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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. Soon after the introduction of the Jaguar, the RAF seen interdiction at very low level and behind enemy lines as a daunting task for a single pilot, so it asked for a two seater plane for low level interdiction and strike missions from bases in Germany. Plane should be conventional layout and easy to build but and it must use a single engine to keep costs at bay cause it should have a realtively short range. SEPECAT don't liked the idea of a two seater combat capable Jaguar as it would require a new nose, so it rescued from his archives, the proposal for such plan in the form of the SEPECATt Panther, and finally was the only serious contender (Hawker tried to present a supersonic variant of the Harrier, but costs were too high for such modification and the MoD rejected their proposal). The SEPECAT proposal was accepted for tests and the name Panther soon arise and was well liked. The Panther was a two seater, single engine plane with conventional layout capable of a medium loadout but equipped with low level autopilot and terrain avoidance radars that made the plane a excellent interdictor. Pilots loved the flight characteristics altought being a single engine the plane was a bit underpowered for its weight. The engine selected was the Turbo Union RB-199 used on the Panavia Tornado, tests on the prototypes went fairly smooth and the project was mature enough in late 1976 a mere two years after Jaguar introduction, and first production planes were accepted in 1977 equipping three squadrons based on RAF bases in Germany. Plane remained there until USSR demise when they were progresively retired back to the UK. The swan song of the bird and last operational missions were in ODS when painted in desert pink attaked bridges and military installations with conventional and smart bombs, but this is another story... Plane was started by Cocas, rescued and finished by AngelP, tested by me, and It was based on a Dizzyfugu idea, called the Harpy. Thanks to Ravenclaw for his help with the dragchute!! So here it is, the ground attack SEPECAT Panther. Here some pics with 5th RAF squadron on the Range trying conventional bombs.
  2. The Panthers last combat flights were in the Iraqi deserts were it attacked some key targets on daring low level missions, but soon the days of the PAnther are over and let space for more modern birds to take its role on the battlefield. Thanks to Valastur for his help with the finflash decals!!
  3. img00011

    From the album Stratos

  4. img00010

    From the album Stratos

  5. Yugoslav Spitfire Vb! Cool. Regarding map, what do you mean we don't have a "real" map? I've sent a PM to Baltika to complete his WIP, but he hasn't connected since March. Again, If someone knows other ways to contact him please drop me a PM and I will try to complete the Balkans map.
  6. 9 65

    From the album Stratos

  7. Looks cool, sad to hear about the ETA.
  8. Man, those Su's will be the bomb... once released of course, lol Mandatory screen, the Darius Op. Opening day, bad weather strike.
  9. img00024

    From the album Stratos

  10. Is there any way to learn where belongs a 3d part in the skin parts? I have a model with several antennas, I painted the skin without problem, but I cannot find where those antennas are, so I cannot paint them. Any idea? They are not fake pilot parts I think cause I can select them into Mue Lod viewer.
  11. Is the S3B, the Viking, and I'm using the great FoxMonter template.
  12. Seems those antennas are not part of the skin. Thanks for the tip, will be useful for other planes.
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  14. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  15. If someone know how to contact with Baltika trough other means like e mail or Facebook please say it. Thanks a lot!
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  17. Thanks for claryfing it. We have two options: 1: Start from scratch 2: Try to contact Baltika somehow.
  18. img00010

    From the album Stratos

  19. Been reading the Baltika post and you're right, seems pretty advanced for a WIP, you can check here: http://combatace.com/topic/74862-has-anyone-done-a-balkans-campaignnato/page-5 But I don't know If he uploaded the WIP to a place called the modders repository, I don't have acces there.
  20. I supose that's a negative. I offer my help. If someone has a WIP project stopped I can add textures and targets, we really need this terrain and I want to help If someone needs it.
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  22. If you need a 3d hook and have th MAX file I can help you.
  23. After all this years, this game still amazes me. Was flying a Lightning F.1 intercept armed with A-A rockets. Got close to the target. aimed, shoot and the rockets passed high. The undamaged enemy keep flying but I was so fast that almost hit him, I passed prett close, and when I looked back the plane had the engine damaged, the pilot ejected and was spiralling down. Tought it was hit by a wingman but debriefing proved me wrong. How in the world I killed him? Passed to close and that destroyed him somehow? Second part of this story cames when I hit a enemy with rockets and it desintegrated in a ball of fire, again I was flying so fast that I passed trough the debris and got damaged by it. On this pics you can see the damage done by the ball of fire of the kill that was getting down on the background. [/img]

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