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Everything posted by mue

  1. Yes the LODViewer has no problem with spec and bump (normal) maps, ... because the LODViewer completely ignores them
  2. It seems every GIMP user stumbles upon this (myself included, of course ): https://combatace.com/forums/topic/93235-how-do-you-make-serial-number-decals/?do=findComment&comment=753952
  3. Holding the shift key gives you finer control. From the readme: The position and heading of selected objects can be changed with the mouse: -translation (coarse): ctrl + left click + move -translation (fine): ctrl + shift + left click + move -rotation (coarse): ctrl + mouse wheel -rotation (fine): ctrl + shift + mouse wheel
  4. The LODViewer can read the LODs directly from the CAT files. For this you have to set the SF2 install directory and enable CAT file access under Settings->CAT File Access. If you open an aircraft.ini file with the LODViewer and it didn't find the lod file in the same directory then it tries to load the lod file from the CAT files.
  5. Technical explanation: TK uses for decal texturing the "clamp to edge" (or rather its DirectX equivalent) texture wrapping mode. For more info see: https://open.gl/textures
  6. Of course for a switch it won't work. Thats why I wrote "3D objects [that] are not that much extruded", e.g. screws, nuts, bolts, grooves, ...
  7. Actually the whole rendering of a 3D scene onto a (2D) monitor is an illusion. If the 3D objects are not that much extruded it shouldn't make a big difference if the surface normals (for lighting computation) come from a normal map or from a detailed mesh.
  8. Thirdwire forum threads with post form TK were thankfully archived by the combatace user Do335. You can find the TW forum archive here: https://combatace.com/forums/topic/92272-third-wire-forums-no-longer-linked-on-website/?do=findComment&comment=745634 Regarding the question, if that aircraft systems are implemented, TK posted on 10 Dec 2009 the following: Well, I think the answer is No, please check the stock plane's data to see whats implemented. TK Maybe some of those systems were implemented after 2009. I don't know.
  9. Mi-24 book written by me

    Yes, I can recommend the Flugplatzmuseum Cottbus (Sorry, it seems the webpage is in german only). Very nice and friendly people there. I too had the chance to sit in the cockpit of this very Mi-24D. If interested, I can post some cockpit photos.
  10. Yes, a wiki would be a good idea. I know there is a lot of information in this forum and especially the Knowledge Base sub forum. But searching for specifics can sometimes be tedious. A wiki with more structured / linked / updated information would be an improvement. But I have no experience how much effort it is to setup a wiki. And I wonder how many modders are still around and willing to actually contribute to the wiki?
  11. Have you tested the TOD/terrain with the TargetAreaEditor? Are the TOD objects showing up in the TargetAreaEditor? Just to be sure that the TOD file is valid. Alternatively you can send me the TOD file and I will check it.
  12. How do you determined that limit number. Have you counted the objects manually that show up in the game? Do you know if the first 1000 objects of the TOD are shown and the later are discarded, or does the game pick 1000 objects that are shown randomly from the TOD file? I wonder, if it's a limitation of the TE or the game? Are the TOD objects showing up in the TargetAreaEditor?
  13. This Is Why You Research Things

    I like that comment someone made on reddit:
  14. The "xx chaff left" and "xx flares left" messages in AIRCRAFTTEXT.STR can be overwritten with 'space' characters. Then an empty line is displayed on the screen instead. You can use this already modified AIRCRAFTTEXT.STR file. Just copy that file into your <mod-folder>/Objects/ folder.
  15. The problem here is, that the model was exported without setting the option AllowDecals=True. With the option AllowDecals=True, your mesh can be as smooth as you like without getting decal bleeding problems.
  16. Thanks! I didn't know about the movie Zero Hour! before. After some googling, I found this: Zero Hour! is a remake of Flight into Danger (1956). There is also a german remake (1964): And another US remake (1971):
  17. From the Thirdwire forum (archive): Post by ThirdWire » Sat Dec 20, 2008 1:56 am: OnGroundPitchAngle is the angle the object is first placed, but once the object is placed, its final resting place depends on where your gears are and what their shock values are. So check your wheels data.
  18. Australia forest fires

    I didn't know you grew up in west germany. I always thought you grew up in east germany. I don't understand, what east german propaganda has to do with climate change? That's straw man fallacy. Of course you are allowed to say that 2+2=5. But if scientist then say that's incorrect because 2+2=4, that's not shouting down!
  19. Australia forest fires

    @Gepard you sound like the typical climate change sceptic . All of your climate myths are already debunked. e.g. here: https://skepticalscience.com/ Maybe the climate experts? 97% of climate experts agree humans are causing global warming. Source: https://skepticalscience.com/global-warming-scientific-consensus.htm and https://skepticalscience.com/empirical-evidence-for-co2-enhanced-greenhouse-effect.htm https://skepticalscience.com/climate-change-little-ice-age-medieval-warm-period.htm https://skepticalscience.com/surface-temperature-measurements.htm They believe they are right, because they are backed up by most climate experts and scientist. https://skepticalscience.com/mitigation-cheaper-than-adaptation.htm
  20. I love this community! @Nyghtfall Thank you for giving user support
  21. The LOD exporter isn't compatible with blender 2.80. They made a lot of API changes in 2.80. I haven't found the time yet to update the LOD exporter for the newest blender version. But the exporter should work in 2.79. You run the exporter via File->Export->Strike Fighters 2 LOD. In the User Preferences->Add-ons section the plugin is listed under Supported Level = Testing!
  22. View File Mues Toolbox In this package you find the current versions of my programs. Since all programs are using the same Qt and Microsoft Visual Studio libraries I thought it is convenient to put them all together. This package contains currently: LOD Viewer V0.5.2 Target Area Editor V0.2.2 (Updated) CAT Extractor V0.1.0 (NEW!) For usage instructions of the programs please read the readme files located in the Readme folder. Submitter mue Submitted 12/09/2015 Category Utilities / Editors  
  23. This guy is hilarious. Quite entertaining. I already had a laugh when he described the fighter generations
  24. He removed the link. His answer to my comment to his latest SF2:Vietnam Ep 43 video:
  25. It seems as he started his SF2 video series the Thirdwire store were down. From the description of his first SF2:Vietnam video: I think at this time he thought the SF2 games were abondoned. But later as the Thirdwire store were up again, although he now mentions that you can purchase the games from the store, he still provides the link to the illegal copies.

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