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Which plane do you fly? Maybe it has not bomb bay.

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Indeed, more information is required. Also, there's NO stock player flyable airplane with a bomb bay.

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Lol or ALT+F4... Seriously though sometimes also they automatically open when bombs are dropped. But given that we can't read your mind a clarification on what plane would help immensely combstace44

Edited by EricJ

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Podle mých zkušeností fungují bombardovací letouny (B-1B, Bucaneer atd.) normálně, pokud použijete odpovídajícím způsobem nakonfigurovaný příkaz. Pro jistotu se podívejte do nastavení hry (ovládání).
Upozornění: Při použití autopilota se dveře po otevření samy zavřou okamžitě okamžitě! Je tedy nutné mít AP vypnuté.


Edited by Hornet54

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2 hours ago, Hornet54 said:

Podle mých zkušeností fungují bombardovací letouny (B-1B, Bucaneer atd.) .....

toto je velmi dobrá odpověď, nicméně na hlavních fórech je preferováno používat angličtinu. Google má funkci překládat z libovolného jazyka do angličtiny, poté zkopírovat a vložit. jak jsem napsal tuto zprávu


this is a very good reply, however in the main forums its preferred to use English. Google has a feature to translate from any language to English, then copy and paste. its how i made this message

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19 hours ago, Gepard said:

Which plane do you fly? Maybe it has not bomb bay.

IL-28 and TU-16 

By the way in the past on my old lap, it was working

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4 hours ago, EricJ said:

Lol or ALT+F4... Seriously though sometimes also they automatically open when bombs are dropped. But given that we can't read your mind a clarification on what plane would help immensely combstace44

IL-28 and TU-16

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27 minutes ago, combatace444 said:

IL-28 and TU-16

Was it from the Downloads section? I don't fly those types so I don't know if they have bomb bays working or not. And if they were working before then maybe the key went out or something, because if it was working before and not now, then maybe check the key itself.

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i know the Beagle's doors open (seen it in screenshots)

not sure about the Badger, plus most types in game are missile carriers or recce so they may not regardless

but all of the above are stock birds, unless you downloaded one of the mods to make them flyable

if you did the generic cockpit trick (pointing to an A-4B cockpit in the bombers aircraft ini) then they might not work. it takes abit of work to make a non flyable stock aircraft work in game

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I have flyable versions of the Il-28 and the Tu-16 in one of my SF2 setups, and the bomb bays of both open without any problem.

There is no version of these aircraft in the Downloads section as far as I know, so I assume that you are flying the stock SF2 aircraft.

The stock animation ID for the Il-28 bomb bay is BombBayAnimationID=3, and for the Tu-16 it is BombBayAnimationID=5. Check that the Data.INI you are using has these numbers correct.

There is a great Il-28 cockpit made by Stary back in 2013 which should be in the Downloads section. You can get a stock aircraft which doesn't come with a cockpit folder flying in other ways, but Stary's cockpit is a work of art and improves the flying experience. I use it for both the Il-28 and the variousTu-16s.

The stock command to open a bomb bay is CTRL+O (Control and the letter O), but check it in the Default.INI file in your Controls folder.

So if you can fly the Il-28 and have Stary's cockpit (see below), and the Il-28 Data.INI says BombBayAnimationID=3, then CTRL+O should open the bomb bay without any problem.

Il-28 cockpit.jpg

Edited by Gatling20
Correction (O not 0) :)
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1 hour ago, Gatling20 said:

There is no version of these aircraft in the Downloads section as far as I know, so I assume that you are flying the stock SF2 aircraft.

gen 2 ready full aircraft https://combatace.com/files/category/646-other/?page=2

theres more in the 1st gen section but those need additional work to make fully workable in Gen 2

i did forget to mention cockpits, although that still takes it out of being stock and being a modded aircraft


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I meant no new version of these aircraft: AFAIK those Il-28s in the Download section are all mods which use the stock Thirdwire Il-28 LODs.

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19 hours ago, daddyairplanes said:

toto je velmi dobrá odpověď, nicméně na hlavních fórech je preferováno používat angličtinu. Google má funkci překládat z libovolného jazyka do angličtiny, poté zkopírovat a vložit. jak jsem napsal tuto zprávu


this is a very good reply, however in the main forums its preferred to use English. Google has a feature to translate from any language to English, then copy and paste. its how i made this message

Sorry, I used the wrong side of the translator this time.

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18 hours ago, Gatling20 said:

I meant no new version of these aircraft: AFAIK those Il-28s in the Download section are all mods which use the stock Thirdwire Il-28 LODs.

making it a modded aircraft

unless the aircraft folder only has an aircraft.ini that points to stock files in the DLLs. 

once you add a cockpit, a diferent ini than what TK wrote or a different skin, its now a modded aircraft.

thats why all the focus on stock: as in original, the way it was when you first fired up the game without adding anything to it.

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