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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. that's the only one there is. the DAT site is not dead, it just requires "special permission, members only access". Instructions are on the first page, iirc. good luck with that!
  2. it's a 7z file ... and i just checked it again, and downloaded it myself. in fact, here's the zip attached -- it's all 3 of the 3W utilities. otto: hmmm! I was sure somebody (maybe fubar) had written a tut on it. 3rdWireTools-april-2012.7z
  3. I'd first start off here, mind you not everything is in the SF2 Knowledge Base, https://combatace.com/forums/forum/268-thirdwire-strike-fighters-2-series-knowledge-base/ so you might want to give the SF1 KB a once over as well (just for grins). many things in there are still applicable https://combatace.com/forums/forum/99-thirdwire-strike-fighters-knowledge-base/ then download and install this: mue's extractor is better than the stock 3W one. you might need to fiddle with it a bit, to learn how it works. You'll only be needing to use the extractor function. IIRC, there's a read me. If not you can always get the 3rd Wire one. you shouldn't need to worry about the gun and weapons editor -- they really don't do much in a drag and drop folderized SF2 give those a shot yakarov's helos are worth the work
  4. so, extracting the soundlist.ini from the flightdata cat, placing it in the /Flight folder (make one if you need one), and adding the sound statements is too much work??? well, do what you think is best
  5. add low-intellegence AI statement to the data ini???? (they should already have AI statement, ie: dogfight) backup the data ini, and replace the AI Data with this: [AIData] TakeOffRotationAngle=10.0 MaxPitchCombat=35.0 MaxPitchForAltitude=13.0 MinAIQuality=Green MaxAIQuality=Veteran [DogfightGreen] MaxCannonRange=800 OptimalCannonRange=300 MinCannonRange=50 MaxRollForGunAttack=180 CannonBurstLengthShort=0.5 CannonBurstLengthLong=1.75 MaxRudderForGunAttack=0.09 MaxRudderForManeuver=0.25 [DogfightNovice] LookoutAngle=270 DefensiveAngle=120 ChanceDefensiveTurn=75 ChanceBreakTurn=100 ChanceHardTurn=100 ChanceTurnDirection=100 ChanceContinue=25 ChanceCheckNewTarget=50 ChanceUseVertical=100 FightWithoutAmmo=1 MaxCannonRange=1000 OptimalCannonRange=300 MinCannonRange=50 MaxRollForGunAttack=180 CannonBurstLengthShort=0.5 CannonBurstLengthLong=1.75 MaxRudderForGunAttack=0.09 MaxRudderForManeuver=0.25 [DogfightVeteran] LookoutAngle=270 DefensiveAngle=120 ChanceDefensiveTurn=75 ChanceBreakTurn=100 ChanceHardTurn=100 ChanceTurnDirection=100 ChanceContinue=25 ChanceCheckNewTarget=50 ChanceUseVertical=100 FightWithoutAmmo=1 MaxCannonRange=800 OptimalCannonRange=300 MinCannonRange=50 MaxRollForGunAttack=180 CannonBurstLengthShort=0.5 CannonBurstLengthLong=1.75 MaxRudderForGunAttack=0.09 MaxRudderForManeuver=0.25 pretty much all you can, or limit it to GREEN for MAXAI. The NKs weren't very well trained in the beginning
  6. Top Gun 2020

    there's another one I saw on FB with the "flying weenie", someone was asking Mav why he's never been promoted ... cut to sky penis!! LOL!!
  7. it's a simple matter to rename that item to something else, and NOT use it as a runway -- it's just a simple flat piece of concrete. How do you thing I added all the parking spaces and other things on the Forest Bowl and (Modern) Hawaii map?? Use them NOT as a runway!!
  8. going along with that, you can replace objects and they won't wander (for a displaces -non n/s runway). For instance, you want to replace those crappy stock hangers with Stary's. Obviously, you add them to the _types, and then just replace the (named object) with the new one. CAVEAT: Stary's hangars orientation is 180 degs from the stock ones; so if it's supposed to face west, change the facing to east (from 270 to 90).
  9. the one thing I could never get right for ZG & KGs. I used to have a chart that stated "what went with who", but lost the damn thing, and can't find the site I got from (and not even in any of my ww2 LW books either!!)
  10. what direction (heading) is the runway???? Airfields MUST be in a north/south orientation when adding objects. THEN, you can rotate it to the proper heading. Trust me on this!!! meaning: if runway heading is 270, in the targets ini, move back to 0 (north). Add objects and such. (and I would also test in-game to make sure they're there) Then, rotate the runway heading BACK to 270. Doing this "drags" all the objects all with the runway, keeping their positions & offsets correct.
  11. nice stuff any chances of finishing off the A3 Skywarrior series?
  12. Snoopy for First Eagles

    LOVE IT!!!!
  13. Alex Trebek of 'Jeopardy!' dies at 80.

    one of the best game show hosts, a staple of nightly TV in THIS house forever!! (i'm old enough to even remember Art Flemming as host ages ago...) S! Mr. Trebek!!
  14. their archive is still available??????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????????????
  15. 2020 could be worse, "The Day After" & "Threads."

    i've been advocating to bring back the monarchy for some time, but nobody's listening...
  16. Version


    SF2 Lockheed F-80C/RF-80C/T-33A Shooting Stars Pak by ErikGen (Ver.2) = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = Ammended: 36th FBS skin now has the correct national markings! This package contains 3 completly new aircraft for SF2. As there are some 1stGen versions available, you'll most likely want to delete the old Pasko versions, if you have them, from your SF2 installs. *Note: as these aircraft were built with the latest 3W exporter, they will most likely =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen Installs* Aircraft included, and skins are: F-80C: 35th FBS, 8th FBG 36th FBS, 8th FBG 80th FBS, 8th FBG - Korea, 1950/51ish 'Generic' USAF (represents 416th FG circa 1948*) RF-80C: 45th TRS, Korea T-33A: 'Generic' USAF Football City AF (a 'What If' skin for fans of "The Wingman" series*) While designed with the Korean War in mind, they are easily used in any 'early jet' scenario. All skins are in DDS format. Decal randomization is set to TRUE for all skins. The 8th FBGs 3 squadrons have 95% historicaly accurate serial numbers. The 416th skin has 'semi-hisorical' serials (meaning they ARE for F-80Cs), and all the nose arts from the original release for Pasko's F-80C. The RF-80 and T-33 have 'generic' serials, but reflect actual aircraft, though no squadron affiliation was discoverable. Drop tanks for all are 'built in' to the aircraft lod; weapons data inis included, as are the pilot figures and seat. Bombs and rockets are NOT included; they're in the GunnyPak, and the soon-to-be-released KAW Weapons pak. The canopy for all is controlled via the standard Animations Keystroke ™, Shift/0 Happy Hunting! wrench kevin stein *you all KNOW how much I hate wasting good decals!!! <grin> Updated: corrected 36th FBS skin
  17. rule of thumb for SF2 series games: if the folder does not exist, CREATE one. (covered in the Knowledge Base, most likely, under "What Is the Mods Folder")
  18. just think of each exe as it's own game, BUT with everything available from all others. Each mods folder is a seprete game sort of. But because each exe (SF2, SF2NA, SF2JoeMamma, etc) has access to the same core files each and every mods folder will have the totality of all within itself. Now, if one wishes to pare it down; say removing USAF, USN and RAF/FAA aircraft from SF2I so they don't bother you when flying Arab Isreali wars, you can simply delete those aircraft folder. Just like we do for the various WW2 mods folders. However ... the odds of unwanted visitors are lessened by the aircraft user list and the terrains' linted nation list (only allowed nations are ....) As to the merging question: it's automatic. You can't do anything about it. All 5 games (7 with the expansion packs) are merged as soon as you run the install exe.
  19. 2020 could be worse, "The Day After" & "Threads."

    definately remember Special Bulletin -- saw it's original TV broadcast. I know i've seen Looking Glass, but can't remember when!! russ: why I'm praying for a 20 km asteroid .... it'd be quicker and cleaner
  20. ok, where did the YB-40s come from??? ---------- required screenshot -- Pelican's roosting
  21. 2020 could be worse, "The Day After" & "Threads."

    Don't forget "By Dawns Early Light"
  22. can't be done; you only remove nodes for the main aircraft lod, nothing else. Sorry. And I won't scold you for that :) (but really, I'd just use the stock F100 seat. that's what it was built for)
  23. According to the Kohms, perhaps by the next Year of the Red Bird. **bonus points to ID the reference***
  24. hm... reminds me of something else ... there's (yet another!) of the 50's cheap-ass horror movies. It's called "From Hell It Came". My cousin Jack played the south seas islander, norgu, with his brooklyn accent.

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