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i had a good day today and i got the early version of the F-4D cockpit done  , it is still a BETA version but for everybody who likes to test it here it is

PLEASE backup your ini files before overwriting it with this new ones 

PLEASE let me know if you have any problem with FPS drop or any other problems and on what terrain


the following ini files are changed and needed to get the cockpit working

  • F-4D_Data.ini
  • F-4D_Cockpit.ini
  • F-4D_Loadout.ini
  • F-4D_Avionics.ini

on the right side panel you will find the DSU-94/A nuke control panel , if you load a nuke and this panel is not working check if the weapon you loaded is listed on the bottom of the Cockpit.ini and if it is not listed just add it to the list , after that the DSU-94/A panel should work 

if you find any problems or errors please let me know , this is still a BETA








have fun , ravenclaw_007


Edited by ravenclaw_007
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just found that some parts are not proberly linked and thats why they did not show up , here is the fixed lod

just drop the lod in to the cockpit folder and let overwrite if ask to


Edited by ravenclaw_007
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this is the F-4D cockpit from 1967 with an early RWR display but still without the threat warning panel  , its for the F-4D_67


and here is an other update for the F-4D cockpit lod , just drop it in to the F-4D cockpit folder and let overwrite if ask to



all animation should work now , canopy close / open , Hook lever and the Landing Gear lever should work if not let me know




Edited by ravenclaw_007
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hey, dont you have some Weasels to be finishing before you go off on short nose Phantoms? :lol: j/k

eagerly awaiting the D_78 pit :drinks:

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I guess I need to fly more Phantoms...

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10 minutes ago, daddyairplanes said:

hey, dont you have some Weasels to be finishing before you go off on short nose Phantoms? :lol: j/k

eagerly awaiting the D_78 pit :drinks:

need some practice again and i have to start somewhere , the Block-10 2 seater was to difficult as practice  :lol:

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6 minutes ago, ravenclaw_007 said:

need some practice again and i have to start somewhere , the Block-10 2 seater was to difficult as practice  :lol:

oh thank you for bringing up such a painful subject. well youre at it why dont you give me a nice papercut and pour some lemon juice in it


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this is the F-4D_71 cockpit with early RWR display and Threat warning panel


did anybody test one of this cockpits ???

how about the FPS any impact on it ???




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I haven't checked yet, give me less than a couple of hours or so and I can post something.

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I tested it on an "open" SoCal map and nothing significant with the frame hit. Also with another wingman, morning and cloudy, and the stock Vietnam map, no significant framerate hit. I know it's earlier than I said, but my cat is laying on my backpack and I don't want to disturb her sleep, so I couldn't run my errand like I wanted to.

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1 hour ago, ravenclaw_007 said:

this is the F-4D_71 cockpit with early RWR display and Threat warning panel


did anybody test one of this cockpits ???

how about the FPS any impact on it ???

I did a quick flight with the D_67 in the Mid-West US. Had clouds, 3 wingmen, 6 enemy aircraft. and a convoy of Russian trucks to take out.

I didn't notice any FPS hit, seemed to run smooth. Will test more soon.

Edited by CSomers611
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if there are significant differences, will you be doing a pit for the LORAN (ARN-92) Ds as well?  i do not know if there was a major difference, but you got the reference material. catch is there were only 72 modified iirc

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14 minutes ago, daddyairplanes said:

if there are significant differences, will you be doing a pit for the LORAN (ARN-92) Ds as well?  i do not know if there was a major difference, but you got the reference material. catch is there were only 72 modified iirc

if i would have pictures or a manual showing me how the cockpit looks , yes i could do it 

in the moment i have 2 more cockpit versions to make that i have pictures or manuals for the 75 and the 78 version , but the F-4D had much more  Block specific cockpits like the one for the Block 30 to Block 33 vor this alone i could make 2 cockpit versions 

an other thing is that the F-4D aircraft model from TW is lacking the launchrails for the AGM-45 , so i did not yet include the ARM stations in to the cockpit model like i did with the F-4E / F-4G cockpits , but i´m thinking of just doing that now so that the all the cockpits are on the same standard and maybe i will find a way how to add the launchrail for this TW aircraft ( will make a new F-4D aircraft in the future anyway )

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aside from the EF-4D testbeds, im not aware of any D's that carried ARMs period. that was left to the EF-4Cs and the long noses (E and G). shoot, reading into things not many were equipped to carry Mavericks even with Joe Baughers site listing a half dozen serials as being Pave Spike and Maverick capable

as for LORAN, i have nothing as far a manuals or pics. but in serial num hunting i did find out that the LORAN birds were converted from many Block 32 and nearly all the Block 33 aircraft if that helps any. cant find anything on whether they were converted at depot or on the assembly line,


off topic (ish), didnt you have a launch rail for the Shrike  somewhere in your bag of goodies?

Edited by daddyairplanes

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6 minutes ago, daddyairplanes said:

aside from the EF-4D testbeds, im not aware of any D's that carried ARMs period. that was left to the EF-4Cs and the long noses (E and G). shoot, reading into things not many were equipped to carry Mavericks even with Joe Baughers site listing a half dozen serials as being Pave Spike and Maverick capable

as for LORAN, i have nothing as far a manuals or pics. but in serial num hunting i did find out that the LORAN birds were converted from many Block 32 and nearly all the Block 33 aircraft if that helps any. cant find anything on whether they were converted at depot or on the assembly line,


off topic (ish), didnt you have a launch rail for the Shrike  somewhere in your bag of goodies?

i do have the AGM-45 launchrail as part of my aircraft models 

ALL F-4D have the option to carry the AGM-45 at least in the cockpit you have it , Block 30 to Block 33 had even an extra selection panel for Walley nuke / AGM-45 and GBU-8 HOBO as you can see at the picture below , will add this for the F-4D_75Image12.thumb.jpg.6274bf8a79048b73d70faf4c5f43bcf2.jpg


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again, i havent seen in flight pics of Ds with Shrikes or Standard ARMs. was especially looking for them in Spangdahlem in the late 70s thinking there might be an earlier version of the hunter/killer teams like in the 80s. no dice tho

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the EF-4D wild Wiesel did carry the AGM-78 they got modified for it 

as for the LORAN cockpit i think it is mostly a change in the rear cockpit by adding the LORAN control panel


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14 minutes ago, daddyairplanes said:


again, i havent seen in flight pics of Ds with Shrikes or Standard ARMs. was especially looking for them in Spangdahlem in the late 70s thinking there might be an earlier version of the hunter/killer teams like in the 80s. no dice tho

yap , i only have pictures from F-4C with AGM-45 but no D´s , and no pictures yet from EF-4D with AGM-78 even though this aircraft was set to carry them

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well of course the EF-4D got mod'd for it.  but then they were un modded and the equipment loaded into the Gs

make you wonder tho if there were a handful of Ds that could carry STARM in the 80s tho....

gotcha on the ARN. i thought there might be some pilot displays but that makes sense. double down on that for the EF-4C, which is why i didnt even ask about that

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1 minute ago, ravenclaw_007 said:

yap , i only have pictures from F-4C with AGM-45 but no D´s , and no pictures yet from EF-4D with AGM-78 even though this aircraft was set to carry them

my next hunt is to see if there were any instances of Shrikes inboard and out board, so far it only seems to be inboard with wing tanks

in a defense of Germany scenario, i dont think they would need the wing tanks, so Shrike and CBU seems more likely than

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