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Some questions for the group here and answers for questions nobody asked.

I changed the loadout and data ini to make a Navy OV-10a for VAL-4. It appears they just used guns and rockets. Sometime they strapped on a fuel tank but that appears rare.

Does any body know what this rocket pod is ? The easy ones are LAU-33 and LAU-10 but I'm trying to figure out what that lone small white 7 x 2.75 (I think) pod is.




So far I have changed my load out to this:



Loadout[05].WeaponType=LAU-33A  (this to replace that RP I haven't identified)
Loadout[06].WeaponType=LAU-33A  (this to replace that RP I haven't identified)

Loadout[05].WeaponType=LAU-3A  (this to replace that RP I haven't identified)


For the Attack load in reality there would probably be no external fuel tank.

Does any body know the Model Name for the Mark 4 Gun pod ?

To mount that I changed the load limit on the centerline pylon to 775.

I changed the weapon groups too :















Thanks group

Edited by charlielima

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They used LAU-68 (7 shot) and LAU-69 (19 shot) pods for the 2.75 in rockets

Mk4  is the TypeName of the Mk4 Gun Pod

There was also another 20mm pod in use, made by China Lake .. a single barrel lightweight pod with a Mk12 cannon (iirc)

Post-Vietnam a third, new pod, the GPU-2/A with 3-barrel M197 20mm replaced that interim lightweight pod (which was still used by other Bronco users )



Max total external loading was 3600 lb for fuselage+sponsons

Individual limits

1200 lb max for the CL station

600 lb each sponson stations

Wing stations 750 lb each

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Some Screenies

:ninja: CL


  On 6/9/2015 at 8:05 PM, Crusader said:

They used LAU-68 (7 shot) and LAU-69 (19 shot) pods for the 2.75 in rockets

Mk4  is the TypeName of the Mk4 Gun Pod

There was also another 20mm pod in use, made by China Lake .. a single barrel lightweight pod with a Mk12 cannon (iirc)

Post-Vietnam a third, new pod, the GPU-2/A with 3-barrel M197 20mm replaced that interim lightweight pod (which was still used by other Bronco users )



Max total external loading was 3600 lb for fuselage+sponsons

Individual limits

1200 lb max for the CL station

600 lb each sponson stations

Wing stations 750 lb each


Awesome ! thanks.




Edited by charlielima

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I concur on the LAU-68 for the 7 shot pod having loaded quite a few on HAL-5's HH-1K's. The Ponies carried other ordnance aside from gun and rocket pods as the pics on this page show.....




Click the BUNO's that are blue for the pics, most of the shots show cluster bombs but I'm not sure of the type, it is feasible that they also carried the MK20 Rockeye series more often than not.

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the cluster bombs look like CBU-24s

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Loadout[07].WeaponType=Mk4 works for the MK-4 gun pod on the load out.

CBU-55 FAE's sound delightfully evil.

I'll chase down the LAU-68s later.The AI for the rest of the flight seems to prefer LAU-3s.

Thanks for the good info group. I should probably ask what the warhead on the rockets were?

HE, Frag or Willie Pete ?


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If I remember the Zuni's were HE Frag with a point detonating fuse and the 2.75's were HE, HE Incindery and Flechete. They wanted to cause the most damage and casualties to Mr Charles on the ground. Flechete was not used as much as the HE and HE Frag because the VC would usually be dug in when they srang a bushwahck along the waterways. HE stood the best chance to take out those positions while flechete works good mostly on troops in the open. I also forgot that Napalm was used by them also, I remember hearing stories by one of my mentors that had been in VAL-4 telling the younger Ordies how nasty that stuff was to mix up.

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"If I remember the Zuni's were HE Frag with a point detonating fuse and the 2.75's were HE, HE Incindery and Flechete. They wanted to cause the most damage and casualties to Mr Charles on the ground. Flechete was not used as much as the HE and HE Frag because the VC would usually be dug in when they srang a bushwahck along the waterways. HE stood the best chance to take out those positions while flechete works good mostly on troops in the open. I also forgot that Napalm was used by them also, I remember hearing stories by one of my mentors that had been in VAL-4 telling the younger Ordies how nasty that stuff was to mix up."


I see no reason to exclude the Nape. Back in the 80s and early 90s we'd make "blivets" with this powder (Peptizer ? ) that came in a green 55 gallon drum and mixed it with gasoline and any flammable fluid we wanted to dispose of. We mixed it in wash tubs with wood canoe battles. After they set we would use them to burn dozer piles.

I'm having no joy with the LAU-68s. I tried LAU-68A_Mk40_M51, M156, and M229 and I just get a black cylinder with 7 holes in it with no woosh bang. below is my AD-5N painted for transfer to the USAF doing evaluator chores with CBU-24s, CBU-55s and LAU-68s.






Edited by charlielima

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Those pods may be missing textures. Also open the data file for that type of pod and check to see what type or rocket it is set to use and make sure it matches one you have in your weapons folder exactly.  

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Affirmative. I believe they use a Hydra which I don't have in my magazine.

I'll follow that up thanks.


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ad.6 interesting is half loaded 19 tube launcher. Half of 19 is...9.5 rockets ?



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Good find Yak !

And interesting too, Did you get that from the NATOPS ?

I never realized CBUs with folding fins where ever mounted with some or all fins extended.

Any more loading diagrams ?

Thanks. CL

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I think i got some more loadout diagrams but cant figure oout where it is right now. Got it somewhere. Will post/forward asap.

Yes it is from NATOPS. Loading  diagram is from different doc. I am looking for it also.

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Nice. From this I'm thinking no GP on in board sponsons.


Edited by charlielima

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Stay Tuned for the "PMBR". I sent Ravenclaw the info on them. He said he'd see what he could do........



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What is the designation of the single-barreled gun seen on the centerline in some photos? I cannot remember ever seeing this before.

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"Lightweight Gun Pod. Quick-response development during Vietnam War. Pod for the OV-10
aircraft to carry the Mk 12 20-mm gun. NWC was lead laboratory. Interim system, in service from
1969 to 1971."


Ive seen that pod in pictures post-'71 on OV-10's operated by Morocco and, iirc, the Philippines ..

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The Mk IV appears the most common for Navy service tho.

My favorite OV-10 picture :





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Thanks for the info on the mystery gun pod. Nothing at all on the Internet that I could find. We could use a 3D model of one. I have a new Mk4 HIPEG almost done with the early Vietnam-era muzzle brake, but look at the Marine photo Charlie posted - it looks like it has a hood over the top portion of the muzzle. Anyone have better close-up photos? The SF2 one that TK made you guys has some kind of squareish muzzle brake that the Israelis used, but was not is Marine service in SEA as far as I can tell.


I am working on a new 3D OV-10A also in case someone wants to contribute on the project or perhaps already has one started. For 1st gen for my own use of course for starters...


Mike D.

Edited by mppd
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The GPU-2 is a three-barreled pod, but the single barreled pod with the long barrel is a bit of a mystery wep. I also found a photo on the Internet of the HIPEG with the goofy squarish muzzle brake at Da Nang, so apparently it was indeed used in Vietnam, although probably a later mod.

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