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Hawk MMS

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Everything posted by Hawk MMS

  1. XV-15

    Moffett Field Airshow 1988 A great airshow with some great aircraft from the military and NASA AMES. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bell_XV-15
  2. F4D-1 Skyray

  3. Starscream

  4. German Air Force F-104G

  5. German Navy F-104G

  6. KM Ju-87T Stuka

  7. P-47 334th FS

  8. Good to know! I just got a new machine and will be downloading tonight. Once more into the fray...
  9. I was reading about the F-14's combat record on line and stumbled across a wikipedia article that stated... Blue on Blue EngagementAccording to the magazine AIR International, the F-14 have not just shot down Libyan and Iraqi aircraft, but also an USAF F-4 Phantom over the Mediterranean Sea in 1987. Former F-14 pilot, Dave "Hey Joe" Parsons, gives an account of the incident,[4] that during an exercise a young F-14 pilot from VF-74 The Bedevilers received the call "Warning Red, Weapons Free", the young pilot was alarmed and asked his seasoned RIO if he was supposed to shoot, and the RIO replied "Yeah, go ahead and shoot 'em". The RIO of course meant to do a simulated attack, but the pilot misunderstood, armed an AIM-9 Sidewinder and fired at the RF-4C Phantom. The USAF crew did not know what hit them because there was no explosion when the Sidewinder hit the Phantom. The F-4 crew was picked up, and was quite demoralized before they were told what had actually happened as now they would not have the burden of losing a jet to unknown causes. Joke cartoons quickly emerged such as, "USN 1 USAF 0" being faxed to the USAF. There was some retribution for the Navy because a few years earlier, a USAF exchange pilot flying with the same squadron that shot down the RF-4C in 1987 shot down his flight leader with a Sidewinder, so fax responses back to the USAF started "Now, we're even!" Is this true?
  10. Hello everyone. It has been some time and wow, things have been busy in the TW series it seems. I am curious if it is worth my $$ to upgrade to the SF2 series. I have a 300mhz P4 w/2.5 GB RAM, 128 mb video card, XP. Will upgrading make a difference on my machine? What are the pros/cons to the new gen sims? I looked for a thread re: similar topic and wasn't able to find it. Sorry if this has already been discussed.
  11. Thanks for the input. I think I will leave DAVE alone as this smells of a setup:)
  12. Center Mast.JPG

    From the album USMC Hawker


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