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Do stock planes have extra animations?

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Hi, I'm new to the game and I noticed the extra animation buttons. I noticed that many mod planes here do have them do something, but not the stock planes to what I've noticed. Is that normal? Do no stock planes have anything linked to them?

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From what I remember not much. I don't know which planes do as I don't fly stock at all to be honest. Just go through the keys and maybe you'll find one. If not then don't inquire about modifying it so it has an animation, the result will start off a long diatribe on how TK doesn't care about the game anymore and that you can't access the models anyway to implement animations for that particular jet, and you're better off downloading a modded plane for the fancy stuff.

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there's a total of 10 animation slots available. Not all aircraft use them; all STOCK birds do NOT have a lot of manualy (ie: player) controled animations without going into the data ini and adding them (they're already there, mostly, just not turned on). AI onlys usually don't, other than canopies. But as they AI -- not needed unless made Player Flyable (tm)

Long story story short -- ain't worth messing with

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The stock F-100 Super Sabres have animated (though not used) landing light animations (AnimationID=10).


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13 hours ago, Funnyman said:

Hi, I'm new to the game and I noticed the extra animation buttons. I noticed that many mod planes here do have them do something, but not the stock planes to what I've noticed. Is that normal? Do no stock planes have anything linked to them?

Do you mean stuff like canopies lifting?

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The A-4C Skyhawk has a working Windscreenwiper... :biggrin: Although you have to spam the button if you want more than 1 cycle.

Edited by Nyghtfall
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By using mue's LOD Viewer linked below, you can open up the .ini file of any stock (or third party for that matter) aircraft / ground object / weapon / cockpit etc. model and see the animations that are built into the LOD in the bottom left of the tool


Edited by Jimbib
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6 hours ago, Nyghtfall said:

The A-4C Skyhawk has a working Windscreenwhiper... :biggrin:

It has a "mist" function!!!! LOL!!!

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Oh wow, a bit of a shame that they are so rare in general though. It sure would add more flavor if I could open the cockpit everytime.

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On 2/11/2025 at 12:53 PM, Nyghtfall said:

The A-4C Skyhawk has a working Windscreenwiper... :biggrin: Although you have to spam the button if you want more than 1 cycle.

I tried with both A-4C and still couldn't find a button for the windscreen wiper :(

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5 hours ago, Funnyman said:

I tried with both A-4C and still couldn't find a button for the windscreen wiper :(

The windshield wiper on the A-4C is in animation slot ID 8, you would need to add this into the A-4C data ini which can be extracted from the game's CAT files as a manual animation with a keystroke bound to it in the controls ini


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6 hours ago, Jimbib said:

The windshield wiper on the A-4C is in animation slot ID 8, you would need to add this into the A-4C data ini which can be extracted from the game's CAT files as a manual animation with a keystroke bound to it in the controls ini


Oh, so its not bound by default? Is there no stock plane at all in the game that has the animations "press and play"? that's a bit weird.

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2 hours ago, Funnyman said:

Oh, so its not bound by default? Is there no stock plane at all in the game that has the animations "press and play"? that's a bit weird.

If I'm honest it's been a while since I've checked the stock aircraft, but if you download a CAT extractor tool (either mue's, the official TW one or something similar) you will be able to extract an aircraft's *_data.ini file and have a check how the animations are set up... either automatic or manual control.

official Thirdwire SF2 tools:


Mue's toolbox:


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The answer is NO.

There are No animations, for player flyable aircraft set at the factory for use by the player.

Oddly, OTH, if you make the B57/Canberras, Beagle, B-52 flyable, you can open and close the bombay.

But, again, all animations MUST be added to you control ini, and always need to be cross checked via the aircraft data ini


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A: Does this aircraft has working animation? how it works?

As everyone mention above,  see the easy-step to check.

-  Open Mue's Lod viewer and "load"/open the aircraft you want.  (ex. "MiG-69A_Fullcum.ini")
-  Check on the lower left side of Lod viewer,. see if there is animations selection in there.  (Change value 0 to 9 o see how a part is animated).
-  Now go to your aircraft folder and open aircraftdata.ini  (ex. "MiG-69A_Fullcum_data.ini")
- On the notepad search "animationID= ,  SystemType= ,  InputName= , AnimationTime="  text. then you can see for example again, AnimationID=1 is related to landing gear movement, ID=2 is landing gear shock , =5 is for canopy etc. 
  each aircraft has it's own "mark". not all ID are the same, depend on how the "Kreator" animated each parts.  
- as Mr. Wrench mention above, there's max of 10 animation IDs.. not all aircraft using 'em, even some has none at all. (Some helos maybe has not, and / or UFO ).
- Many function of each animation IDs is working... Bomb / cargo bay, Canopy, Flaps, Landing gear, Engines, Nozzles, parachute/Airbrake/Speed brakes..
- If you not sure, DON"T mess all of those, some animations are "hidden" for a reason, and many should be animated are not animated. (Not all aircraft has canopy opening animation).

Welcome to the world of SF and C.A. take your time, learn here and there.. the more you plays the  many more questions you will ask. everyone here is always helpful. 

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