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Everything posted by russouk2004

  1. These were a task I can tell you... 737-800 nose and main gears.
  2. When 1st looked at su-34 ..the gears put me off as too much work just on making them and animating them...night mare....Ive got to do the gears on the Douglas destroyer they are crazy too.
  3. looking good..nose lumpy ?ed try making fuselages from boxes...and meshsmooth rather than turbosmooth....heres a rectangle (green)right and cylinder.....cyl turbosmoothed and box with meshsmooth quads...you get a better finish....and not so many lumpy areas...also the green box is lower poly count...nearly half.
  4. A Christmas to Remember

    or forget lol... happy new year all...hopefully
  5. some reason decs go weird...took ages trying to see what wrong...turns out nothing...seems lod viewer having a bad day weird....decs fine in game..
  6. I try...lol...only use viewer to do align decs etc....doing the decs for this and altering stock skins to be able to use decals..so can release it..
  7. All British Airways 747`s are being scrapped...apart from one or two.....sign of the times...crazy...sad to see these iconic birds go...
  8. Think you need add them to types list
  9. BF110G4 R2...Hauptman Peter Spoden... Reason why im doing his a\c is...saw him on D-Day and the Dambusters....he shot down in one evening 7 lancs.....intervied he was crying over the men that died...he said he tried always to shoot down a\c so crew would survive....what a gentleman...moved by his interview....so in respect to peter did his a\c....
  10. yeah....looks like whoever made it made error mapping top port wing..a lot of converted models have mapping same mesh for multi meshes like the stabs too..insides have same mapping
  11. this pic shows the different items m8 spoilers slats flaperons etc etc
  12. 3 probably rudder 4 probably elevator...vice versa 4 is rudder 3 is the elvator 1 and 6 ailerons 2 and 5 flaperons but probably set them as flaps I would. (flap and aileron combined) stabilizer is what the decals are on ( flag)
  13. The problem is you set counter to zero at first set it to 1....just click auto move counter to 1 and then move to 10 then rotate part no need click the key icon...
  14. Rivets I use 1 pixel black and for highlight overlap a white pixel.....or 4 etc and overlap white with the black rivet layer...like on the wing pic...and alter transparency to suit.. photoshop you can get lines of dots for rivets and theres brushes out there peopl e have made of panel lines...you click start then finish line and up they pop.. or like fuselage if high res you can do better rivets..(round raised or sunken etc)
  15. Hungarian G4 circa 1942 ish..
  16. in case you needed..also rotation is x is weapon angle - is front end down + is up y is looking from front.......- and + is weapon rotated thru its lenght z is looking from front......- or + is weapon angled left or right from centre horizontally
  17. Situation is bad, video games wise

    Im a Cod fan.....playing Modern Warfare and Black ops 5,as I hadnt played Bo5 since came out as was playing WW2 and Black ops 4...(loved 4)
  18. All speculation is...pointless...TK stated there wont be any add ons etc just updated to better support win10 and newer gfx drivers....probably taking so long as they are probably just rtyng to update the basics and not stuff thats not connected to the shaders or whatever....he stated there wont be new dlc or new planes etc..
  19. ask the guy for royalty money lol
  20. lol ...im going through stuff atm and hope to release 3 packs T-34A and B Mentor, the Bf109F and the Cessna T-50..
  21. have you got nvidia drivers?...if so ...unlimited effects are working now as they have been with drivers for at least 4 last versions.
  22. yeah was summat I added later with fine details..

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