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Files posted by Wrench

  1. F-80C, 36th FBS, replacement skin

    This is a replacement skin map for the recently Released F-80C.
    I'd forgotten to turn on the layer with the nation marking, so this ONE has them!!
    to Install:
    unzip to your desktop or other place you can find it easly, and then drop the 36thFBS folder DIRECTLY over your existing folder in the /F-80C
    I'll get the entire package updated within the next 24 hours.
    Sorry about that people!
    and special thanks to GearyMcS for catching it!!
    kevin stein


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  2. SF2 WW2 PTO Generic Menu Screens Pak

    SF2 WW2 PTO "Generic" Menu Screens Pak
    = For SF2, Any and All, PTO-Centric Based Mods Folders
    This is just a simple pak of Menu Screens for use in Pacific Theatre based mods folders. These will
    replace a11 of the stock ones, while keeping the same layout for all the clickable hot-spots. (as
    the templates I made to make them, keep all the same setups.
    You get:
    All are in jpg format, and are already divided into the 2 folders where they'll reside (/Flight and
    /Menu) for simple drag/drop into your Mod Folder ™.
    Also included are WW2-themed in-game map icons from 1stGen WW2 mods, that change the 'jet' shapes to prop planes. I can't find any info on who made them, so I canNOT any take credit for something
    that isn't mine. These are usable in any WW2 Era install.
    As always, easy to follow instuctions are in the 'To Install' section.
    kevin stein


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  3. New Damage Radio Message Sound - for SF/Wo* & SF2

    SF/Wo*/SF2 New "Taking Damage" sound
    -For SF/Wo* and SF2 Series games.
    This little mod replaces one of the acursed 'I'm taking damage' wavs with one the most famous sound bites in movie history.
    Yes, that's right ... the World Famous Wilhelm Scream ™
    Like the rest of you, I'm tired of hearing that yahoo always complaining -- at least now he'll say something Historic.
    Tested in my SF2NA-based WW2 PTO install; you milage may vary
    Please read the install instructions below.
    kevin stein


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  4. SF/Wo* Extractor for 08 levels

    this is the 3rd Wird cat extractor for SF/Wo* games at the 08 patch level.
    unzip, and drop on you deskpop; especially if your machine is Vista or Windows 7. You can run the executable from there, and then navigate to the cat you wish to extract.
    It works on my Win7 machine, with the single remaning 08 game install


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  5. SF2NA WW2 Phillipines Islands (1944) Terrain Update

    SF2NA WW2 Phillipines Islands (1944) Terrain Update
    -- Something for the PTO players --
    = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (ONLY) =
    *This mod will aboslutely =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs; it is designed for use =ONLY= in a WW2 PTO-centric mods folder that is built off the SF2:NA exe.*
    A very quick and dirty mod for the WW2 Phillipines Island terrain that adds the required NA "coding" and _water.bmp with carrier stations.
    This is =NOT= a full terrain: just inis & a _water.bmp. It is to be applied to the modified version of the terrain I (re)relased in 2008, avaliable at this URL:
    New main, data, targets, nations,and types inis, along with (excessvely) modified desert airfield inis, allow for a 'drag-drop' update to SF2NA. A new SF2NA style water bmp with 2 carrier 'zones' was created and included.
    LimitedNations is set to TRUE; make sure you have the latest version of the WW2 Nations ini, as 'IJN' is most definatly one of the nations needed.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, PLEASE read them for necessary instructions. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. More Carrier Capable ™ Aircraft are coming soon ... please be paitent! I'm only one guy doing 6 peoples work on no budget....
    Happy Landings!
    kevin stein


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  6. India-Pakistan Terrain Water Bmp Fixit Pak

    India-Pakistan Water Bmp Fix Pak 7/18/2012
    - For SF2, Any and All, But Designed for Full-5 Merged w/SF2NA -
    A very small fix that removes a "modder induced problem" (hangs head in shame), with the _water.bmp for the India-Pakistan Terrain.
    I had totally forgotten that the Game Engine ™ classes India as an "Enemy" nation, therefore it uses the 'other color' for it's carrier zones. I'd orignally used the 'standard green', as seen on various others; that's the 'Friendly Nation' (Blue Side) color. That pale-ish green is used for those classed an 'Red Side".
    This is now corrected. A Blue Side green zone was added in case anyone make Pakistani Navy ships, so the DD/FF/whatever groups have someplace to steam around.
    Sorry for the inconvience!
    As always, fairly simple, easy to follow install instructions are included. Please read and follow them. It's pretty straight-forward (for once!)
    Happy Landings!
    kevin stein


       (3 reviews)



  7. SON-9A "FIrecan" AAA Fire Control Radar

    SON-9A "Firecan" by Julhelm.
    This model represents a SON-9 (NATO reporting name, Firecan) fire control radar. It's set up to datalink with the KS-19 100 MM AAA gun. I've included the data.ini file with the appropriate network edits to allow that weapon to work in conjunction with the SON-9.
    This model is set up as "Static_AAA", as that is the only way that it will work properly. That is, track its target, network with the aforementioned gun types, and to illuminate the "AAA" warning light on an aircraft's annunciator panel.
    Simply drop the Firecan and the KS-19 folders into the Objects/GroundObject subfolder, under the Saved Games/Thirdwire/Strike FightersX folder. If warned about a file or folder overwrite (which should be the case for just the KS-19), simply accept the overwrite and continue.
    The game engine will automatically place the unit wherever it deems fit.
    Known issue: This model will not cast a shadow, and only the developer can rectify that.
    Model and textures by Julhelm, data.ini work by Fubar512.
    *Be advised to rename/remove/move any other versions of the Firecan*


       (1 review)



  8. WW2 Nations & Formations Inis

    as stated, the inis covering WW2 Nations, and the WW2 Formations ini
    install instructions inside (ie: unzip, and drop in /Flight folder in you WW2 Era and/or Theatre specific mods folder)
    Important Note:
    NOT compatable with an 'all is everything' SF2 base install!!! You must use this in a stand-alone WW2-based mods folder


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  9. 3rd Wire Toolkits - April 2012

    This zip contains the:
    Cat Extractor
    Gun Editor
    Weapons Editor
    for 3rd Wire games (SF2 series) at the April 2012 patch level
    These REPLACE all previous versions


       (2 reviews)



  10. 3W A-7E skin template set

    multi layered PSD format templates for 3rd Wire's A-7 Corsair II series.
    Improvements and enhancements are WELCOMED!!!
    happy skinning!
    kevin stein


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  11. 3rd Wire A-6E TRAM (A-6E_79) PSD Template Set

    Simple, multi-layered templates for the new SF2NA A-6E TRAM.
    Improvements are welcomed!! And Encouraged!!! (just post so we all can have them)
    Don't forget, to "Save As..." jpg format (even though the Game Engine will read both jpg and bmps) Jpgs are smaller, and look just as nice (sorta)
    Enjoy ... and let's see some new skins!!
    kevin stein


       (1 review)



  12. SF-2 series March 2012 Tools Kit

    Inside the zipped folder are the exes for....
    March 2012 Cat Extractor
    March 2012 Weapons Editor
    March 2012 Guns Editor
    Happy Editing!!
    (note: I'm taking the chance and approving my own upload, so if it acts funny --like they have before!-- one of the other Moderator/Admins will have to disapprove and re-apporve it! Apologies in advance for any inconviences that may occur)


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  13. F2A-3 Buffalo, Update Pak

    F2A-3 Buffalo, Skin and Ini Update Pak For SF/Wo*/SF2 PTO Installs
    This is a semi-complete package for the Dev A-Team F2A Buffalo, in USN and USMC service at the beginning of World War 2.
    It is semi-complete due to DAT rules, the aircraft lod is NOT included. So, you'll need the F2A-R2.LOD to compete this package. Everything else IS included.
    3 skin/decal set are included; and there's 3 individual readmes, as I've combined all the earlier seperate downloads from my now-closed site, into one. I'd reccomend reading them all, if only for the historical reference
    VF-2 "Flying Chiefs", USS Lexington, December 1941
    VMF-212, MCAS Ewa, Territory of Hawaii, circa January 1942
    VMF-221, Midway Island, June 1942 (yes, them). This skin is 100% historically accurate, with BuNum matched to Modex numbers for the aircraft assigned during the Battle of Midway. (shown in screenshot)
    Canopy works via manual animation key, the standard Shift/0
    Also included is the engine sound, and a pilot figure. NOTE: the pilot figure is set for 06 level, so you drop him into the root of the /Objects/Aircaft folder.
    For SF2 usage, you'll get a new folder for him in the /Pilots sub-folder. In essence, you've got him twice!
    Once unzipped, all you need to is drop the LOD into the /F2A folder,and off you go. I'd also advise reading each of the enclosed readmes.
    *Note: while still designed with 06 SF/Wo* in mind, it should also be usable in 08 Level SF/Wo*. If used in 08s & SF2, be advised a completly new FM will be necessary. Also, cockpit repositioning will be needed for SF2. Post all questions & problems in the SF2 PropHead Forum. I'll get them worked out (excepting FMs and LOD issues)!*


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  14. Ki-61 Tony Family, Skin & Ini Pak

    Kawasaki Ki-61 "Tony", Skin and Ini Paks, For SF/WoV/WoE PTO Installs
    Thi package contains a reskin and cockpit/cockpit ini modification of the Dev A-Team's Ki-61 "Tony" .
    You MUST have the Dev A-Team's Ki-61 Tony, and it's suggested also Christian59's "Tony Family Package" before installing this mod, as without it, this does you no good!! Having the DATs Hurricane 1 would be a good idea too, as the new cockpit ini will need it!
    This package several skins for various Ki-61 marks, but no lods or cockpit are included. You WILL need the DATs Ki-61, and Christian59s "Tony Family Package" to apply this to.
    SKins/decals supplied are for:
    19 Sentai (screenie shown)
    37 Sentai
    105 Sentai (all 3 Chutai)
    each is contained in a seperate zip, so you'll have some extracting to do. Each set contains it's own readme, so you'd be advised to read it.
    Note: while desgined for SF/Wo* at the 06 level, it should be usable in 08 levels and SF2. Be advised, however of many FM issues that will need resolving. An experimental SF2 FM for one of these (disremember which) can be found in the SF2 PropHeads Forum, in this thread:
    have fun!


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  15. Brewster B-339 Buffalo, ML-KNIL

    Brewster B-339 Buffalo, ML-KNIL, Pak For SF/WoV/WoE PTO Installs 1/8/09
    This will allow you to re-create the Brewster B-339 as used the Dutch Army Air Force in the Netherlands East Indies, at the beginning of World War 2.
    This is an INCOMPLETE mod, as it only contains the inis and skins and some other small parts needed to create a nationalized version of the Dev A-Team F2A (USN). The aircraft's LOD and cockpit folders are =NOT= included -- you will need to copy them over from the F2A to complete this mod.
    2 new skins, from new templates I created (based off the originals by Gramps) are included. One is a more-or-less 'standard' RAF style coloring, with the Orange roundel (trindel??), and the other is more NEI-ish; done up in "Old Leaf", "Young Leaf" uppers and natural metal unders, with the Dutch flag roundel (rectangudel???).
    Full instrucions in the enclosed read me - so READ it!!
    *while designed for 06 level SF/Wo*, it is usalbe in 08 level SF/Wo*, and in SF2. However, the FM WILL need rebuilding for SF2. Fly Accordingly!!*


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  16. Brewster B-339 Buffalo, 67 Sqdn, RAF (Far East)

    RAF Brewster B-339 Buffalo,
    67 Squadron, Far East
    for the DAT F2A - read on....
    This will allow you to re-create the Brewster B-339 Buffalo as used the Royal Air Force in the Netherlands East Indies, Burma and Southeast Asia, at the beginning of World War 2. It creates a new, stand-alone version, seperate from the US Navy's F2A.
    This is an INCOMPLETE mod, as it only contains the inis and skins and some other small parts needed to create a nationalized version of the Dev A-Team F2A (USN). The aircraft's LOD and cockpit folders are =NOT= included -- you will need to copy them over from the F2A to complete this mod.
    A new skin, representing 67 Squadron, as seen in Singapore, and mostly in Burma.
    *while designed for 06 level SF/Wo*, it IS usalbe in SF2 - the FM, however, will need rebuilding. Fly Accordingly!*
    As always, full detailed insturctions included in the enclosed readme! SO READ IT!!!


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  17. Template for Wolf's P-39 Airacobra

    many layered template for Wolf257's P-39D Airacroba
    based of his original, with MANY enhancements by me
    kevin stein


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  18. F-4E Phantom II, "Air Inferiority Orange" Skinpak

    F-4E "Air Inferiority Orange" Skin Pak
    = For SF2 (Full-4 Merged Reccomended*)
    *Note: can be used in any install with access to the F-4E*
    This actually started as a joke, during the building of "Operation Darius", and took on -as usual- somewhat of a life of it's own. It's being placed here, in the "What If..." skins simple because I can't think of a better location.
    This represents F-4E (no variant) aircraft painted in a VERY bright Orange. It's called "Air Inferiority Orange" for several reasons:
    Many smaller, less powerful airforces still use the Phantom. Sometimes alongside more modern 5th Generation fighters. The reasoning is you take a known aircraft, with the some of smokiest engines in history, well documented radar signatures (both from it's on-board and skinpaints) paint it an exceedingly bright, highly visible color, and use it to lure enemy aircraft into traps (your more modern, angrier, birds are hiding in the weeds, running silent).
    It's set up for IRIAF markings, but a simple edit will allow any F-4E user to be selected from the drop-down menu. It'd also make a very good Drone, too! With simple skin bmp renaming, it can be used for any other F-4E variant.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!! Remember, this was done as a joke, so have fun with it!!
    Happy Landings!!
    kevin stein
    ps: forgot to mention in the Credits, without Sundowner's templates this craziness wouldn't have been possible. Thanks Ant!!


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  19. Kfir C2, Fuerza Aérea Hondureña ("What If...")

    "What If..." Kfir C2, Fuerza Aérea Hondureña (Honduran Air Force)
    = For SF2, Full-4 Merged Preferred/Reccomended
    * Note: at minimum, you must have SF2:I to access the Kfir C2 aircraft lod and cockpit. Hence, the 'Full-4 Merged' tag.*
    Just a little something fun for the "What If..." crowd that I had started last year, and totally forgot about.
    This presumes that the FAH purchases refurbished Kfirs from Israel. These a basic, stock aircraft with no 'bells and whistles' (ie: radar missiles), and are totally stock from in-game items (excepting my modified skins with English tags -which should actually be in Spanish).
    Everything is basically stock, excepting I tweaked the data, loadout and avionics inis to add the usual suspects. Data ini mods corrects (yet again!) the tail lighting positions, adds the landing lights, and operating canopy (the expected Shift/0). Loadout mods add the centerline tank for A-A tasking. Aviconcs tweeks make use of dtmdragons RWR listing, with it's expanded threat library (NOT included -it's in his RNZAF A-4 Skyhawks pak). 18 new serial numbers, following and extrapolated from current and past FAH patterns are included. Decal randomization is set to "TRUE". A userlist is included, even though this is a 'nationalized', non-exported, single user aircraft.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!! When I finally get finished with the Central America map (don't be holding breath now!), there'll be a nice playground for it.
    ¡Aterrizajes felices!
    kevin stein


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  20. Operation Darius Part 3a -- Aircraft Part 1

    Operation Darius
    Aircraft folder, part 1
    this contains the 1st Part of the /Aircraft folder.
    Aircraft included are A - 3, as detailed in the attached screenshot
    (somehow, ths Part 1 got mislaid...)


       (1 review)



  21. Operation Darius - Part 4 -- Aircraft Part 3

    Operation Darius
    Mods Folder Paks, In Various Parts
    As the entire mods folder would have been FAR to huge to upload, the varous and sundry folders have been broken down into parts.
    You'll need to d/l EACH and EVERY part, and then unzip them into a temp folder to reassemble the entire thing.
    Once assembled, you'll need to create a stand-alone mods folder for the 'NATO Action Group' (aka NAG - or call it whatever you want).
    This is the /Aircraft folder, Part 3,
    It includes aircraft from FA thru T, as detailed in the accompaning screenshot


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  22. Operation Darius - Part 3 Aircraft, Part 2

    Operation Darius
    Mods Folder Paks, In Various Parts
    As the entire mods folder would have been FAR to huge to upload, the varous and sundry folders have been broken down into parts.
    You'll need to d/l EACH and EVERY part, and then unzip them into a temp folder to reassemble the entire thing.
    Once assembled, you'll need to create a stand-alone mods folder for the 'NATO Action Group' (aka NAG - or call it whatever you want).
    You'll then delete ALL the folders from the NAG mods folder, and use ONLY those supplied. (With the exception of the main /Objects folder - you still need someplace to put the G0,Decals,Pilots, Weapons and aircaft. BTW, the aircraft d/l is divided into 3 parts)
    This is the /Aircraft folder, Part 2.
    It covers aircraft from E - F, as detailed in the attached screenshot


       (1 review)



  23. Operation Darius - Part 2

    Operation Darius
    Mods Folder Paks, In Various Parts
    As the entire mods folder would have been FAR to huge to upload (855 megs zipped with 7z), the varous and sundry folders have been broken down into parts.
    You'll need to d/l EACH and EVERY part, and then unzip them into a temp folder to reassemble the entire thing.
    Once assembled, you'll need to create a stand-alone mods folder for the 'NATO Action Group' (aka NAG - or call it whatever you want).
    You'll then delete ALL the folders from the NAG mods folder, and use ONLY those supplied. (With the exception of the main /Objects folder - you still need someplace to put the G0,Decals,Pilots, Weapons and aircaft. BTW, the aircraft d/l is divided into 3 parts)
    You can, OTH, simply install the GroundObjects, Aircraft, Pilots, Weapons, Guns, and Decals to a regualar install, but you do so at your own risk. There is a distinct possiblity of severe damage to said install.
    Howver, use of the varous GroundObjects would probably NOT cause any difficulties. Many of them you may already have; 99.9% of the original releases were WRONG in how they were handled either for incorrect Nations applied and/or the complete and utter lack of proper Userlist.inis. This has been corrected.
    As yet, there is no 'Campaign' built for this .. it's designed for running single missions, as outlined in the various threads in the General Discussion Forum. You'd be adivsed to read through those, to get a feel for what's going on
    This is Part 2, which contains the following sub-folders for your Mods folder's main /Objects folder, as seen in the screenshot above:


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  24. Operation Darius - Part 1

    Operation Darius
    Mods Folder Paks, In Various Parts
    As the entire mods folder would have been FAR to huge to upload, the varous and sundry folders have been broken down into many smaller, more managable parts.
    You'll need to d/l EACH and EVERY part, and then unzip them into a temp folder to reassemble the entire thing.
    Once assembled, you'll need to create a stand-alone mods folder for the 'NATO Action Group' (aka NAG - or call it whatever you want).
    You'll then delete ALL the folders from the NAG mods folder, and use ONLY those supplied.
    You can, OTH, simply install the GroundObjects, Aircraft, Pilots, Weapons, Guns, and Decals to a regualar install, but you do so at your own risk. There is a distinct possiblity of severe damage to said install.
    However, use of the varous GroundObjects would probably NOT cause any difficulties. Many of them you may already have; 99.9% of the original releases were WRONG in how they were handled either for incorrect Nations applied and/or the complete and utter lack of proper Userlist.inis. This has been corrected.
    As yet, there is no 'Campaign' built for this .. it's designed for running single missions, as outlined in the various threads in the General Discussion Forum. You'd be adivsed to read through those, to get a feel for what's going on
    This is Part 1.
    The zip file contents are as shown in the screenshot.
    Sub-folder for the main mods folder contained herein are:
    *please note: the HUDData.ini included MAY have the Debug= set to TRUE. You'll need to change it to FALSE. My Bad!*
    Do Nothing With These Until You've Obtained ALL the Pieces! There are 6 in total, of varying large sizes, included the IR2003 terrain. All available seperatly.


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  25. F-20A Tigershark, Skin, Decals and Ini Tweeks Pak

    F-20 Tigershark Skin, Cockpit, and Ini UPgrades Pak for SF2
    =For SF2, Any and All (but Full-4 Merged Prefered/Reccomended*)
    *Note: due to some stock decals used, USAF & RAF, at minimum, you need SF2:E*
    A bunch of new skins for Veltro2K's recently released Northrup F-20 "Tigershark". This pak will also includes some cockpit and many ini tweeks. This pak is designed to be installed OVER your existing F-20, with several caveats ... so it's important you read the install instruction =BEFORE= applying this pak. As this is an Reskin/Ini Pak, the aircraft lods are not included. A new cockpit, however, is.
    This mod represents Production variants, had they been made, for the USAF and other Allied Nations. The export customers are based upon those identified by Nothrup as "Tier 1" customers (ie: users with F-5 experience).
    A new Userlist is supplied, for those wanted to create/redecal some of the existing skins for those shown in the user list, but not provided here. A new, Generic Hangar screen is included.
    11 skin/decal sets are included in this pak. The name in paranthesis (name) designates the skin folder name. The skins are:
    Football City AF (from "The Wingman" book series) (FBCAF)
    JASDF,1 Hikotai, in overall Martime blue (JASDF)
    ROCAF, 2-tone F-15/16 style grays (ROCAF)
    RSAF, in a solid 'Air Superiority' gray (RSAF)
    RNZAF, #75 Squadron 'King Kahu', in overall green (RNZAF)
    RAF, #92 Squadron, overall gray (RAF)
    57th FW, Nellis AFB (Nellis)
    152nd FS, 162nd FW, AZANG, in a dark F-16-style gray (AZ)
    10th TFS Hahn Germany, in 2-tone F-15 style 'Compass Ghost' grays (Gray2)
    "Generic" Dark Air Superiority gray (Gray)
    "2 Tone BlueGrays", a repaint/rename of the original release skin (2Tone)
    These last 2 listed have "Generic" nation callout, and can be rebadged/decaled/reused for the creation of other user-nations of the aircraft; either through selection via the Single Mission/Loadout screen, or via creating entiely new skins. One of the massive advantages of not painting on markings...
    All markings on all skins =ARE= decals, making is quite easy to create said other user nations. A great number of new decals were created for this mod, and many borrowed from other skins. A full listing of those are in the Credits section.
    New damage textures in DDS format are also included.
    My Home-Grown Templates ™ are included, for those wishing to create new skins, and/or improve on my basic design (yeah, it could use it! LOL! -cough- RAF Euro camo -cough- various SEA 3-toned -cough-)
    No weapon are included; they are either stock, from pre-existing mods and/or reference those from the GunnyPak. The drop tanks from the original release are NOT included (as they're kinda sorta stock, too)
    The cockpit included herein more than likely has more funcionality than would have been in the production aircraft. The avionics ini also makes use of dtmdragon's complied RWR tweeks/expansion pak ... if you don't have it, you should! Sounds are also not included,
    as those from the F-16 paks are referenced here.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!! The usual "Notes" section for other interestering details and stuff, explinations, and general musings and things. That section needs to be read, as it explains/offers alternatives as to WHY some of the nation-specific loadouts are NOT
    working as they should
    It is vitaly !!!IMPORTANT!!! that you read this document throughly before installing ...as you will be deleting, renaming and/or moving several files and folders to make full and correct use of this Pak. So, unzip it first to a temp folder or your desktop, or anywhere that allows ease of access to it.
    READ IT!!!
    Good Hunting!!
    kevin stein
    with special thanks to Veltro2k for bringing us the much wanted bird!


       (4 reviews)




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