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Greetings, first of all. This game is AMAZING, and it is one of the few good sims (or light-sims) that'll actually run on my laptop, it has a lot of variety and I seriously love that... I'd just like to know how to mod it better, you see, I've downloaded TONS of aircraft and, up to this point, they've all appeared on the list no problem whatsoever.

The main problem is the weapons, now, I don't know what I messed up or how I did, but there's a lot of weapons missing, some of them pretty important. I'm looking for someone that can walk me trough this and give me some tips in the way.

by the way, if you want to know which exactly are my addons, they're mostly aircraft and weapons, all of them ripped from the desert storm mod over to "vanilla" sf2, since I can't run the desert storm mod. 

I'm willing to do a lot of work to get my game back in order and I hope I can get some help.... with nothing more to add, I await for some pointers, thanks beforehand.

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I don't data mine the ODS weapons, but I think they did some research and made it so it would show up on their planes without problems. But for including them in your mod folder you have to look at a lot of factors, such as length, weight, and if their specific to a pylon. That's what you probably have to do in order for them to show up, but I'm sure somebody from the ODS mod will chime in about them too.

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i will confirm, alot of the weapons from the ODS30AE are tweeked to work specifically with certain aircraft and even certain pylons (well, weapon stations to be specific).

for general advice i will say this is the time to learn to compare entries and how things work. i wont give specific advice on any of it because there's a hell of alot.

the head honcho for 30AE will probably tell you not to f*** with it as its worked on by a team to be as good as possible.

while that is true, modders are tinkerers. pull s*** apart and put it back together again. learn how to do so and make it work. the experts even know how to hide the extra parts :biggrin:

i wont tell you not to pull ODS30AE apart, might as well tell a tide to stay out. but i will say that assitance on specifics might be sparse.

use the knowledge base, go through the old forum threads. there is alot of info in there that will help you

Edited by daddyairplanes
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Personally, mixing and matching weapons is pretty much a no-no. For a 'vanilla' non specific mods folder, the regular weapons paks are MORE than sufficient.

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1 hour ago, Wrench said:

Personally, mixing and matching weapons is pretty much a no-no. For a 'vanilla' non specific mods folder, the regular weapons paks are MORE than sufficient.

do they just work out of the box? as far as I know (which is not much), you have to specify what guns each will the aircraft be using on their files or something (again, I'm not the brightest Modder)

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5 hours ago, daddyairplanes said:

i will confirm, alot of the weapons from the ODS30AE are tweeked to work specifically with certain aircraft and even certain pylons (well, weapon stations to be specific).

for general advice i will say this is the time to learn to compare entries and how things work. i wont give specific advice on any of it because there's a hell of alot.

the head honcho for 30AE will probably tell you not to f*** with it as its worked on by a team to be as good as possible.

while that is true, modders are tinkerers. pull s*** apart and put it back together again. learn how to do so and make it work. the experts even know how to hide the extra parts :biggrin:

i wont tell you not to pull ODS30AE apart, might as well tell a tide to stay out. but i will say that assitance on specifics might be sparse.

use the knowledge base, go through the old forum threads. there is alot of info in there that will help you

where exactly can I start learning about file tweaking and how it all works? is there an specific channel or something? sorry if I'm being a bother 

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On 12/9/2022 at 11:46 PM, Wrench said:

Personally, mixing and matching weapons is pretty much a no-no. For a 'vanilla' non specific mods folder, the regular weapons paks are MORE than sufficient.

I will say ha-ha on it :biggrin:

On 12/9/2022 at 5:41 AM, thejackie said:

a lot of weapons missing

My advice is to download weapons pack and start to do your personal weapon pack, nioce good and universal and up to date based on somthing from this  section. I think you will not hide from this problem. Once upon a time it will get you from the corner on unexpected time https://combatace.com/files/category/727-weapon-packs/

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On 12/10/2022 at 6:09 AM, thejackie said:

where exactly can I start learning about file tweaking and how it all works? is there an specific channel or something? sorry if I'm being a bother 

Been Through this kinda problems too.. spent hours just to found out for ONLY single Aircraft Ordnances mess.. :bad: Don't Know If I could help.. but this what I've been thru, checks, done.. 

- Updated/adding/Copy-paste Weapon(s) from extracted downloaded Mod to Mod Folder: 
Some Modder have included Weapons set along with Decals, Pilots, Etc. To make it fast,  (read: too lazy to check) sometimes I just copas and overwrite to my weapon mod folder.  this is 100% my foul.. so..
Make SURE in weapon data.ini, Name of LOD are same with current LOD files.. 4 example:

FullName=GBU-10B/B Paveway I LGB
ModelName=GBU-10B  <----------   This LOD input should be Match with LOD's Name. If your 3d Model LOD name are GBU10B, rename it to GBU-10B, or change data.ini  to GBU10B.. whichever suit you better.. 
                                                           This occur when Weapon data has the same file name and overwrite existing Mod, but the content of the INI files are not the same content with existing LOD file.
just check what weapons are missing, if it still in your Weapons Folder, not accidently re-type, remove or anything.. Maybe the problems above occur.  

- Specific Station Code. 
Back to your plane and weapons.. did they have "SpecificStationCode"? IF yes, double check it.. This special coding are for specific loadout, so not all planes could carry those weapons. and check what Type of AttachmentType= too.. (USAF,USN,WP,CHINA etc)

- Some Armament need Specific Rail/Racks mount. This too happen, weapon of choices are on hangar / loadout screen, mounted it, go FLY.. but when in game.. They're Gone! 
Check your Loadout.ini has "RackType=MER, TER, AIM-9_Rail, FT_mount" etc or something similar..


and your Aircraft Data.ini/Weapon Station(s) :

[Name of station]


be sure to check weapon Stations capable to carry those Racks, load limit, diameter or type of ordnance as Mr. DaddyAirplanes stated above.
and SURELY you have those in your weapons Folder. sometimes problems above (Name of LOD are different from Data.ini) could happen too. 

- Weapon Date:
Some weapon has start - End date coding.. which I guess everyone already aware.. be sure the weapon you wanna mount are in same time range with your plane, and show up in Hangar Loadout screen.

-Type of Station and Mount. 
Go to AircraftData.ini.. check weapon stations Availability, does they allow IRM,SAHM,GP,BOMB,ASM etc?  some Updated Aircraft Mod sometimes HAVE Add or Remove those capability.. TW Weapon Editor Utilities and CA Basic Knowledge are your best Helper.. 

_Sorry for my bad english, Im not a mod-er myself, so just be sure check old threads here. And why do I bump into this one old month Post Anyway? :rolleyes: maybe my sleep deprived kick in.. or overthinking how to crack Iranian Hawk Sites. :biggrin:

Goodluck Lad! hope you solve your Probs soon..

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On 12/9/2022 at 5:41 AM, thejackie said:

The main problem is the weapons, now, I don't know what I messed up or how I did, but there's a lot of weapons missing, .

To see a weapon on your plane needs more things to be checked and in order than you might think. These are some common errors beginners oftenly do:


- The 3D model is not present in weapons folder

- The syntax is wrong in some of the needed files

- The weapon declaration/syntax is missing from a plane's pylon

- one didn't pay attention that some weapons are specific to some pylons/aircraft and only ! Always, if something looks wrong, first take a look, in weapon editor for STATION CODE box!

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