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Everything posted by Gepard

  1. MiG-21K over Socotra island. (WIP Terrain) The cliffs on the east side. The north coast near the soviet airbase The mountainside. (trees are taken from Angola map)
  2. A former class-mate of me served out his time at a T-72 regiment. He said loading by hand was possible, but time consuming. You needed around 30 seconds to load the gun, what means 2 rounds per minute. With autoloader it were 8 rounds per minute.
  3. MiG-21K is taking off from soviet airfield at Socotra island, the soviet "Gibraltar" in the Gulf of Aden. (Terrain WIP)
  4. No. This file defines the position, where the dogfight will happen on the map.
  5. What plane is your friendly guy? Mandatory screenshot:
  6. It is possible. You must edit the file: CAMPAIGNSCREEN.ini. This file you must extract from Menu.Cat with Cat exctractor tool.
  7. MiG A-144 (made by Logan) Alert take off On the way. Engaging! Success! Retreat. Heading home.
  8. Herm, a small island east of Guernsey Screenshots made at flightlevel 1.000 meters over ground.
  9. In summer 1940 the Battle of France was fought. British, belgian, dutch and french troops were defeated by the "Sichelschnitt", a surprising move invented by General von Manstein. In his book "Verlorene Siege" wrote v.Manstein, that his Divison got the order as part of the 9th Armee to take part in the invasion of England in an area between Bexhill and Eastbourn, Beachy Head. Close to Hastings, the last battlefield where a invasion of the islands was succesfully. Manstein wrote, that the german leadership had, after the surprisingly fast victory over France, had no plan how to continuing the war. So it came to a delay till the decision was made to try the "Operation Seelöwe" and as preludium the Air Battle of Britain. Manstein said, that if the decison to engage England would have made one or two weeks after the victory over France, german landing forces would have landed on Englands beaches around August 15th 1940. Mansteins idea to fight England was a surprise attack with no previous Air Battle. All should end in a major Battle, The Luftwaffe, Heer and Kriegsmarine should attack at the same time. For Manstein the british ground forces were the minor problem. They lost nearly all heavy weapons in Dunekirk, so that the Royal Army would have been no real danger. Dangerous could become the Air Force and the Royal Navy. But Manstein wrote, that the Royal Navy would come to late to prevent the landing of the first german wave. The Royal Navy would try to stop the second and all other landing waves. At this time it would be the job of the Luftwaffe to sink the british ships and the job of the Royal Air Force to protect the british ships. In the last weeks i have started to rework the tileset of my very old Battle of Britain terrain and soon i will start to rebuild the target areas, so that we have the chance to fight a "Operation Seelöwe" style battle in SF2. Here some screenshots while WIP. New farmtiles, but still old airfield tile. New airfield tile. A mixture between old and new coast tiles. View from high altitutes. Test of a London tile. Buckingam palace is not yet on correct place.
  10. Vietnam SAM Avoidance Tactic

    In eastgerman military slang this defence move was called: "Steil Hochziehen" what you could translate with "Sharp Pull Up".
  11. A first attempt to make the Channel Islands look more realistic. Here: Alderney Its still a lot to do.
  12. Su-9 flight lined up on runway of a soviet airbase at Kurile Islands. Here we go! Patrol over the woodland of the islands. Patrol along the coastline of the Kuriles. Landing approach. (What a pity, that TK had not modeled the flaps of the Su-9.) And touchdown.
  13. Okay, the "swing wing" at the nose of the Dassault Milan is rather small, but it is a "swing wing".
  14. MiG-33 Grom alias JF-17 Thunder
  15. What if the MiG design bureau would have not sold the blueprints for the JT-17 to China, but would have built the plane as MiG-33 Grom (Thunder) themself.
  16. The myth of the invincible western tanks

    Depends on the ammo. The 100 mm Hohlladungsgranate (HEAT) was able to penetrate 390 mm steel, which is enough to kill Leo 1 and M-60 with one shot. The Unterkaliberpfeilgeschoss (sub caliber darts, APFSsomething in NATO slang) penetrated 310 mm at 1.000 meters distance and 290 mm at 2.000 m. It had not had a problem to destroy a Leo 1 and M-60. With the T-55AM (soviet designation), T-55AM2B (east german designation) the missile Bastion was part of the ammo. Up to a maximum combat range of 4.000 meters this missile could kill all tanks of the late 1980, when used in top attacker mode. Useless against tanks were the Panzergranate (AP) and Splittersprenggranate (HE). The HESH, HEAT and APFSDS ammo of L-7 gun of Leo-1 and M-60 (okay, the americans called the L-7 M68, but it was mostly the same gun) were able to kill a T-55 at a range of 2.000 meters. But they were not able to penetrate the frontal armour of the T-55AM (T-55AM2B). The chance to survive of a T-72 depends a lot of the version. It had changed through the years dramatically. There were T-72 version which a Leo 1 could kill at 2.000 meters, while other T-72 versions were nearly unvulnerable in a duell situation at 500 meters distance. Here some examples how the frontal armour of the T-72 changed through the years:
  17. If you read the novells of Tom Clancy, or watch the post Gulf War stories in TV you were indoctrinated, that the soviet tanks were all rubbish and the western tanks are all invincible. The reality is different. Here some pictures of the invincible M 1 Abrams: Burned out after a tank killer team throw some handgranades in open hatches. Bad tactics. Turrent blown off after road bomb strike. Burned out after an RPG hit the ammo bunkier. Heavily damaged by RPG, but the inner armour seems to be intact. Burned out after RPG strike. On fire. Completly destroyed and turret blown of after road bomb strike. Ammo bunker is burning. Burned out wreck of an M 1 Abrams. But the german Leopard is not better. German media believe it is the best tank of the world and invulnerable. The reality looks different. Turrent blown off after hit by ATGM. Completly destroyed after hit in ammo rack, left side of hull front. Turret blown off, ammo rack in back of turret explodes. Ammo rack in back of turret explodes, tank burned out. Conclusion: There are no unvulnerable and invincible tanks. To believe the own propaganda is deadly.
  18. JMSDF Izumo - F-35B

    Would be nice if someone could make the Izumo carrier for SF2.
  19. There is a limit of Flak, SAM and Radar units per target area. The game engine will handle only 16 units per target area. If you have more, the engine ignore such units.
  20. FW-187 Falke. Fighter Sweep over southern England in August 1940.
  21. Is there a way to get two or more carriers in one battle group? If yes, i perhaps should start thinking about a rework of my old Midway terrain from 2008.
  22. When you create a campaign set "Weapon Supply" to "Limited" and "Campaign Difficulty" to "Hard". Should work.

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