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Aliens under the polar ice cap?

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Those of us that may, or may not have, been abducted by aliens and experimented on in their hidden space lab on the dark side of the moon, have long suspected there have been ancient alien outposts under the polar ice caps for millions of years since the polar regions were tropical zones.


While flying over the Bearing Straits I came across this anomaly.  I expect to see this kind of weirdness where Atlantis sunk in the Bermuda Triangle, but in the Artic Ocean it's a surprise.  A bit scary to fly over as I didn't want to get sucked up in a space time continuum or one of my ex-wife's satanic voids.


Any idea how to fix this?  It's SF2's Danger Bearing Straits terrain. ( I wonder how they do that.)









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Quite simple.


Neither Major Lee (original creator of the terrain) nor myself made "sea to iceberg" transition tiles

Remember, too, the original terrain is over 11 year old



and the aliens you're looking for are in Antarctica; the SGC know all about the abandoned Ancient's base

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   So we just need some alien to make "sea to iceberg" transition tiles?  Sounds easy!


   This 11-year-old terrain still looks good even in SF2. 


    I suspected Aliens in Antarctica but it's too far from civilization and too cold to look for them there.  I might try Cancun.

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I'm looking at them now, just need the 3 tiles (however, I've found some other issues with the terrain that needs fixing, and redoing that as well)

The unfortunate fact of the matter is, several thousand of the sea2ice50 need to laid down, and possibly one 3-way tile (sea, snowfield, iceberg (goldberg?) at the lower right edge of "border"

I never really liked the "drift ice" on this map ... but what can you do??


Cancun, huh??? Don't go near the cenotes -- they lead to the underwater bases!!!   :lmao:

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Apparently this sort of thing does happen in real life. It happens where two large bodies of water meet and it is believed to be caused by the difference in salt content, density and temperature.



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How about only reworking the sea tile with ice in order to make the ice patches smaller and more sporadic? I mean, let's take said sea tile and add more water to it plus alpha channels, rather than ice. This way we could avoid making transition tiles. It won't look perfect, but better.

Edited by blaze95

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Two things strike me about this post.


1. Just yesterday I was jonsing to fly some Tomcat missions, and so I did.

2. While setting up the mission and loading I was remembering that F-14 Fleet Defender had a UFO mission ( "something was sighted, go check it out," but that was near Cuba).


And then I was wondering how to create such a mission, or more better, an Easter Egg, of a "something" half buried in the "somewhere" in a map. In DBS there could be a crashed Hydra bomber, Fortress of Solitude, Preditor or Alien ship....something. I am not a terrain or model builder, but that kind of stuff would be neato. 


BTW, F-14:FD is on Steam for $6.99 USD (I paid $45 in 1994).


On topic, I have no idea how to fix the tile set. 

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one would need a 3d modeler to build said item(s). 


as to making 3 tiles, how fucking hard can that be?? (ok, 4 with the needed 3way -still to be done)



in truth, reworking this terrain is the best idea, it's just too barren and lifeless. But in 2004, it was one of the very few availalbe

dbs ice transition.JPG

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ok, just to let anyone that's interestesed know that I've been reworking this a bit more since the last post.

with accurate charts in my possession, I can start moving and adding items (villages, radar facitlties, etc) to more "real life" locations.


Also added the permanent pack above the Arctic circle. What is really needed, and I have no desire to do, is create all new tiles of "tundra" for many of the regions. For now, it remain locked in (semi) eternal winter. My charts show the full, maximum extent of the pack in both winter and "summer".

but, it'll be what it'll be.


no time frame for re-release as the right eye has taken a turn for the worse (rapidly building cataract). it'll be out when it's out as "version 3"


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Wow, you've done a lot of work, Wrench, nice one!  Don't worry about re-releasing, RL comes first. I am curious about the charts, would love to see how the pack differs in winter and summer.

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Is a nice theatre, cool to see it improved.

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