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MiG-21SMT and F-4EJ in a short discussion over the Kuril Islands.


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MiG-23ML Luftstreitkräfte/Luftverteidigung (EGAF), Jagdfliegergeschwader 9 "Heinrich Rau", based at Peenemünde Air Base, 1988




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MiG-21F-13 in camouflaged open shelter.


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i was having a discussing about teh whole "do not fire unless fired upon" schtick that you see in movies. personally, i dont ever recall seeing that in real life. if you observe actions that reasonably demonstrate the other guy is going to try to hurt you, you can engage

like the USS Higbee in '72. i dont know teh ROE at that time, but one can assume VPAF fighters coming out over the water and towards your ship are not coming to say hi....




should have gave teh wingman the rockets. he missed and two pods of 57mm evidently werent enough to sink the Yankee pirates....

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you know, this would be a cool scheme to see at an airshow one of these days


was curious to see what happens if your wingman is of an opposing nation. was rather disappointed when he didnt try to kill me


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Fast take off of an 4-ship formation.


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found this one in the archives ...

"Cruising the Top of the World"


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