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Status Updates posted by Viggen

  1. At this point I will travel to Europe or Asia just to see and hear F-4s fly

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Viggen


      Yeah but I haven't see their F-4 on a schedule for a while.

    3. SayethWhaaaa


      Or, you could head to the UK. They're doing Tornado F.3 flights until late October. You're looking at around £155 PP though. Dunno how much that is re the Yank dollar.

    4. SayethWhaaaa


      Last I saw, the Collings foundation was going to cost me a few thousand to fly in either the Scooter, or the Rhino.

  2. So, I've decided I'm going to collect C&R rifles

    1. whiteknight06604


      nothing feels better in ones hands than a big chunk of wood and machined steel.

    2. Viggen


      Right? But my center piece has some serious history to it so it feels a little spooky.

  3. Beyond fucking done

  4. Funeral Detail.

  5. I have decided I will not reenlist in the active duty Army, I cannot subjegate myselt to witnessing my fellow soldiers get fucked over by leaders who live by a double standard.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Viggen


      It's crossed my mind, Dave. I'm either thinking about going back home and reclassing to 15T or trying to go Air Guard or Reserves.

    3. daddyairplanes


      How long to ETS? and more importantly, start your job hunt NOW


    4. Viggen


      Too long. I'm a little over half way into my six year contract.

  6. Trying to bring one of my favorite SF1 mods back to life

    1. daddyairplanes


      Which one? Or is t secret squirrel for now


    2. Viggen


      It's a cool plane

  7. Finally got to shoot the M2 Browning!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dave
    3. Viggen


      No Stary, it was very balanced thanks to the tripod.

    4. daddyairplanes


      Now lemme know when you gotta carrt that beast back to the TOC at midnite. Still is fun to shoot though


  8. Dubstep and desire to return to Kandahar

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Viggen


      Sounded like this:

    3. daddyairplanes


      ah different on than i was used to. laughed at another vid shot inside a DFAC with most on the floor. guess everyone was the bad kids my time around, only 1-2 would go to the floor, not one two sitting in chairs.


    4. Viggen


      Never was in a DFAC when rocket attacks happened. Was always either asleep or at work.

  9. Anyone ever been to the Strategic Air and Space Museum in Nebraska?

  10. Awesome! PCS orders were deleted.

    1. Dave


      Where were you going?

  11. PCS orders? What?! Noooooo!

    1. daddyairplanes


      you'll live.

      make sure to document your Alienware desktop that doesnt make it there....


    2. Viggen


      I've only a laptop so it'll make it. Everything I own should fit into my Cherokee.

    3. daddyairplanes


      ah saving yourself the exquisite joy of a government paid move. And the joy of claims after said move....

  12. A Soldier, who's favorite service is the Air Force, but who's main interest is Naval Aviation. I'm a mess!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Viggen


      Just wait to find out some news in July. I really won't then.

    3. daddyairplanes


      Flight packet?


    4. Viggen


      Something a bit more...special

  13. I should crack open that F-4J NATOPS manual

  14. At home, away from work, away from my Jeep, and away from the Xbox. Time for Strike Fighters

  15. After only three days in the field, our two week FTX has been cancelled. Gotta love Aviation!

    1. daddyairplanes


      in signal, the standard would be 10 days and the CO would announce we were gonna do it in 8. then looked like a douchebag when it took 12. in FA the standard would be 10 days but the CO would announce 15 days and look great when we came out at 12. therefore you boys musta been really high speed!


    2. Viggen


      Nah, it was really cold. BN commander said this was stupid and started asking soldiers when we should leave.

  16. Packing for an FTX. This shit is way to "hooah" for me.

  17. The Firefox-CombatAce lag suddenly stopped. I'm back!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Viggen


      Thanks. Sucked not being to get on here. What'd I miss?

    3. Dave


      A gas shortage and a Flock of Seagulls.

    4. daddyairplanes


      passengers certain to die. airline hectic. there's a sale at Penny's...


  18. My job killed helicopter movie immersion

    1. JediMaster


      As mine killed watching rocket/shuttle launches and pad ops. Reality is too dull yet complex for films.

    2. MrGoTime


      I hear ya. I work on the blackhawk side of the house (truly the better airframe...)

    3. Viggen


      Black Hawks? I'm sorry

  19. BACK IN AMERICA! Afghanistan Photo Thread coming soon.

    1. Dave


      Welcome home.

  20. 617 Squadron puts on an airshow here everyday. Gonna have to fly some Tornado campaigns when I get back home

  21. Got to unload a CH-47 from a C-17. Exciting to do something like that

  22. Almost there. Deployment is so close to being over

    1. daddyairplanes


      ah time for the term "and a wakeup"


    2. MigBuster


      Congrats - stay safe!


  23. Of course my Xbox controller dies this close to the end of deployment. PX better have some for sale

    1. daddyairplanes


      Murphy's laws.....supply(or the PX) have everything EXCEPT what you need

    2. Viggen


      And no controllers for sale. Guess I'm grounded for a while

  24. Gotta make those WWII and KAW installs!

  25. Lone Survivor was a great movie. Lots of Chinooks!


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