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Anyone Want To Start Dead is Dead Again?

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I've got a modern Russian naval campaign in Dhimar. Against Paran.

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ORRRRRRRRR just wait a few days folks. We got something coming out that you might want to use for Dead is Dead campaign. 

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ORRRRRRRRR just wait a few days folks. We got something coming out that you might want to use for Dead is Dead campaign. 





Edited by MrGoTime

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Does SF2 save screenshots of the debriefing screen with the rest of the game screenshots? Been a minute, don't remember.

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Does SF2 save screenshots of the debriefing screen with the rest of the game screenshots? Been a minute, don't remember.

I just do a print screen.

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ORRRRRRRRR just wait a few days folks. We got something coming out that you might want to use for Dead is Dead campaign. 




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I think I'd like to do this. (Prizes for first death?? LOL..)


I think you should all do SEAD. I'm gonna haul cargo in the C-130....



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I think I'd like to do this. (Prizes for first death?? LOL..)


I think you should all do SEAD. I'm gonna haul cargo in the C-130....





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I generally play games this way, which is why I very rarely finish games.


I have a long and rocky history with flight sims, but happily I seem to have absorbed and put into 'long-term ability' some of the learning I had done 5 or 6 years ago playing IL-2 and MS Flight Sim X. I was complaining to a buddy at another forum about how poorly IL-2 handles with my hardware (X52) and also how Falcon 4 Allied Force has graphical problems and he suggested these Strike Force series . . . Love them! One of the best balances between realism and game play I've ever seen in a flight sim. So far only bought SF 2 Vietnam, but something tells me I'll be owning pretty much all of them in time.


So far, I've flown probably 15 or 20 hours all in an F-100 Super Saber, which is a lot of fun. Have probably shot down 10 or 15 enemies and been shot down 9 or 10 times! Finally seem to have got the hang of ground attack using some old thread on the simHQ.


So, all that said, I'm definitely into "Dead is Dead," but if I posted a thread for every toon that dies the forums would quickly be swamped with threads.

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Can i join?  wait... no nukes?


Of course you can join and yes no nukes....

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Oooh...something shiny and new...

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So I've decided what my Dead is Dead campaign will be. Frisbee driver. I'll do the NATO Fighters RSR campaign and include the RSR Mod F-19 missions at certain points in the campaign. I'll just keep transferring my pilot file back and forth between installs.


EDIT: M*****f***ing SA-8s I already have to start over. No wonder the F-19s were down to 20% strength by the end of the book.

Edited by Viggen
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