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Everything posted by russouk2004

  1. "Anything you can do" ....USAF Sec Of State..... RC-121D
  2. https://db0nus869y26v.cloudfront.net/en/R-40_(missile)
  3. Really good model....beats even FSX stuff...who needs FSX eh
  4. bing found loads of hits.. ie https://www.wikizero.com/www/R-40_(missile)
  5. good thing is it is also steerable by the same mesh as its in same co ords as the nosegear1 and if one is lost in accident other will follow lol... didnt realise so many crew in these connies...one crashed and it contained 32 people ...amazing...they all were ok btw...
  6. Fixed making dummy landing gear nosegear2 copied main strut damper and axles...made them 1 poly shrunk poly to minute...added clear.tga set to opacity 0 and added as dummy gear .dont think game likes wheels angled.. also wheels sunk in tarmac...its ok from side low view,I think it cos runways are not exactly ground level( i know its not possible...) might play with size of wheels a tad
  7. new wheels...xform reset before rotating etc so pivots fine...but in max and mues viewer its fine as in pic left...but in game it looks like pic right...weird...cant use change orienrtation method as wheelnodes are seperate...ideas?.. WheelNodeName001=NoseTyre01 WheelNodeName002=NoseTyre02 RotationAxis=X-Axis RollingRadius=0.438
  8. Pointless having slow and fast prop meshes...only slow shows even at max rpm....looked at a few a\c and same... anyways...only odd thing is front right wheel slants to right not left and will not fking move lol...looks like need make new ones. is it just the fast and slow rpm settings that enable them ? so far...flies ok.
  9. saves me a job ed m8...looking good so far
  10. Yes m8 its on the virtavia freeware site I got it. all have this readme...which is good. when importing they take some work as most if not all meshes are seperated....you have to weld every mesh as most polys seperate....and as they use subobjects in a lot...you have to attach and weld a lot of bits...like the fuselage on the connie was two halves and each side had own map....had to fit them on one texture...scale down the meshes by 50% and realign them on mapping\texture....luckily this one was just the fuselage....engines werent too good as they map from sides..so had to remap as cylinder wrap...luckily they flattened out just fine. theres quite a bit of work with converting,but its fun...I import as an .FLT as this keeps the local settings of pivots for ailerons flaps etc...and parts like gears too sometimes...saving you time in aligning pivots etc.annoying sometimes but well worth it.for some models we need.
  11. Heres others in pack. certified freeware btw .
  12. Models all done...had to redo fuselage as it was mapped using subobjects...fuse had two textures so now it has one...a lot of parts like engines too...so cylinder mapped them and they came out ok...texture was not placed well,now it is...also was mapped wierd on the fs9 version...engines now can be different camo as before they were same... to do...prop textures...co-ords etc....then data etc...hopefully ready for w\e did look for paint kit but doesnt seem to be one...so skins might be rare....but some of the others might work....in the freeware pack are this model...the US Navy EC121K Warning Star also USAF EC-121R...L-049 BOAC ,ALPHA Constellation L-1049C ALPHA Constellation L-1049G TWA ALPHA Constellation RC-121D all are different models...but might be able to edit this one as they arent that much different...meshes are easy to move etc..
  14. There are new cockpits for the F16 made by member here,why not ask if you may have copy of it to use....I did for the model im working on using F16 pit as russian copied version.... cant recal who made the pits but just ask im sure the creator will help. you can animate parts of pilots too...I did in the DC3 cockpit..making feet move with rudder pedals.hawk pit and others.
  15. Also decals for the u2`s...2 non ss are CIA nearest camera and the far one is 9th Recon wing at Beale AFB...the ss version taking off ,S/R is decaled for 9th RW at Osan AB...
  16. Did a tut on chutes in pinned area Flogger m8....chute animated with vertices and use a controller mesh to move and scale... I am led to believe this is a freeware version of the Yak-52...its done but im researching its pedigree to ensure its 100% NOT pirated if I release it...so it may or may not see light of day,..im tempted though to make one if it fails muster as its awesome.....took a lot of work to sort but I think its worth it...looks a stunner if im honest...really like this a\c...keep fingers crossed....The paint kit is listed and in freeware section at Virtavia..(Formerly Alphasim) so ok to use the textures...
  17. to do this...use mues lod viewer to see what meshes are what etc....then you can hide or move parts ....add parts using fake pilot method...there are tips on adding parts somewheres in KB and this section.. or use 3d programme like 3ds max or blender to make new ones. you can simulate it but unless they move in 3d model ...you cant.
  18. What is this plane?

  19. Summat to keep kev happy...nice model...will complete it next...
  20. U-2s and the non SS version (CIA) and RAF flown... Converted from the Freeware Alphasim 3ds model pack...Few tweaks to sort before ready... COPYRIGHT INFORMATION These files are freeware. Please amend/distribute as you see fit. They are unsupported, so please do not e-mail us if you have problems. Under no circumstances may these files be sold or uploaded to a payware site or any kind of illegal warez site. All rights reserved - ALPHA SIMULATIONS 2004 WWW.ALPHASIM.CO.UK alphasim1@alphasim.co.uk
  21. usually doesnt show if you select one thats not in ur effects folder....or typo.

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