice versa).

The runway looks OK, but the rest of the countryside is a bit dark :)


For example, if the tiles are TGA files but the terrain Data.INI says


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no, those are missing ALL the tiles. If it was a mismatch in the data ini the regular land tiles (not the sea-to-land transitions tgas) would be showing up.

Untextured materials in SF2 show as black. Including terrain TFDs.

Trust in the Terrain Guru's knowledge!!


Veltro, so WHICH terrain is it exactly??? IcelandNA has no "real" tiles, but jpg textures assigned to the terrain lod.

If another Iceland, which one (as there's 2, Gerwins and Baltika's (iirc)

Could it be GermanyCE, with Stary's multi-season tile set??? Those use jpg tiles. That should be stated in the GermanyCE_Data.ini. A quick look inside will confirm that.

Edited by Wrench

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i have the same problem from time to time , mostly with a low and very bright sun , i contacted stary about it but he has no clue what could cause this


i was thinking of a memory problem on heavily modded terrains that only occurs under certain circumstances as i mention above mostly with a low and very bright sun in my case

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In SF2 the terrain is black if you dont has the correct tiles for the terrain. In WoX it is white.

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In SF2 the terrain is black if you dont has the correct tiles for the terrain. In WoX it is white.

that is not entirely correct you can have this even with all the correct tiles installed , as i mentioned above it happens from time to time , most of the time i dont have that problem and it is not something that appears only on a particular terrain


i also encountered that some aircraft in a flight (16+ aircrafts) appear in black or partially black all aircraft in that flight are frome the same type and the rest of the flight is showing the correct textures , this phenomenon is not something that is caused by a missing texture on aircraft or terraine

Edited by ravenclaw_007

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Reinstalled the entire SF2 series, all seams ok now. Have not yet installed any terrain mods

Edited by Veltro2k

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I had similar....but my error was I added wrong mod update first...re adding last terrain mod  update fixed issues.

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