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Everything posted by tewarit

  1. Upgrade Pack for STORMs F-4N

  2. F-4F (80) Norm 81B Camouflage

  3. Soviet Bombs Pack

  4. Lockheed F-117A Nighthawk for SF2

    Thank you very very much.It's so beatiful!!
  5. F-16C Block 40/42 by The Viper Team

    OH, It's great plane.Thank you very much Dave. And I have Some problem with all Viper version. When wingman fly airborn(wingman only) They're aircraft was shock on Flaps,slats wing and tail wing. Could you tell me for solve this problem. Thank you very much again.
  6. European MLU Vipers

    Oh Great! Thank You very much Guy.
  7. F-16C Block 25/30 by The Viper Team

    It's so great! Thank very very much.
  8. F-22 Cockpit

    Thank you very much Guy! You are the best and the great man! I think same MR.AMBUDU too.<br>
  9. A-16A 'Attack Falcon'

    So cool aircraft.!! could you tell me for change tail of F-16 Blk10 to Blk15 or Blk20 in aircraft data.ini , I think it a good file. Thank you very much guy.

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