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Everything posted by Sheriff

  1. Atlantic Fleet - the CombatAce review

    This is the game I've been looking forward to for years. Got it two days ago and it IS addictive for sure. All of the above is true. Great action above and below surface. U-Boat play is great once you get the right "switchology" sequence down. German glide bombs are ship killers!
  2. For a bit more of a challenge fly an intentional "bolter" approach. Make landing without lowering tail hook . As you hit deck select burner and go around again. Don't just shoot for a "touch and go " . Fly like you plan to trap and just leave hook up.
  3. AVIA-S199 "SAIF"

    This looks great but guns don't operate . In SF2 WW2 Europe they work fine . In SF2 WOI the guns show up in load-out menu and in flight but do not operate. I made sure the gun pods and guns were in WOI weapons and guns folders. What am I missing?
  4. There is a series of download missions for attacks on Tirpitz as both attacker and defender on Mission 4 Today website. One of the downloads included several types player aircraft missions . Some include only one mission. Tons of flak and interepting Fw-190s and depiction of Tirpitz at pier side is very good.
  5. SF2 Korea Terrain (V3)

    Korea3 terrain is the one terrain I can't get to work. After selecting Korea3 terrain for mission the game crashes at the 80% loading point.The file release says it requires patch to July2012 only. I'm trying to run it in dedicated Korea mod created form SF2NA exe. that is current through July 2013. Is that the problem or could it be something else.? In the terrain file, the Korea3 ini. points to the GermanyCE map as follows " CatFile=..\GermanyCE\GermanyCE.cat . Thanks,
  6. True you only have 2 AIM-9s in load out but that's what makes it interesting. I like air-air engagements where I'm in the "less capable" aircraft. A-7 doe not have the speed but I find it's a pretty solid angles fighter compared to early Mig-21s. Plus it's not as twitchy as the F-8. For engagements in SF2Vietnam I like being jumped by Migs during the egress . In bound ..that's a different story. In SF2NA, I leave the dogfighting to the escorts unless I really have no choice but to engage .
  7. This all looks great but the Korea3 terrain is the one terrain I can't get to work. The original file release said it required patch to July2012 only. I'm trying to run it in dedicated Korea mod created form SF2NA exe. that is current through July 2013. Is that the problem or could it be something else. The Korea3 ini. points to the GermanyCE map as follows " CatFile=..\GermanyCE\GermanyCE.cat " Thanks
  8. TSF Saab 37 Viggen(*) Flygvapnet Package

    Looks great BUT ......by DAT ...You mean that next to impossible access A-Team design team site?
  9. Lately when I replay a saved track in IL-2 ,enemy a/c being engaged do not appear so it looks like I'm just shooting into blank space. Plus track shows me crashing when I actually landed. Any ideas what might be the issue.? Thanks,
  10. Thanks 33. I used in-game record feature and that seems to work O.K.
  11. I saw this screenshot posted by Dunois. I sent him a note asking what SF package gives you so much airbase action. I suspect this was a composite image using in game screenshot and added graphics but If any one can provide that information that would be great. I know YAP has that for carriers but where does this come from? http://combatace.com/gallery/?module=images&section=img_ctrl&img=31425&file=max
  12. Thanks for your quick feedback. I suspected that was the case.
  13. Mirage IIIC end of mission

    Really cool! What mod / DLC package are you using to get so much action at base?
  14. Yes. As stated rename the new version's main folder, then edit data and config ini.files and you will see new and baseline versions available in game.
  15. F-14s & AIMVAL/ACEVAL

    We produced that series of videos at Northrop Grumman in 2011-2012 time frame. The old video segments describing ACEVAL/AIMVAL are available in a disc from Amazon that also includes ACM and Tomcat videos. Interesting footnote: During F-14D development cycle, Dave Kratz and Jim Baskerville who appear in this series were the test program air crew (Navy Flight Test Manager /Pilot and Grumman Flight Test Conductor) . Those were the days!!
  16. You can get lost in this site for hours. Wide collection of illustrations, photos and IL-2 skins. http://www.asisbiz.com/il2.html Good source for Luftwaffe: http://luftwaffeinprofile.se/
  17. Open Taiwan terrain data ini. file. Scroll down to the entry that shows latitude and longitude. Swap the values and chances are that will fix problem.
  18. More detailed realistic carrier operations that include: 1) Landing Aids /LSO simulation 2) Detailed Mission Planning Options with ability to select weapons and aircraft for entire strike package if desired. 3) Realistic carrier movement An ACMI range capability with Top Gun / Weapons School type engagements that don't require destroying opponent. Would include debrief/track review . Mission track recording is a must. One thing I really like in IL-2 / COD/ ROF etc. and miss in SF series (IMO that's game with best visual environment modeling and track recording would be great) Options for switching between Pilot/RIO/WSO or flying whole mission as RIO/WSO/EWO.(This requires better AI control of aircraft when not flying pilot position.) Some games already have this but include/retain ability to fly different aircraft assignments other than flight/squadron lead.
  19. Yes, Yubba, those all glass cockpit versions, including the "Super Kurnass" do the avionics homework for you but your approach makes for a good looking transitional / evolutionary aircraft. I've been using a modified F-4N with F/A-18 cockpit avionics and weapons capabilities but this makes for a more accurate layout and retains F-4 canopy. Thanks again.
  20. Very Cool !!! However gun sight pipper would not show up until I edited the [Gunsight Front]section of Cockpit ini. to reflect the same entry in the F-15 cockpit file that I used. [GunsightFront] HasGunsight=TRUE GunsightMilSize=50 GunsightName=F-4N_sight.tga LeadComputing=TRUE MinLeadRange=300 MaxLeadRange=1300 DefaultLeadRange=500 MaxDepression=280 DefaultDepression=50 Changed to: [GunsightFront] HasGunsight=TRUE GunsightMilSize=50 GunsightName=HUD\F-15c_sight.tga GunsightRollTabsName= GunsightRangeBarName=HUD\F-15c_rangebar.tga RangeBarOrientation=6TO12 RangeBarHasGunRange=TRUE RangeBarUseWeaponRange=FALSE RangeBarMax=6096.0 RangeBarMin=914.4 RangeBarMaxGun=2032.1 RangeBarMinGun=304.8 LeadComputing=TRUE MinLeadRange=300 MaxLeadRange=1300 DefaultLeadRange=300 MaxDepression=245 DefaultDepression=0 Many Thanks,
  21. Out of clear blue, ordnance started to show as slightly detached detached from aircraft. I suspected it was a corrupt LOD file. So I reconstructed the aircraft ( a modified F-5 with F-20 avionics and weapons capabilities) from the F-5 Sharknose download and that solved the problem. Was there an easier way to fix that problem?
  22. Thanks , Wrench. Yes I had changed weapons items in data ini. But only "AllowedWeaponClass " and"AttachmentType" entries. In any case, I'll keep your comments in mind when I make similar changes in future.

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