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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. The Corona Virus Thread

    100% agree. It seems all levels of govt dropped the ball. From the top down. I'm actually starting to wonder if/when nation-wide martial law will be declared. shut down ALL unecessary inter-state and international travel (ie: airlines). Breaking up of illegal gatherings (lots of those with masses of unmasked and un-distanced morons going on here in SoCal --re: Kurt Cameron), placing said participants in a holding facility (of some kind -- an empty warehouse?-- lock them in and wait. It really saddens me, and I should have know better; 2.5 million years of primate evolution has led to ... us. Not enough sense to come in out the plague.
  2. note to self: make cockpit ini for Raz's available for use on Veltro's. I wanted to do that before, but just plane forgetted!
  3. the game generates the parked aircraft automatically, via the Options/GroundObjects/setting extracting each airfield ini and raising the ParkedChange= to 100 will (ok, should!) create more parked birds. It also causes overlap issues with the larger aircraft (c-130s and up, including any add-on transports & bombers) why it's not doing it in campaigns, which should be using the same in-game setting for objects is something I don't know the why of!
  4. so ... let me get this straight ... THIS aircraft is a copy of an illegal converson??? Making it a second party after the fact of the theft as well??? If this is true, it and any mods for it shouldn't be hosted here at CA. A blatent violation of our anti-piracy policy
  5. which mark? -2? -3? -4? remember, there's nothing we can do about the physical model. All we can do is ini edits. it's possible of 2 things: cat "throw" set too high (which REALLY shouldn't be fucked with for a myriad of reasons) landing gear structrual strength too low. don't forget, for KAW, there's the new one Veltro & I released a couple of months ago. May not catch the wire, but it takes a cat shot, and has no shadow issues
  6. and painting out the markings on the skin, and just using decals for the insignia isn't an option??? Unless there's more mesh problems causing decal bleeds??
  7. The Corona Virus Thread

    Well, as some of you may have seen on the news, things in California, expecially SoCal, have gotten much worse. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/los-angeles-mayor-countywide-emergency-042215116.html as of this morning (or was it Friday?) 11 SoCal counties are at 0% remaining ICU capacity. Will this fucking shit never end???
  8. See, I KNEW it had to be something simple!!! glad you got it working!!
  9. aahhhmm... just wish it went further west and north. and Canal is --- not as good as I'd like
  10. we're not worthy!!! that Ouragon be looking good, brother!
  11. that'll never work!!! It only sees things, as you've found out, in the mods folder. There has to be a step missed here someplace...I just don't know what it is!
  12. Pasko's Ouragon has many glitches **. The aileron fix with the decal was the only way I could find. Yes, iirc Enoc was working on one. But given how thing are, I don't think it'll be ready for quite some time. Shoot, he hasn't finished the Su's and it's been over 7 years now??? ** as does every single one of his aircraft - there's always some annoying thing mis-mapped meshes, open meshes (decal bleeds), etc.
  13. are you wanting this to be a SEPERATE VN mod folder??? Or are you applying this directly OVER the pre-existing SF2V mods folder?? IIRC, it needs it's own stand along mods folder, named uniquely different from the stock or garden variety one. Which also means a uniquely named exe. Try this: When doing the copy/paste of the SF2V.exe -- DON'T FORGET TO RENAME IT SOMETHING DIFFERENT FROM THE STOCK ONE!!!!!! (try: SF2V-AGExpn fer example) Then, run it to create the mods folder. Go in and test fly a mission. Exit out. then and only then, install the AG expansion mod to only this specific folder. Let us know how that works
  14. Situation is bad, video games wise

    And apparently, Star Wars: Squadrons is Win10 only. I can't afford a new comp just for a (ok, ONE) game
  15. parked aircraft are generated by the airfleid ini for each one. It's also controlled by the "Ground Objects" section in your graphics setting. Set it to "Unlimited"
  16. Shadow in the Cloud

    you know, right?? also, having been inside 2 actual B-17s, I don't remember them being so roomy !!
  17. I'd like to torpedo Bill Gates sometimes ... (using a IJN torp, as ours sucked) I assume, like 7, there's a way to turn of "auto updates?" on 10.
  18. The Corona Virus Thread

    All this idoicy just pisses me off. I mean, seriously, I just want to wade into some of the fucks with machine guns and swords. The human gene pool needs a good flushing. Last night, our city health director broke down in tears giving the most recent death toll and infection count here in Los Angeles https://news.yahoo.com/la-county-deaths-milestone-leaves-003021467.html It all makes me wonder if our civilization is worth saving ... just let it all fall and let the cockroaches start over. Einstein was right, in his statement on human stupidity.
  19. what a fascinating idea!! Looking forward to see how this come out!
  20. there as several threads here about SF2 and Winge10. (still staying with 7 until the machine blows up!! --also, can't afford a new one!!)
  21. one of the best scenes in a Bogie movie!!

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