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Strike missions only target cargo ships?

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I seem to have an issue with the Kamchatka and Kuril Islands maps.  Regardless of years selected, strike missions only produce cargo ships as targets.   All other maps are fine, with a varied selection of hard targets like buildings, oil tanks, refineries, factories, etc


Any clues on how to fix?



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This is due to the lack of targets in the list on the types.ini file in the terrain folder, I suppose...

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Thanks I will take a look.  I assume I can also add more ships as sea targets too rather than just a cargo ship correct?  I'm thinking cruisers, destroyers, carriers...


Will see if I can fix the land targets issue first.

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Kuril Islands terrain is made for SF2NA. Strike missions are to fly against enemy war ship groups. As long there are warships the game engine ignore other targets.

What game of SF2 family you have?


Edited by Gepard

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Delete the string NavalMap=TRUE

in the file kurilen.INI

add under [AllowedMissionTypes] the mission types you want.

If you want to sink miliraty ships back everything how it was.



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..or NavalMap=FALSE

If you need you can add targets usian Mue's TargetAreaEdiotor.exe (search here on the site)

PS Mue! Thank you! Your best!

Edited by bazillius

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3 hours ago, Gepard said:

Kuril Islands terrain is made for SF2NA. Strike missions are to fly against enemy war ship groups. As long there are warships the game engine ignore other targets.

What game of SF2 family you have?


Hey Gepard! It's a fully merged install.  I start the game through SF2V. Could that be the cause?  What if I start it through NA?  Would it give me warships rather than cargo to sink?

Edited by TheStig

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10 minutes ago, TheStig said:

Hey Gepard! It's a fully merged install.  I start the game through SF2V. Could that be the cause?  What if I start it through NA?  Would it give me warships rather than cargo to sink?

Give it a try with NA. If you start a mission at a date, when the enemy has warships, then strike missions are flown against carrier groups or groups of warships. Otherwise the strikes should be directed against warehouses and enemy airfields.

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The difference between the EXE files is only in the image built into it and that’s all. This is why the file size is different.

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Kamchatka has enough regular targets to attack, so it must be the NavalMap= setting that's affecting it. Granted, I haven't flown a mission (other than just purely flying around), but I never went up against cargo ships in the past.

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While I don't have my laptop in front of me to see if NA fixes, can anyone tell me if I drop the Kuznetsov in ground objects, it will show as a target in NA on either map?

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It should if I'm not mistaken. I know I've had it spawn on me when I bothered with that stuff.

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If I turn Naval Map off, do I lose the ability to launch off a carrier?

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8 minutes ago, TheStig said:

If I turn Naval Map off, do I lose the ability to launch off a carrier?

Yeah but you can simply place a carrier on the map and then take off from it. I usually do that instead as I don't fly Naval maps at all.

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2 hours ago, EricJ said:

Yeah but you can simply place a carrier on the map and then take off from it. I usually do that instead as I don't fly Naval maps at all.

How do I add in addition to a task group?

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There's two options in the MIssion Editor, on the top right. You can place a single ship or you can do a task force, and you can select up to a certain number of additional ships including the carrier. That is if you have the Mission Editor DLC or SF2 Complete.

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Oh and by the way, I ran SF2NA, but none of my downloads show.  Despite a merged install, and dropping everything in the SF2V folder, I would assume it still show all my terrains and aircraft.


That being said, do I have to copy all my mods into the SF2NA folder?  Feel like I'm missing something key here.

Edited by TheStig

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It has to be in the mods folder for it to recognize the stuff. I don't know your setup but if you have a mods folder then you should put all the files in there for it to work.

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think of each mods folder as an individual game. so, yes, you'll need to have the add-on items INSIDE each mods folder.

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16 hours ago, EricJ said:

It has to be in the mods folder for it to recognize the stuff. I don't know your setup but if you have a mods folder then you should put all the files in there for it to work.

My path looks like this to the mod folder:


D:\Users\a\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Vietnam

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9 minutes ago, TheStig said:

My path looks like this to the mod folder:


D:\Users\a\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Vietnam

at a minimum the ships should further go into you GroundObjects folder inside your Objects folder like so :  D:\Users\a\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Vietnam\Objects\GroundObjects

if it comes with missiles or guns those need to go into those folders within the Objects folder

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And if the folders don't exist, create them and then they will populate.

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All objects folders are in there.  Including Effects, flight, terrains...everything that makes the mods work.  Some ships don't show on naval maps like the Kuznetsov regardless of end year (I changed it to 2060).

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Wow, I set it usually to the year that's going on, like it's 2023 in-game and such, but whatever. I think you would need to adjust the date range on the ship, as well as the missile.

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From my data file for Kuznetsov.  Still does not appear:



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