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Everything posted by FANATIC MODDER

  1. Thank you, just a simple change can make such a difference.
  2. SF2 Dornier AlphaJet-A

    Thank you.
  3. SF2 Dornier AlphaJet-A

    Florian, the TSC-T rack is missing, so it looks like the bombs are hanging in the air. (I hate when I do this honestly)
  4. AH-1F /S(MC) Cobra ver.2016

    I have not enough words to comment, excellent!
  5. A-10A and C Thunderbolt II "Warthog" Pack

    The final version (1.51) seems perfect the way it is, I needed only some loadout changes (e.g. I had US rangers coming out as a loadout!). Actually even when 1.3 was out I thought it was perfect, but this one...I struggle to think of any improvement at all. Spectre, I would ask you if you are interested about a proper escapac seat, we need this for the early F-15s also.

    Indeed, it's an excellent work.
  7. USAF A-37B Pack

    What a nice surprise!!
  8. Tweaked Flight Models and Realism Pack for FE2

    Thank you, this is great, incredible job, the most important mod ever for the FE2, a totaly new sim.
  9. SF2 F-15 Eagle Super Pack Redux 2018

    The original team made an excellent work, I didn't change anything on control surfaces. Can you help me a bit, give a source maybe so I can check it? Apart from the Japanese versions, can you give me please more info which versions have the loadout problems?
  10. SF2 F-15 Eagle Super Pack Redux 2018

    The '87 model didn't have yet AHM capability, if this is what you ask for. Essentially it was the MSIP version of the F-15J.
  11. SF2 F-15 Eagle Super Pack Redux 2018

    You have an old version, please update to the latest patch.
  12. SF2 F-15 Eagle Super Pack Redux 2018

    Have you tried throttling at 0% power?
  13. SF2 F-15 Eagle Super Pack Redux 2018

    What bugs this is a joke we tested it as much as we could.
  14. SF2 F-15 Eagle Super Pack Redux 2018

    Thanks man, all people involved worked very hard.
  15. EAF Supermarine Spitfire F Mk 22 White DLC 29

    Was the skin updated or they are only some added screenshots?
  16. A-10A and C Thunderbolt II "Warthog" Pack

    I cannot wait but to enjoy the updated version (1.51)
  17. Geezer Sea Gladiator for SF-2, MTO and ETO

    Finally it is here for SF2...

    Version v1.2


    This is an updated NATIONS list. I included as much nations and services as I could. I disactivated the active dates, so no more planes with <none> air force as it was happening when the service dates are before the active date. I modified also the 'PilotTrainingStandard' for some nations. Examples: Now the SOVIET is 'excellent' as it should have been in the first place. AFRES, ANG and USArmy are 'normal', not 'excellent'. This is a tough decision to make, because the pilot training standard improved or deteriorated during the course of time. So people should adjust it according to the expansion pack/campaign that they are using. Examples: Russia should be POOR in the 1990s, NORMAL in the 2000s and EXCELLENT in the 2010s. Iran should be POOR until around 2000, afterwards NORMAL. Iraq should be NORMAL until 1992, afterwards POOR. Also, I forgot to mention, all speech files have been adjusted for the speech pack, sometimes not exactly accurate e.g. Switzerland uses German and Bulgaria Russian, but surely more appropriate than USAF speech! Enjoy. v1.1 changes - Mercenary Alignment modified to MERCENARY and Pilot Training Standard modified from EXCELLENT to NORMAL. - South Korea Pilot Training Standard modified from POOR to NORMAL. However, if you intend to fly a Korean War period campaign for 1950 ONLY, modify it back to POOR. - Duplicate entry of United States Army Aviation deleted. - Iceland is added as a nation, useful for SF2NA campaigns. - Russian Navy name changed to its Russian one. v1.1a changes - The Iraqi 'PilotTrainingStandard' changed from 'normal' to 'poor'. - Turkish speech is back to USAF speech by request of Emre. v1.2 changes - Added the Vietnam People's Air Force of wazalo68 - Added the United States Coast Guard of Sheriff001
  19. SF2 KAW Gloster Meteor F8 (RAAF) by FC

    I noticed that this model is slighlty bigger that the stock one, so...the stock has wrong dimensions?
  20. SF2 KAW Gloster Meteor F8 (RAAF) by FC

    This is fantastic by why having a separate F8 when the TW is quite good?
  21. SF2 F-15 Strike Eagle Super Pack Redux 2018

    Thank you all for this excellent effort!
  22. Gloster Meteor T.7

    This was so much needed, thank you. There is always something cute about a trainer jet plane because it has no weapons, a pure flying machine.
  23. Gloster Meteor T.75

    You need to make a very easy and fast correction to the DATA.ini in the sound section, please check.
  24. Excellent, it's amazing that someone still bothers, thank you very much!
  25. Tweaked Flight Models and Realism Pack for FE2

    Hello Von, please offer a READ ME file in a word file that it is easier to read. So many new things in so many versions that I am in confusion which to change and what is changed. I find it difficult to read with the NOTEPAD. There are no paragraphs and I am eager to try the re-worked planes. AFTER YOUR WORK, A LOT OF THINGS THAT WE READ IN THE BOOKS SUDDENLY MAKES SENSE.

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