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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. Yankee Air Pirate Rising Sun Issues

    You should contact YAP owners/producers. Not sure too much people here can help you.
  2. covid-19

    Be careful mate, and be cautious with your breathing.
  3. Nice one, love the two languages markings ala Canadienne.
  4. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    Los A-4 más bonitos! Suerte con el proyecto!
  5. Very beautiful work! Do you plan to do the PLANAAF scheme as well?
  6. R.I.P. Sir Sean Connery

  7. Those are really beautiful pics!
  8. Show of Hands! Who Would Fly/Ride This?

    I will too, this chopper seems something exited from a steam punk movie.
  9. Hello?

    2020 is being a hell of a year, my Polish map is on hold cause I cannot put time to fly, even less for modding. Glad to see you're still kicking!
  10. I once had an idea, a mini missile machine gun, the missiles are guided, we would "only" need bullets that game treats as missiles.
  11. Is still saturday in the Pacific, right? Persian cat.
  12. SF2-WT Gulf Wars

    Great pictures as always! Hope this time we can see some Iraqi T-72 as well, and in running order, not on fire. lol

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