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Site Logo Contest

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We at CombatAce.com are looking for a logo design to brand the website. The logo must be flexible enough to be made into CombatACE or CombatACE.com. Size and Color are up to the designer. Any background used in the logo should be interchangable to a different theme, ie. Naval Sims, Flight Sims, Tactical Sims, etc... We are simply looking to see what you can imagine as our minds have emptied all their imaginative juices at the moment.


You may submit as many entries as you wish.


The contest will run thru July 15, 2005 GMT.


Prize? Well we thought that someone might enjoy a new Saitek Gamers Keyboard for their effort.





The logo may be used in part or in whole. We are merely looking for ideas, and what better group of people to ask then those that come here all the time. The image(s) should be uploaded directly to this forums and should be no larger then 800x600. This does not mean that the actual logo could not be bigger, just that it helps in the ease of viewing all the logo designs. I know that there are some talented graphics people out there, but there are also many out there that may have an idea of what they would like, but struggle putting it into a paint program.. Don't be afraid. It's the idea that we seek. So, even though you may not be a graphical guru, simply cut and past a few things together and let us see what your idea is. We will judge the image based on your concept of what you would like to see, and not for it's technical correctness. One more thing.....no more than a six pack can be consumed during design without the presence of the CombatACE staff..... :victory: j/k. Good Luck Everyone!


Cheers - Fates

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Did Some Work on Gen. Pupose Logo.... Prolly Will Clean Up some more... Will Also Do White Only Version For Black T-Sirts and Black Black Version For White T-Shirts to Accompany the Color One ... If Needed...



More Cleaning, More MISC Effect Layers, Replaced Some Parts with better shots Pre-Sketches for LOGO Only (T-Shirt, Coffee Cup etc Logo) are in progress)


Then there will be a Basic 1:1 Ratio Logo For The Rest of the stuff (Coffee Cups, stickers whatever)



Cleaned Up SOme Stuff Stared Adding MISC Layers, ALso CHanged the Aspect Ratio (I thought the old one was too tall)


Source is 1024x225



Gen Purpose Logos:




Edited by Digital-Overload

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Spent quite a bit of time on this, I tried to theme it with LOMAC/FC and upcoming BF2.

Also trying to maintain the green border on the original. .PSD handy.




Good Luck.




EDIT: Will do a logo of the sort too as I seem to have been mislead.

Edited by Sgt_IC

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Fates, quick question. Are you guys looking for a logo or a header image :dntknw: ...seems to be some confussion....possibly only on my part.

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We are looking for a logo design to brand the website. A complete header image is fine, but the judging will be on the logo design. This is a little vague becuase there may be other atributes that effect judgement. For instance, how well will the LOGO work on a t-shirt? mousepad? header background? monthly image calendars? Does it have the flexibility to be used in many places. How inner-changeable is it when used with different headers? Can we change up the theme on the header image from flightsims to tacsims and still incorporate the core logo design into it?


I thought about posting some of what we've done as staff, but I don't want to influence anyone in their creativity....becuase it may influence it in a direction that we don't want.... This is why we are bringing this contest to you.


Hope that answers a few things.



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OK, Here's my entry. It comes in two versions,


FRIEND :smile:



and FOE :angry2:



I thing designs S?B easy and simple. Well. let's see waht happens.


Regards, Pappy

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My effort for a banner (I know, I know, it's not a logo. Will work on that :smile: ):




I suspect it won't work for a t-shirt; although, maybe on a black t-shirt <_<






Edited by kout

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Here is 4 variations of mine. Also one with how it would look on a t-shirt.
















Edited by ODB_Spectre

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There is some great artwork here already but I would also like to throw my hat in the ring.



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Very raw idea... Just playing around... Not too good with colors though...










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Hey Fatboy, how about making the spade on that card in desert camo.


Hmmm... not sure if I am supposed to be making suggestions here...




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  Tim Canada said:
There is some great artwork here already but I would also like to throw my hat in the ring.




Tim, this is just plain frickin' awesome!


Still, there needs to be a recognizable logo though.



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  Skater said:
Hey Fatboy, how about making the spade on that card in desert camo.


Hmmm... not sure if I am supposed to be making suggestions here...



Hey Skater, that's a good idea...


Sure, suggestions are welcome... Gonna work on that... Enough time 'til middle of July...


Thanks... :victory:




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One more idea...






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hehe well how about this? slightly biased to one particular game though..




i quite like digital-overloads one.

Edited by scary_pigeon

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Here is a few variations of the same theme. Colours and textures can be added later.



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There has simply been some excellent work done here....just want to remind others that's there is just over a week to go! July 15th Deadline...



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Id like to thank everyone that submitted entries to the contest. There are some great entries and everyone has done an excellent job in each of their creations. I apologize for the lengthy wait for an announcment of the winner. We spent some time debating the entries as they are so very well done. We have decided to award the Logo Contest prize to Tim Canada for his work with the Mig in the Crosshairs. Congratulations to Tim, and a special thank you to everyone else that entered the contest from your CombatAce Staff.




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Wow! I don't think I have ever won a contest before. I thought Kout's vision was going to win for sure.


Thanks for picking my layout. How should I send the original to you Fates?

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