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Everything posted by KJakker

  1. The Corona Virus Thread

  2. Omar Bradly actually made that mistake. At one point in his carer when asked where he would like to be stationed he said in the Northwest thinking Pacific Northwest and instead got sent to Montana.
  3. https://www.wearethemighty.com/articles/79-cringe-worthy-technical-errors-in-the-movie-top-gun/
  4. I have never seen this video before but thought I would share it.
  5. Direct Message the object to me and I will put one together for you to try out.
  6. Move the mortar fire control to the WeaponSystem entry. Also you could set the mortar up as an unguided rocket. I did that while playing around with 16 inch battleship guns.
  7. China Space Station

  8. The Corona Virus Thread

  9. The Corona Virus Thread

    @Erik Thanks for typing that up. Last night I was still too exhausted to explain the whole messenger RNA, spike protein production and immune system response.
  10. The Corona Virus Thread

    I have had a low fever yesterday and today as a result of my second vaccine dose. However I just took my temp again and I seems to be back to normal now.
  11. The Corona Virus Thread

    I just got back from receiving my second dose of the Moderna vaccine.
  12. NTSB Report link: https://cdn.planeandpilotmag.com/2021...
  13. Any modern combat sims other than the big 3?

  14. I noticed that this this has not been posted. https://www.cnn.com/2021/04/28/us/nasa-astronaut-michael-collins-obit-scn/index.html
  15. Wench, would this short list happen to be the combined World War II navies of all the allied and axis powers?
  16. I think I may have found the issue. You have the "MinPitch=" and "MaxPitch=" set to the same value in order to fix the missile's angle in the launcher. That works under the [WeaponSystem] entry. However when you are using the SystemType=GUNNER for missiles, even ground attack missiles, you need to set MinPitch=0 so that the gunner can see targets at sea level. GK-AlSanbouk-TNC-45_mod1_DATA.INI [Launcher_Base01] SystemType=GUNNER GunnerID=5 TargetType=GROUND MissileRange=72000.0 MinMissileRange=1500 PitchLimited=TRUE PitchAngleRate=45 MinPitch=12.85 <----------------------------------Change this to 0.0 MaxPitch=12.85 DefaultPitchAngle=12.85 YawLimited=TRUE YawAngleRate=90 MinYaw=210 MaxYaw=330 DefaultYawAngle=-80 YawModelNodeName=ASMdummy01 PitchModelNodeName=ASMdummy01 MissileLaunchTime=5.0 ViewportPosition=0.387924,-8.15175,3.85665 IndependentSearchChance=100 LookAroundChance=100 GunnerFireChance=100 GunnerFireTime=1.0 MaxMissilesInAir=1
  17. @GKABS I did not realize that you were so frustrated by the issue. I will bump looking over that ship and missile up my priority list.
  18. The Corona Virus Thread

    My second dose of the Moderna vaccine is coming up on the 4th of May.
  19. If you want I can send you some of my fathers Vietnam photos from when he was there in 1966-67.

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