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About cood

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  1. SF2_DAAFAR_L-39ZA

    Nice thanks
  2. SF2 Lockheed WV-2/EC-121K Pack by RussoUK

    The white top blue bottom skin is the same as that in the wikipedia article about the EC-121M shot down by North Korean migs in 1969.
  3. The C-5 Galaxy

    A C-5 can be walked in at the Salinas, California airshow, and within 50 miles near Mountain View can be seen an IL-76 parked at Moffet Field. An IL-76, heralded by musical folk troupe in traditional garb on the tarmac, features with the SU-27 as part of the Ukrainian contingent at RIAT should you be in the UK.
  4. And bombed before the Viper is released.
  5. Linebacker II: The Cunning Plan

    Mutiny on the Bounty!
  6. Anybody know an inexpensive site for hosting 4K videos to stream? About 150 gigs airshow stuff for the Digital Recon section I filmed this year and want up before 2018. Thanks
  7. Oh yes, I recall Malcolm McDowell and his gang hanging out in the Russian milk cafe "karova" (cow)in A CLOCKWORK ORANGE. Imagine he and his three white clad, black-hatted villains attacking the pentagon in a TU-22. By the way, go see Clint Eastwood's SULLY, it has a beautiful widescreen duo F-4 phantom sequence of about two minutes, and the movie is good, too. About another week left in the theaters don't miss it.
  8. Recommission battleship USS Iowa: Trump

    Iowa in Richmond when my only boss was weed
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLj3S1CF_So at 2 minutes, 57 seconds. He's got my vote!
  10. Lots and Lots of old aviation videos.

    Absolutely topping, man! okay just for this I'll start to edit and post footage from fleetweek last october
  11. Operation Desert Storm, Part 1 of 3

    superb bro! life thanks you
  12. Did Ethiopian Sabres ever fight MiGs?

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