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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. EricJ: there's a newer version of The Range available, now with water features! (lol!) Just so you know ========== Required Screenshot: RVAH-5, inbound
  2. Damn, I hope things are ok Ant!! I was in and out most of last for an -attempted- kidney stone removal (13.1mm - I can provide pictures if anyone wants to see it) that they couldn't get. Back and forth to the ER several times as the "outlet tube" had swollen shut or got blocked. Had to be catheteriezed and wore a bag and tube for several days. Not an experience I would wish on anyone. Especially the insertion and removal. And they still need to go back in at some time to get the f*cking stone!! ===== The other thing I was remembering about airfields, is even with crossing runway, the game only allows for 1 active. So the others are just eye candy. But putting dispersals around them is a good idea Torno seems to be showing us Kamhauber (sp?) towers
  3. yes, as has been said thousands of times before, SF1 is deader than the dinosaurs. move on
  4. View File SF2 Atlas Impala Mk.II by Marcfighters V2 = For SF2, Any/All (Full 5 Merged RECCOMENDED!) = This is the release of Marcfighters Atlas Impala Mk.2, single seat COIN/Attack jet as used by the South African Air Force. This aircraft has/had languished for a considerable amount of time in that "hangar of forgotten & unfinished mods". I hope that this will correct that. This mod represents the Atlas Impala MK2, single seat attack jets. The mod uses all stock 3W weapons (which may need further research/adjustments). 25 all new historically correct SAAF serial number decals are included, and Randomization is TRUE These decals are used for both included skins. This is the SAAF -ONLY-, non exported version. No user list was created; the aircraft is single nation only. There are 2 skins, and "Early" and "Late"; the late uses the SF2-date switch and starts in 1982 When in-game, you'll see Atlas Impala MK.II (MB-326K SAAF) on the aircraft drop down selection panel. As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. The Uploader takes NO credit for the aircraft itself, only for those edits and adjustment to get it more in compliance with the SF2 Environment (tm). See "Notes" section for full change log and other VERy important statements. = Please Note: is models is released "AS IS". Anything that cannot be corrected/adjusted via ini edits will remain so for all time = Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein ** Important Note: if you install this to the Angola Mod, be advised that there exists an aircraft named Impala Mk.II. This should NOT conflict with it, but you may have some editing to do, as theirs is labeled "Stand In". It is not advised to just drop this one into that mod without further editing. ** UPDATED: 3/7/2019 "Early" skin has been repainted to remove national markings. All have now been replaced with decals. sf2_atlas_impala-mk2_v2_pack.7z Submitter Wrench Submitted 03/04/2019 Category Other Origin  
  5. Don't forget the Star Trek mod FastCargo did for 1stGens. (based loosely off "Tommorrow is Yesturday". I had to build him a MidWest map centered on Omaha for that one. Should still be in the d/l section someplace. IIRC, FC's Super Secret Mission or something...
  6. There's no need for a mod manager, as trotski just said, you simply create a new mods folder via an exe copy/rename. Couldn't be easier.
  7. Moved to the proper Forum. Why it was originally posted in the Sci-Fi/What If is beyond me. In the future, TRY and pay attention as to which forum you post in. ========================================================= You wouldn't have white tracers, espeically on Russian aircraft. They have always used green. More than likely, you've installed something improperly. I would delete EVERYTHING, to make sure you're "clean". Then, MAKE SURE YOU READ THE ENCLOSED READ ME FOR THE MOD, IN CASE YOU MISSED A STEP OR REQUIRE SOMETHING EXTRA, AND START OVER. That's just my advice
  8. when we get 'round to it. Baff was working on a updated FM, some months ago, but Real Life (tm) intervened. Be paitent
  9. Version 1.0.0


    SF2 VF-114 F-4B (65) Phantom Skin/Decal Pack by Mytai 9/4/2019 = For SF2 (Any & All, Full-5 Merged Prefered) and/or SF2:V = *Can be used in any install that has access to the F-4B_65 which is stock in all merged installs, excepting SF2:I (well, actually it's probably there as well!). This a new build of Mytai01's 1stGen skin for VF-114 Aardvarks durning 1965/66 Southeast Asia cruise about USS Kittyhawk as part of CVW-11 (tail code NH). This is within the time frame of the camo experiments the USN was conduction, as many of the aircraft aboard were using this 2-tone green camo. Records seem to indicate VF-114 did not. The aircraft remains in the standard Gull Gray/White scheme. With this skin set, you should have all the strike/fighter/attack aircraft of CVW-11 for this cruise. The skin is in jpg format, 2048x, from Sundowner's templates. Mytai's original decal have been 'refershed' to remove any oddites or edge 'ghosting'. Decal randomization is TRUE. Also included, within the skin folder, are all of Mytai's original research material that came with the 1stGen Package. This includes photos and other text files. Also included are slightly modified data and loadout ini that correct a few little faults. Wingfold and canopy are now manually activated, using the Standard Animations Keystrokes (tm); shift/9 for wings, shift/0 (zero) for canopy. Lighting has been tweeked so the wing lights follow the wing when folding/unfolding. A landing light and the 3 approach lights have also been added (see "Notes" for more details). When in-game, on the Loadout Screen, on the skin selection dropdown you'll see: VF-114 Aardvarks 65 (Mytai) As the Aardvarks are a unit listed in the stock squadron list ini, decals are set to make the displayed name active. As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them .... New Version Uploaded 10/2/2019: Fixed typo in decals ini
  10. loss of personal control of the product. nuff said
  11. That "issue" was introduced in one of the patches, iirc, before NA was released. That and the 'no longer can expand the border' from the 80km Wall to further out. Fucked up a LOT of terrains. I haven't played the CBI map in quite a while or the (really old and messed up) Himalya terrain, but I do remember cloud issues with them as well around the high mountains, post patch.
  12. the flak towers are on the EAW Euro WW2 terrian. As you all know, -I- should know. Truth be told, there are NO stock runways that come very close to any of the WW2 fields. Some of the larger bomber bases DID use something like the Runway4, but with differing buildings (like lots of Q-huts) Like Niels and Baff said, building airfields is a fucking nightmare (and I did most of my work waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay before Mue's TAE). === the easiest and simplest way is a simple copy/paste of the old airfield target area with the new target area statements. MAKE DOUBLE DAMN SURE YOU BACKUP UP THE TARGETS INI BEFORE MESSING WITH IT!! And that the tiling supports the "clear tile" airfield zones.
  13. Well, at least the Vulcan is here...
  14. Version 1.0.0


    SF2 A-4C(65) VA-113 'Stingers' Camo Skin Pack 9/4/2019 -For SF2, Any and All (Full Merged Reccomended) This is a new skin for the A-4C_65 Skyhawk, representing VA-113 "Stingers" during their Oct 1965-June 1966 deployment in South East Asia aboard USS Kitty Hawk. They were painted in an experimental 2-tone green camoflague, as were many other aircraft of CVW-11 at this time. The skin is in jpg format, in 2048x, from Nyghtfall's templates. 12 95% historically accurate Bunum decals are included. Decal randomization is TRUE. On the number list, those marked with a star (*) represent a combat or operational loss. The single number marked with the cross (+) is "best guess", as the squadron listing did =NOT= have a BuNum for A/C 305. The SF2 Date switch is NOT used; you will have to select this skin for each member of you flight. When in-game, on the aircraft selection drop down, Skin selection window you'll see: VA-113 (Camo 1965-66) As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein
  15. stary hasn't worked in the community for quite some time ... so, not likely to happen. Also, if you'll notice, the thread is from 2013?? So... there you go
  16. Sad story, but glad you got it fixed. Honestly, I wasn't even away the fan is/was a 'user servicable' part. It just never occured to me!
  17. remember the BSG episode with Apollo floating around in space? That's why you have a self-contained system (ie: Pressure suit with air and etc. Of course, in THIS game, you'll probably just die Don't forget Russ new Angel interceptor! (now we'll need, Swifts, Eagles and Hawks, too....more work for the 3d guys!) OPA!! OPA!!! Remember the Cant!!! Free Mars (with purchase of Ceres or Eros)
  18. Maybe Barsoom will be next??? (how to do those ochre color sea beds....??? and the cities...as Burroghs described...hmmmm)
  19. might want to check with NASA on that one ... I've seen dozens of images from the rovers and other landers, and from obit, of clouds on Mars
  20. View File SF2 A-4C(65) VA-113 'Stingers' Camo Skin Pack SF2 A-4C(65) VA-113 'Stingers' Camo Skin Pack 9/4/2019 -For SF2, Any and All (Full Merged Reccomended) This is a new skin for the A-4C_65 Skyhawk, representing VA-113 "Stingers" during their Oct 1965-June 1966 deployment in South East Asia aboard USS Kitty Hawk. They were painted in an experimental 2-tone green camoflague, as were many other aircraft of CVW-11 at this time. The skin is in jpg format, in 2048x, from Nyghtfall's templates. 12 95% historically accurate Bunum decals are included. Decal randomization is TRUE. On the number list, those marked with a star (*) represent a combat or operational loss. The single number marked with the cross (+) is "best guess", as the squadron listing did =NOT= have a BuNum for A/C 305. The SF2 Date switch is NOT used; you will have to select this skin for each member of you flight. When in-game, on the aircraft selection drop down, Skin selection window you'll see: VA-113 (Camo 1965-66) As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Submitter Wrench Submitted 09/06/2019 Category A-4  
  21. I'd just paint the warnings onto the skin; maybe even insignias as well. That removes a shitload of extra junk. As an example, look at the F-4 skins based off Sundowner's templates; all the warnings and stuff are painted on
  22. already posted this https://combatace.com/forums/topic/93773-an-important-message-from-3rd-wire/?tab=comments#comment-758482
  23. via TK's FB post.. Don't seem to be BS to me! Ok, all you good people, time to step up https://fundrazr.com/31YZNe?ref=ab_27t5azWNPVI27t5azWNPVI

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