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About Phasers

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    Calgary, Canada.
  • Interests
    Flying. Astronomy, Bass Guitar, Women, Beer, Pizza...The normal guy stuff. Plus, The "GREATEST GAME EVER", The Canadian Football League, or "The CFL". The NHL has taken a back seat and will never be #1 again in my books. I'll watch a game of Championship and or Tournament Darts before hockey. I believe Pro Athletes should make a comfortable wage for their talent's but seeing them earn MILLIONS per year is way over the top. They are only playing kids games. The WAR they face doesn't have people trying to literally MURDER/KILL THEM. It's not like they are facing down Suicidal Terrorists, or running into Burning Buildings.

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  1. Has anyone had this problem? This is the log from Event Log Explorer (which is free by the way); Faulting application name: WOE.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x48fcb88d Faulting module name: EnvironmentSystem.dll, version:, time stamp: 0x48f91ae0 Exception code: 0xc0000005 Fault offset: 0x00018fbe Faulting process id: 0x104c Faulting application start time: 0x01d3c2c52ec767b2 Faulting application path: C:\Program Files\Wings Over Europe\WOE.exe Faulting module path: C:\Program Files\Wings Over Europe\System\EnvironmentSystem.dll Report Id: c66e29ab-2eb8-11e8-a83a-844bf53ad020
  2. Is there a way to change the colors in the heads up display?
  3. CF-105

    Great download The file works great for me in WOE. The Aircraft itself is just nice to have because of its history. She was back then in the 1950's and STILL IS TODAY, WILL BE 4 EVER, one BEAUTIFUL and POWERFUL looking BIRD. If I had 100 thumbs they would all be pointed up.
  4. VF-211 and VF-24 F-14A & B

  5. CF-101 Voodoo


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