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Targeting Pod for Air-toAir Targets

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Hi everyone,

I have a question about targeting pod. Is there any possibility that we can use the targeting pod to visualize the air-to-air targets just like the way the targeting pod locks on ground targets? Thanks. 

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As far as I know no it can't be done.

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going off the phrase "visualize"

if you can extend the range by which an EO sensor can see, i dont see why not. Mavericks and the BUFFs TVS systems can see things in the sky if they are pointed in that direction and if they can see out that far then they show up on the little screen. Tomcat in theory too although ive never actually tried it out

now, if you mean TARGET, like Eric said thats a hard no. but they werent meant for that in real life anyhow.

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Some targeting pods in real life have an AA feature so it's not unrealistic, just can't do it in SF2

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10 hours ago, Falcon1364 said:

Hi everyone,

I have a question about targeting pod. Is there any possibility that we can use the targeting pod to visualize the air-to-air targets just like the way the targeting pod locks on ground targets? Thanks. 

In real life there is no need for such a technology for air-to-air combat. The pilot has a head-up display in his helmet (go take a look on youtube to such technology to get an idea how things work). Even in Vietnam era the plane forward display "knew" to recognize an air target. So in other words it would be an "overkill" to build target pod for an air target. The same goes for a simulator (game)

If you saw a seqoence how a pilot is targeting a ground one, you will notice, unless it has a GPS bomb or the bomb is laser guided, that he has a little joystick with which he guides the bomb to the target. Now think how complicate it will be to maneuver the plane and in the same time to handle a joystick for precision, let alone firing the main gun.

Personaly i don't know any pod for air to air targeting, but I might be wrong.

Edited by UllyB

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This is what he is asking for:



Edited by madvad
Just a typo.
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We all know what he's asking for, but it's just not possible with the current game code.

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Yes, thanks a lot for your video. That is precisely what I am asking for. Again, thanks for letting me know this is not available in SF2.  

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22 hours ago, UllyB said:

In real life

In real life there is so type of modules. You can load this module on Falcon 4.0 BMS its realised in this game.

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I liked the commentary of one guy there where is the video:

" If aliens are looking for intelligent life they won't find it here " :laugh:

However, if ever an alien civilization would ever appear at horizon, it won't be good for mankind, that's for sure...:D. I never got those stupids who are joyful  just because they have seen "aliens" crafts at TV.

Edited by UllyB
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15 hours ago, UllyB said:

" If aliens are looking for intelligent life they won't find it here " :laugh:

However, if ever an alien civilization would ever appear at horizon, it won't be good for mankind, that's for sure...

I recently read a book about communists in the cosmic space. "The Hour of the Bull" is a social science fiction novel written by Soviet author and paleontologist Ivan Yefremov in 1968 And from this book I realized that you need to shoot at the aliens first, and then think. What if they are communists, like in this book? So it is not known who is smarter than whom. :biggrin:

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On 9/26/2023 at 12:01 PM, UllyB said:

In real life there is no need for such a technology for air-to-air combat.

Now there is such a need. For example, to identify reconnaissance drones. There are countless examples of friendly fire. I watched the drone pilot's interview. He was asked what is the worst danger to a drone? And he replied that these were friendly fighter planes.You fly over a friendly territory in a relaxed state and think that the danger has long passed. And suddenly BAM! your reconnaissance drone flies somersaulting to the ground.

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On 9/28/2023 at 3:52 AM, bazillius said:

I recently read a book about communists in the cosmic space. "The Hour of the Bull" is a social science fiction novel written by Soviet author and paleontologist Ivan Yefremov in 1968 And from this book I realized that you need to shoot at the aliens first, and then think. What if they are communists, like in this book? So it is not known who is smarter than whom. :biggrin:

I don't think ...communist could travel through stars. They were not too bright. The only notable thing they did, was to put a dog in a capsule who died asfixiated in the reentry. Do you think these kind of guys could travel to stars ? So, if the little grey men are somewhere in the galaxy and one day they will show up, it will be the end of human race. Nobody would travel stars system just for sightseeing.


PS - of course, soviets did other things too in space but I didn't want let truth stay in a way of a good story . LOL

Edited by UllyB
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9 hours ago, bazillius said:

Now there is such a need. For example, to identify reconnaissance drones. There are countless examples of friendly fire. I watched the drone pilot's interview. He was asked what is the worst danger to a drone? And he replied that these were friendly fighter planes.You fly over a friendly territory in a relaxed state and think that the danger has long passed. And suddenly BAM! your reconnaissance drone flies somersaulting to the ground.

Maybe there are ...other bad guys walking in that...friendly territory, too. :)

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4 hours ago, UllyB said:

I don't think ...communist could travel through stars.

you don't know communists well! This infection is worse than Covid!

Have you ever heared about Panspermia?

"Panspermia is the hypothesis that life exists throughout the Universe, distributed by space dust, meteoroids,asteroids, comets, and planetoids, as well as by spacecraft carrying unintended contamination by microorganisms"

I think in Universe ecsist something kionda Pancommunismia! So if you see alliens shoot them without questrions. Othervise people start to get sick and believe in all sorts of nonsense and conspiracy theories.

4 hours ago, UllyB said:

Maybe there are ...other bad guys walking in that...friendly territory, too. :)

No realy. friendlyfire is the main problem of recon drones from both sides. It is very difficult to identify a small drone. And the temptation to shoot down this drone is always very strong. We have just a menagerie of all sorts of drones, so it’s not surprising that they are shot down without understanding.

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Panspermia idea it's a ...Moebius band kindda of. It sticks until one point. Observation:  If on "my" planet something else brought here basic organic molecules etc then...WHO or WHAT brought, THERE, where the molecules those come from, material to create them before arriving to "me" ? And so on. That is why I called it Moebius in the first place, because this "cycle", asking yourself that, never ends. Truth is that here, at least, on earth, we know for sure that life didn't exist in the beginnings. Earth was bombarded billions of years with meteorites until it was sterlilized. That's a fact, not an opinion or an educated guess. Question is not how those basic molecules arrived here (though now we know how and that they did plus that 80% of the water brought, too), but how that basic materials arranged themselves in time, in the end, through complex processes, into life ! Personally I am a science defender, I don't believe in magic and supernatural etc and me and all the scientific world are puzzled that we didn't find the link between our "cousins" and HUMANS. And that's a problem. At least for now. A scientist has a lot of questions in his luggage and wants primordial answers...Would we have found the answer to this question before we will see/meet our end on this planet I wonder ?

Drake ecuation kindda says what we all might thought at some point in time: if there were intelligent life in the Universe we might have heard of it by now somehow. We let aside here all the BS about UFOs and other nonsenses. I don't doubt that there is life in Universe, I just doubt that there is intelligent for now...Opponents of the Drake ecuation say that distances in universe are huge, which is very true and that even if one could have means to travel  it would be almost impossible to cover great distances with generations after generations (if that could be fezable in the first place as an idea) and reach a planet/system as if you just walked a couple of miles and everything was fine as it was seconds ago when you left. So that could be a problem, even if intelligent life exists. Again, here I let aside fantesies that we will travel, some day , with some miracle engine/fuel, with speeds closely to the speed of light etc.Another other issue is that stars have the habit to...die/explode which gives you, as a civilization, a very small window (at Univers time scale) to born, develop and to make an honorable exit, in time, to expand your kind in the neighbourhood, where your dead star core ejection won't reach you...

If you look to the evolution of humankind and you can understand, grasp its perspectives, its possibilities, its genius/creations and think that all of these would be in vain one day....a true sadness strikes you if you think deep to it. A NASA guy defined all that in one phrase: "All those billions years of humankind evolution, from dirt to stars, it all would have just been a beautiful experiment and nothing else"...That reminds me, somehow, of what Socrate (IMO one of the most intelligent person who walked on Earth) said, when he was asked what is the definition of LIFE: "Life it's just a long string of mistakes" :), which it's very true if you are honest with yourself, but in a way inevitable isn't it ? :D I did this parallel because situations described resemble somehow...


PS - when I see on TV, on science channels, some scientists, some even with PHDs, that say we can do it (travel to stars) I smile. Have you noticed, they never say where we would take the fuel necessary to decelerate from percentage of light speeds they brag we can travel with or what will you do if the gravity of that habitable planet is 10 times than yours etc ? :) They are so naives...

Or some other scientists, who speaks with such an enthusiasm and build hypotesis based on fantasies seen just in SF movies (worm holes). If you didn't know anthing about science, hearing them you would believe that worm holes are true and it's very doable what they propose. LOL

Edited by UllyB
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9 hours ago, UllyB said:

Panspermia idea it's a ..

it was the joke around the theme. sure no any panspermia. We're just a B-1B Lancer bomber's dream. When he will wake up we all disapear. Me, you, Wrench, topic starter and this site , all these useless mods and the game itself

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"the sleeper has awoken"

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16 hours ago, bazillius said:

We're just a B-1B Lancer bomber's dream. When he will wake up we all disapear

who said the Bone was a he?


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Like something out of "Azure Lane" !!

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1 hour ago, daddyairplanes said:

who said the Bone was a he?

wow! I want to have children together with her!

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