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Edited by JonathanRL
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We are proud to soon release our first expansion pack for The Scandinavian Front. The Expansion pack will add many things that appear in Strike Fighters 2 for the first time.

* Several new and unique aircraft to fly, amongst them the Saab 18, Saab 21, Myrsky, Fuga Magister and Avia S-92!

* New cockpits for the De Havilland Mosquito, Saab 18, Saab 21 and the Fuga Magister by Stary; one of the best cockpit builders for Strike Figthers.

* A new Campaign, featuring an all out liberation of Finland by Swedish and Norwegian Forces set in the year 1950 including Amphibious Assaults.

* Fly for the Finnish Soviet Socialist Republic! A TSF First, this Campaign will allow you to fly an aircraft for the communists, defeating the filthy, warmongering imperialists in the name of Socialism!

* Bug Fixes and updates to the older campaigns, adding or replacing aircraft where suitable.

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* Fly for the Finnish Soviet Socialist Republic! A TSF First, this Campaign will allow you to fly an aircraft for the communists, defeating the filthy, warmongering imperialists in the name of Socialism!




No MiG-15 soviet campaign on this one, right?

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Hey yo "Modder" dude you mispelled "Fouga", that clearly hints at this being some rush job package of old random mods into so called "expansion"...



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No MiG-15 soviet campaign on this one, right?


That depends. I have already opened the floodgates with the Finnish Socialist Air Force but that is because the mod is about Finland, Sweden, Norway and sometimes Denmark.

I could however add a few MiG 15s for them, but the thing is, the Finns are not trusted by the Soviets so they generally use older propeller aircraft.


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yes you do add them :tongue:

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can't WAIT to get my hands on the NF Mossie pits, and update the WW2 versions!!

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Be patient Kevin, I'm having hell of an issues with the various misc engine gauges -oil temp, radiator temp and such- little bastards won't work no matter how much I curse them. Might be I'll have to leave them at frozen values (ie. Not moving needles) until someone finds proper values

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and sometimes Denmark.




So what they say about Swedes and Danes is true...



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what the hell was that!!!????? :blink:

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what the hell was that!!!????? :blink:


It's called Polandball. It's a um....geopolitical satire comic that at times is funny and at other times is less than acceptable.

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I already did in another thread :D

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I forgot about SATW! Always funny.


AReally looking forward to the expansion.

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Polandball is the best geopolitics comics. I mean STRONK! POLANDBALL STRONK! :rofl::wink:

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Polandball is the best geopolitics comics. I mean STRONK! POLANDBALL STRONK! :rofl::wink:


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Be patient Kevin, I'm having hell of an issues with the various misc engine gauges -oil temp, radiator temp and such- little bastards won't work no matter how much I curse them. Might be I'll have to leave them at frozen values (ie. Not moving needles) until someone finds proper values


Check the data ini engine sections if they have the pressure and temperature entries ...

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will do, that might be of BIG help Crusader!

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