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SPOILERS: Star Wars: The Force Awakens SPOILERS

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I have never had more hatred for a movie character than I do for Ren....he needs to die a horrible death. 

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This kid needs a serious force spanking

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This kid needs a serious force spanking


I want to force choke the fuck out of him, several times. 

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somehow i feel tricked!



Well I am not tricking anyone, stay out of this thread if you do not want spoilers...simple....

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Dave reminder Ren is in his 30s so hardly a kid, but yeah I know brother, I know (sheds a tear)

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I knew it was going to happen going in, still pretty hard to watch though. 


The thing thats bugging me though, why does everyone that picks up a certain elegant weapon from a more civilized age know how to use it... and score hits on a wanna be Sith... Was so sure he was going to follow the family tradition and loose his right hand 



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Craig sword is a sword, you point the sharp point at the enemy. I was really happy to see the return of more classic lightsaber fights -the jumpy "unrealistic" ons from prequels were getting boring fast.


I think the beginning of the movie was one of the best SW universe scenes I have seen, with the assault on the primitive settlement, FN-2187's repulsion to the New Order's brutality, sudden discovery that Stormtroopers do fear, suffer and bleed, genial dialogue between Poe and Ren (ok who talks first? I talk? you talk?) that establish the former as a new series' Solo for me, and introduction of Rey character. The scene in which she marks another done day on the wall, when we see her living in a hulk of AT-AT, those are some of defining Star Wars moments for me

What bugs me with the plot is the ohh well this thing is bigger, lets go kill the oscillator and destroy planet sheme


as RedLetterMedia's guys pointed out in their review -would be nice change to say have the Rebels (rebels agains what exactly? Senate? New Order that seems to compose of dunno, one planetary weapon, one Star Destroyer and some TIE squadrons?) disable the weapon and render it inoperable for months or few years, not end up straight murdering snowy planet OR maybe even better having the heroes fail in this installment. But overally the heroes don't come off unscratched with you know who dead and Finn comatosed? badly injured for sure.


As it's the spoilers corner -I was pretty sure it's Han from about 2/5th of the runtime but when he fell I was preparing myself for emotional Chewie's revenge suicidal moment of sacrifice. The thing I would NOT stand would be Luke showing up in that forest


anyway are we sure Ren made it?

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Well I am not tricking anyone, stay out of this thread if you do not want spoilers...simple....

I actually do like spoilers, so expected a somewhat lengthy and detailed review but only greeted with "Dave with a murder intent", so 'twas another of my failed jokes... anyway..... I think will like this one, someone said it's basically a Star Wars IV remake, but never watched the old IV so even better.

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I actually do like spoilers, so expected a somewhat lengthy and detailed review but only greeted with "Dave with a murder intent", so 'twas another of my failed jokes... anyway..... I think will like this one, someone said it's basically a Star Wars IV remake, but never watched the old IV so even better.


Roger that. 

anyway are we sure Ren made it?


He made it and will be more dangerous than before. 

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Yup he's finished his first step on way to darkness. Killing own father, pretty dark for kids movie, aye?

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Craig sword is a sword, you point the sharp point at the enemy. 


Point was that swords are not in the least bit easy to use properly, no reason to believe either Rey or Finn had ever held one before... On the other hand its pretty safe to assume Ren had been training religiously for 20 years or so.



Edited by fallenphoenix1986

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Craig we do know she is handy using kind of rod weapon prior so there might be some skills -plus influence of Force on her of course has to do something with it together with her extraordinary MF flying skills.


Other than that because movie magic :tongue:

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I watched the movie yesterday.



I'm very sorry... I will not rant here may offend someone.. I may tell detailed review... if someone asks, after I calmed down.

It has been discussed through an entire night of "men drinking together" with ten of my friends.. To be short I just quote some of them. And that's all from me.


"This was the worse SW experience ever felt."

"What the F* was that??"
"Cheap New Hope nostalgia remake"

"I thought we cannot sink deeper than Phantom Menace..."

"Where was the music? I can't remember I heard anything... can you"

"@#$*@! Harrison Ford, he always hated SW and his Han Solo character... but to kill him like that. Spit into our face as SW fans... <hungarian equivalent of "F word' said 20 times>"

"I have a feeling, that no one really wanted to work on this episode. Director, script writer, music composer, old characters... everyone... 30% or less of their best performance"

"Rey was the only enjoyable character... without her, I would have stood up and leave at about half the movie"

"Mediocre... I have seen it the second time, I got over it more or less - but I had the same first reaction. I understand your feelings"

"I celebrated when Lucas left... now I ended up crying him back... "

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"This was the worse SW experience ever felt."


Not really. Have you been in cinema to Attack of the Clones two times? I was decade ago, there is definitely worse SW experience.


"What the F* was that??"


"The Force Awakens", seventh chapter in the Star Wars saga directed by very skilled JJ Abrams.

"Cheap New Hope nostalgia remake"


Was more of a cheap soof, and was called "Spaceballs" released around 1986.


"I thought we cannot sink deeper than Phantom Menace..."


Yes we can, it's called "Attack of the Clones", check reply above.


"Where was the music? I can't remember I heard anything... can you"


Yes I can, maybe visit the ear doc? I am worried about your hearing...


"@#$*@! Harrison Ford, he always hated SW and his Han Solo character... but to kill him like that. Spit into our face as SW fans... <hungarian equivalent of "F word' said 20 times>"


That was one of the best deaths in SW series as it actually moved the plot and character development forward and meant something. Think of father sacrificing himself "because father's love"; seeing how his son is gone beyond return yet he has that slightest hope seeing own father would bring him back.


"I have a feeling, that no one really wanted to work on this episode. Director, script writer, music composer, old characters... everyone... 30% or less of their best performance"


You little hipster you... remind me of Ren's actress other 100% performance because I want to be blown away 70% more than I was already by her 30%

Same for Poe, FN-2187 and that older grayhair man with an ape/dog companion, I forgot the name, he was funny as hell and seemed to enjoy starring in the movie tremendously. Kasdan? Hmmm... isn't that the guy who wrote that Empire Strikes Back space novel book I have on my shelf? I think they were planning to make some little movie out of it. Dunno what happened to it though


"Rey was the only enjoyable character... without her, I would have stood up and leave at about half the movie"


You meant fappable? But hey, whatever turn you on man!


"Mediocre... I have seen it the second time, I got over it more or less - but I had the same first reaction. I understand your feelings"


"Mediocre Morsov! Mediocre!"


"I celebrated when Lucas left... now I ended up crying him back... "


Definitely yes! We need more Jar Jar Senate talks! We need more Massa mussa speeches! Massa Snailamna hasa greatsa summary of tha crappa movia!


To sum it up Snailman: yeah I hear you man but sorry to inform you, being hipster is no longer novelty. Ohhh maybe you kickstart your remake eh?

gave you +1 as I like cheap internet comedy

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Ehh... it was quite an amateurish way to express  "I hate you for some reason and I will ridicule and contradict whatever and wherever you post".  32% at best.

I wonder what you had written if I started to eulogize this excellent piece of... sci-fi art.


PS.: If you were reading what I wrote - you could have figured out I quoted people whom I watched the movie. But never mind the details.

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Edited by Stary

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I don't know, I thought it was pretty good compared to what we could've had instead.


I knew we'd lose Ren's dad the minute I read he was coming back after all (after literally decades of him wanting to distance himself from all things SW) a couple of years ago. I said to my friend "Oh, he's coming back? He must be dying in the film then." His greatest wish was for his character to die but in a meaningful way. I'm certain his return was partly contingent on that. I have read that he's signed up for multiple pictures, but that might have been a bit of misdirection considering I wasn't the only one who called that back in 2013 to make people think he WOULD possibly live.


Anyway, I grew up with Luke...I took my 7 yr old daughter to see it, and she has Rey, or as she's bad with names "the girl who got stronger"...oh and she loves BB-8, the very next morning we had a note under our bedroom door saying she wanted BB-8 for Christmas. :grin: So my own expectations are heavily weighted by having a little girl experiencing it for herself. By that metric, yeah...JJ did good.

Edited by JediMaster
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I have never had more hatred for a movie character than I do for Ren....he needs to die a horrible death. 


Kylo was REALLY undisplined as a sith. He shouldn't be in the field. I mean com'on throwing tantrums for pete's sake. Snokes needed to continue his training before sending him on the field. At least Snokes succeeded with Ben where Emperor Palatpine failed with Luke. Ben killed his father Han. 



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