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Just a Public Service Announcement regarding my Super Hornet Package

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Please pilots, the max G of the Super Hornets in my pack is 7.5... Just so you know so you don't keep breaking a plane that is maneuverable enough....



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Well, I suppose we have to find other ways to break them then...

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Well, I suppose we have to find other ways to break them then...

I'm particularly good at that....

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I haven't busted a Super Bug yet due to over-g.  People been complaining?

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hey i thought it was supposed to be bitchin betty not bitchin eric. damn new military..................................

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Lol you guys... :smile:


I haven't busted a Super Bug yet due to over-g.  People been complaining?


I got a PM last night and the guy described how he pulls 8g after dropping a bomb, so I'm not trying to make fun of anybody or bitchin about it just... be safe with the thing :smile: And I need to check on the Auto flaps issue (some issue with the flaps not having the correct setting at speed) but yeah, he pulled like 8gs after dropping a bomb.  I'll probably have to make a video on while it's cool to pull up after your run, but you don't need to pull that hard.

Edited by EricJ

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*Climbing Safe Escape Maneuver (CSEM)* in bombing training: no turn 5G pull till fpm reaches horizon, continue climbing 20-30 deg to base altitude.

so yeah summin' like 5G is a good bet.

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Basically, for the Afghan map I just fly along and let the bomb to the work (though it's been a long time I've done that) but even then... hold on:



That's generally what I've done, and never broke a jet yet (I can't, as I believe FastCargo mentioned I don't want to...)  doing bomb drops, both guided and iron.  Or this one:


Edited by EricJ
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o bomb truck extraordinaire :smile:


speaking of which.... I still have a copy of Jane's F-18 manual on the shelf. Borrowed it from a high school friend and never returned it, feel pretty guilty about that.. sigh. Anyway in which says the hornet's flight control system automaticly adjusts max allowable G according to ammo and fuel load. that number is then displayed on the HUD. I dunno whether it's the same on the real thing..?  To me it looked like pretty impressive avionics.

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I have the PDF version (never read that portion) but... I don't think SF2 can function as such (if it can then...) but Brain32 had the NATOPS manual I believe when he did the cockpit so I'm sure when it was setup in the Ini's it was done as best as possible.  I usually load the thing out (as such in the videos) so I keep it fairly "easy" to fly and don't do any acrobatics, though in a DACT I was able to down an Su-35, or something close to that with ease though, but I'm sure some RL Navy jock was "He'll destroy the plane!" so who knows.

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Just took a look at the data.ini's.  I've got a g limit of 7.5 and a structural factor of 1.5 on just about every surface, so that is kind of odd that it would break after 8g.  We have the F-14's at 7g with a 1.5SF and I've gotten as high as 13g on the bird in a defensive break, and have not broken the aircraft.  If memory serves, it's usually multiple pulls above the g-limit that cause the aircraft to break, unless the pull is significantly more than the limit times the structural factor.  For example, I recently broke a B-2 when I put 4g on it during a test flight.  Not sure why the Bug would break at 8, unless the game has some factor for weapons carriage; the B-2 was packing a LOT of bombs when I put 4g on it.

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He only specified dropping the bomb and then pulling G (never thought to think about that he may have had a little bit more) but as such a counter SAM break shouldn't be that hard I would imagine.

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...I don't think SF2 can function as such...

aha hell, i could even imagine the supposedly DCS hornet team scratching their heads trying to implement it. "these data must be... hidden in this big pile of docs somewhere.... and then... how do i write this into game codegreis_zps34a067f1.gif"


a viper doesn't limit your G when bomb trucking for example. it's so easy to pull too much given them jets are so nimble these days, and then bam... your JDAMs are now duds. hornet seems to get better bells and whistles due to... it's McD heritage and being born a decade later?




"Oh I wish I had the alpha of a hornet,

living to fight slow when others scorn it.

When I can still pitch and roll,

that other guy's going out of control,

I wish I had the alpha of a hornet."


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To my understanding (I'm done with the ED Forums as of this past Thursday so I could really care less about what's going on there) there are some real Hornet pilots helping with the testing and implementation, but I think I caught a News Letter saying they were having issues so in a few years they'll figure it out and we'll finally fly the beta.


But more than likely as the Super inherited some aspects (High Alpha) and other knicknacks but essentially it's a new machine in my opinion.

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Yes I know somebody is going to ask:




They deleted my post and I'm at 70% because it took me 5 minutes not to stomp him, but I did, so let's just get back on topic and worry about the real world.  I got better things to do in my life than deal with a troll (Weta43 and Company).  So just read it, move along and worry about a good community here.

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Did a couple of structural test flights in the F/A-18E.  It took about 20 pulls to beyond 12g before the aircraft broke on the first flight, and the pull that broke it was beyond 15.  On the second, it broke quicker, but I was going a lot faster (450-600KIAS, depending): on the sixth pull, I hit 18g and the left wing came off.  Pulls to between limit and 12 don't seem to do too much to the airframe, and you should be able to hit those numbers if need be once or twice in a fight.  Getting higher than 12 is where stuff really starts happening.  This was with 8 AIM-120's and 2 AIM-9's, total weight between 48 and 52k pounds.


With bombs (2x 1000lb, 2x 2000lb and 2x AGM-84E SLAM Harpoons) and a weight of 58k pounds, the plane still took a hell of a lot of "g" to break, and pulls to as high as 15 did not immediately break the jet.  Is the user sure he/she isn't pulling 18g, rather than 8?

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I honestly don;t know as he may have been pulling that much but he posted 8g's so that's what I was going with.  It wasn't via video or screenshot, nor even a picture of the loadout prior to breaking, so yeah, not much to really go off of.

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Eric, wasn't that one of the models that we setup with a virtual G-limiter?

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I'd be lying to you if I said if I remembered...  If possible I can update (still have all the files) or if you give me the line of code and i find it then I can say yes, if not I can add it and re-upload the files with it.

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These are the entries and values that I use on the F-16 models, and they work like a charm.









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Just checked, no it's not but definitely being implemented, then I'll upload the update.

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Okay I took it up with a 7.7 value (thanks to Fubar512) and plastered myself into the ground, so the values he posted is what I'll go with as due to constant blackout during a DACT... just no, 9.0 is a good hard limit given that the average pilot can sustain 9gs.  You break the plane further and it's on you.

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Okay for youse guys who keep on breaking the birds, and thanks to Fubar512, all aircraft (including AI as well) has a fixed g-limiter of 9.0gs. So if you keep on breaking the plane I'll notch it down to 2 gs... be nice to my work, thanks!

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How about a small zip with just the updated inis in this thread.. prevents all from DLing the whole pack again.. ?

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