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Status Updates posted by Brain32

  1. Just got EU-ed... :(

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. daddyairplanes


      does this mean the 10 Euro starter kit i got from the bank when in Germany in 02 is about to become a collectors item?

    3. Stary


      I'll keep it if I were you daddy

    4. Brain32


      Yeah soon he will be able to buy as much as 1 liter of gas in Europe for that money...

  2. Darn those F-4 vs mig21 fights in SF can be really fun :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Brain32


      It was mixed, I have about 25% with the Sparrow and less than that with the 'Winder lol

    3. Slartibartfast


      Saying that most times I take a Rhino up... its normally a F-4G so I only get a pair of Sparrows in the wells... and comeon going toe to toe with a Mig with 4 Aim-7D's and 4 Aim-9B's is fun man... centreline is for the tank... though I did once take Rocket pods up just to see

    4. Slartibartfast


      Also my Rhino's all smoke weeds...

  3. Spitfires attacking the Dalek ship? Now I've seen everything xD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Stary


      it's 2010 season 5 or 6th

    3. Brain32


      It's 5th, I didn't really like the new Doctor so I skipped it before, now it's running on TV so I watched it.

      I do like the new co-traveler though hehe

    4. Slartibartfast


      Cannot beat a good bit of Dr Who... especially that entire series...

  4. 918th birthday of my home city :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Brain32


      Yup Zagreb, thx :)

    3. Stary
    4. Stary


      envy about the sea and mountains (not that I live in flat area myself :) )

  5. Finally the new NBA season started :))

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Brain32


      They got Josh Smith and Jennings although he was always a bit inconsistent...

      But it's a solid team now :)

    3. Dave


      Isnt Billups back too?

    4. Brain32
  6. Major riots in Greece, interesting enough no major media reports it...funny

    1. Stary


      yeah, no one wan't to accept the fact Greece felt... would shatter the Union, wouldn't it?

    2. macelena


      maybe not in Croatia, but otherwise, we get the reports here

    3. Brain32


      We got some now on mainstream media but it's like 25% of what happened. For everything else one has to resort to alternative(read non-corporate) media...

  7. Snowmaggedon

    1. hrc


      I know. Gotta go out tonight for a few drinks, walking back home is gonna be a tough one!

    2. Brain32


      Lol, did you make it?

    3. hrc



  8. All data saved to new HDD, pheeew...

    1. whiteknight06604


      that has to be a good feeling .

    2. Brain32


      Oh it sure is, I had 10 new bad sectors nearly every day on the old one...

    3. Stary




  9. What could be on my mind at 38°C...ught

    1. Stary


      same here, even had 42°C at my window afternoon

    2. Muesli


      Same here in NL. Was thinking of boiling something...

  10. In final stages of preparing a Criminal law exam, so no updates on anything for a while...

    1. macelena


      good luck man, i´m cool with criminal law, my foe is admin law awww

    2. Brain32


      Yeah I yet have to take on that but it's hellish here too.

      BTW the professor just gave me half a point for all of my answers so even though I answered everything I didn't pass the exam. I was pissed as hell, new term is in April...

  11. Mi-17 is making it's 25th freakin circle over my home, at first it was amsuing now I'm gettn' tired of it lol

    1. daddyairplanes


      yea was cool being stationed on an airbase in the middle east for the 1st 3 days. then the afterburners just got irritating in the middle of the night for the next month. then ya learn to completly tune it out....

    2. Stipe


      me to, they fly over my hous every single friday and sunday

  12. Did anybody ever made a CATM-9M for any SF game? I don't have it and can't seem to find it...

    1. Brain32


      Nvm nobody ever told me CAP-9 = CATM-9 in our case xD

  13. Congratulations to Scotland (soccer)

    1. Stipe


      Onaj osjećaj kada te pobjede dečki koji nose suknje

  14. Stary your PM box is loaded like B-52's during Rolling Thunder lol

  15. Pumping iron again - ROAAAAR!!!

  16. Can't believe Warriors sent Monta Ellis to Milwaukee...for Bogut and Jackson WTF?

  17. Happy Easter everyone :)

  18. Hi buddy EF-2000 is not mine, it's by Craig, I just adjusted it for SF2 nothing more.

  19. Hello fr3ds3n, I made it, it will be in the upcoming major F-18 pack that is still in WiP stage. I would answer you in the screenshot thread but didn't take much screenshots lately so I couldn't ;)

  20. Sprained my ankle, how can it freakin hurt so much...arrr

  21. Victooooooooooooooooory :))))

  22. Bad sectors, not even one year old Hitachi Deskstar....

  23. MAy - official month of stupid injuries...


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