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About blackwasp73

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  1. SF1_F14A_VF-14SDF1

  2. F-14 blackwasp

  3. SF1_F/A-24_BLK20

    np its what i do just wish some other planes would be done IE yF-19 or any macross/robotech planes sadly none yet =(
  4. I Quit My Job... and proud of it.

    good for you Skyviper id like to belive i would have done the same thing. Altho i minght have ran him down in the parking lot with my car and said "opps did i hit something?" backs up to check [bump] [bump] ........ hmmm yup that shit is in the road and then drives off .........[bump] [bump].
  5. File Name: SF1_F-14SK File Submitter: blackwasp73 File Submitted: 08 October 2013 File Category: Fictional Aircraft, Experimental and UAV's 1st off Thank you to MigFactory for the F-14a and all the people involed with makeing it. Thank you to SF comuinity for all Knowlege base . now this is not your moms tomcat the is a F-14 Super TomKat and theres way to much to list on what it can do things that dont work atm are the nozzels dont RCS like they should but still fuctions as if they did makeing this plane highly manuveralbe. if i know the model node name i could fix it but i dont so sorry bout that. modernized Hud/Radar flare and chaff/ laser Des /AI flight control modernize skin LV with some bonus tail art ,this f-14 is mounted with a 7 barrel Gua-32B 25mm A/A &A/G vulcan drop in you aircraft folder the gundataXXX file is to be added to the gundata.ini just make sure to change the [GunDataXXX] to the numbers needed to add the weapon Click here to download this file
  6. Version 1


    1st off Thank you to MigFactory for the F-14a and all the people involed with makeing it. Thank you to SF comuinity for all Knowlege base . now this is not your moms tomcat the is a F-14 Super TomKat and theres way to much to list on what it can do things that dont work atm are the nozzels dont RCS like they should but still fuctions as if they did makeing this plane highly manuveralbe. if i know the model node name i could fix it but i dont so sorry bout that. modernized Hud/Radar flare and chaff/ laser Des /AI flight control modernize skin LV with some bonus tail art ,this f-14 is mounted with a 7 barrel Gua-32B 25mm A/A &A/G vulcan drop in you aircraft folder the gundataXXX file is to be added to the gundata.ini just make sure to change the [GunDataXXX] to the numbers needed to add the weapon
  7. this is not your moms Tomcat.
  8. lil something else i been working on 1st one photo realistic F-14 and unrealistic F-14-S/K BLK10
  9. Su-30MK2 for SF1 / WoE

    nicely done. looks good now we see how she flys.
  10. just to update you on the afterburner thing 1st only aircraft with AfterburnerNodeName= ******* in the Engine sectoin of the Data.ini can have that effect added too it + the burner effect .tga can be diff cause its in the skin folder witch means same F-15E but diff skins like AGN and SC you could have different afterburner.tga files in each folder so on a so forth. 2ndly the air effects in the game are governed by witch effects file is use IE=wingtipvortexemitter. so if u have gimp or PhotoShop or some prog for editing .Tga files u can defuse the texture map buy lowering its opacity also the harder route of partical effcets in the emitter.INi can be changed but i would recomend the 1st opt hope that helps

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