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Status Replies posted by daddyairplanes

  1. Going to pass time in Afghanistan making an SF2 campaign. I think that should be enough time to finish one

    1. daddyairplanes


      one i meant updates bout the campaign. Two please tell me you're not a mud puppy. Three, since you're at KAF, leave Tim Hortons alone. The brit coffee house down by heroes is much better and cheaper

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  2. Going to pass time in Afghanistan making an SF2 campaign. I think that should be enough time to finish one

    1. daddyairplanes


      depends on what you do. but BAF, KAF, or Bastion we want updates!!! lots of time here on my KAF rotation, little busier during Bagram.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  3. Beauty is in the eye of the Beer_Holder

  4. w/o home internet for next 2 months. this sucks.

  5. Bouncing Spits and bouncing breasts, I know the ones that I like bests!

  6. fun fact No.167: I refuse to watch "The Dark Knight Rises", just for the sake of it. Don't want to ruin the Dark Knight experience

  7. fun fact No.167: I refuse to watch "The Dark Knight Rises", just for the sake of it. Don't want to ruin the Dark Knight experience

  8. fun fact No.167: I refuse to watch "The Dark Knight Rises", just for the sake of it. Don't want to ruin the Dark Knight experience

  9. Your ass, your face, whats the difference?

  10. so.. months pass by... where are all those glorious DCS 3rd party modules I ask ;) oh, they're in the making? So is it me or the hardcore realism crowd will bury the DCS under it's demands (like they allways do)?

  11. love-hate, love-hate, love-hate... SF2 is a constant rollercoaster of this emotional twister

  12. Just completed the FAA's simulation evaluator course

  13. 3 day drill this weekend. will be back monday hopefully with a buncha goodies for ya all

  14. 3 day drill this weekend. will be back monday hopefully with a buncha goodies for ya all

  15. Expansion Pack 3 - Keep calm and carry on

  16. Hands are all cut up from working in the Chinook's heater closet

  17. Jet Thunder is such a blast of a simulation! Ohhh, wait... ummm, it was a dream :/

  18. Being a night student in AIT is awesome

  19. Spent 2.5 hrs flying the C-17 sim yesterday. WOW!

  20. Still not feeling Christmassy...

  21. Still not feeling Christmassy...

  22. Well thats it for the next few days 5 days spent in a Vienna Hospital getting my knee Microfractured... thats going to be fun!!! Especially as my Austrian/German isn't that great...

  23. new semester in a week and a half. I get to take classes on Adobe Photoshop (with software provided), google sketchup and C++ and wife can't complain about being on the computer!

  24. 7 years here... how quickly time pass

  25. I think I'm cornering the infamous "trees fading distance". It's in the shader, of course, and YES, some things are dead locked, would you believe that? ;)


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