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Files posted by Trotski

  1. IAR 80/81 REDUX PACK

    IAR 80/81 PACK.
    I was not originally going to release this pack, as I was unsure of the reaction to a relativley unknown ( unfortunately ) Fighter. but after the relative success of the PZL's I uploaded last week, I though it would be nice to send these IAR's your way too. The IAR's were only ever used by the Romanians, and was in service until the early 50's so that in itself speaks volumes about this rather attractive aircraft. 
    Anyway, this is a slight rework of Pasko's IAR 80A and 81C, I have also included a <cough> alternative and completely "What if" IAR 80P I shall let you look and see at to what  THAT is all about !!! 
    So, the details, I have edited the original skins, and have reworked ALL the decals, I have added the stencilling as accurately as I could, but there maybe a few errors here and there in the actual positioning of them, as finding detailed pictures of the type is just not there. The stencilling is very sparse, so I think I have got it mainly right ( I hope !! ) I have updated the sounds, and the weapons loadouts, as for some unknown reason, the original bomb loadouts were wrong, So the 80A now carries ONLY 2, 50Kg bombs under the wings, and the 81C has the centreline 250Kg and 2, 50Kg under wing bombs. The 80P however has the original loadout, because why not, it is a "What if" innit hehehehehe. The "real" IAR's in this pack carry German weapons, and are armed with for the 80A 6,  7.9mm FN Brownings, and the 81C has 2 MG151 20mm,s and only 2 of the FN Brownings . The 90P's are armed with ITALIAN bombs, 50, 100, and 250 KG's and gun armament  comprises of 4,  Breda SAFAT 7.7 mm MG's and a pair of Breda SAFAT 12.7mm MG's.
    All the markings have been replaced from the original ones, which I found too bright and "in yer face" and then I added on the differing markings from later years. 
    Everything is included in the pack, aircraft, decals, guns, pilots, weapons, and sounds. I have boxed everything up so it just a drag and drop kinda deal. One point though, please please PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZE ensure that the  file  GunBarrel20mm is in the Pilots folder, or else you will end up with a very odd looking aircraft ( this is for the 81C. )  I also swapped out the Cockpit, as the faux Spitfire one looked awful, so it is now the YAK 9 one instead, not accurate, as all the dials are in Russian, but it does look better.............Well in my humble opinion it does at least. All the sounds I used are in the sounds folder, including the sounds for the guns. 
    That as they say, is a wrap.
    I forgot to credit Starfighter, for the Yak Cockpit, apologies to him for that ommision.
    AS ALWAYS...........................ENJOY !!!        


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    PZL  P11C.
    A makeover of Zur's P11C, redone skins, for 3 Polish and 2 Romanian aircraft, updated sounds, weapons and of course the pilot. 
    Everything is included in the file, Sounds ( including the one for the guns) Guns, Weapons, Pilot, and of course the Decals.
    I was going to do Latvian, Hungarian, and Soviet skins, however as the Latvians and the Hungarians only had one aircraft each, I thought this rather pointless, as for the Soviets, they only had about four or five, I assume the Germans had a couple as well, but in reality, only Poland and Romania used the type operationally.
    These are NOT the DAT/A-TEAM aircraft, they were originally done by ZUR for SF1, the DAT ones are a totally different model and LOD.
    As always...........ENJOY .................... 


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  3. IL-28 - H-5 COLLECTION

    A "one stop shop" for the IL-28/IL-28R/H-5 with all the colour schemes for all the nations using the type. Of course some of the schemes are somewhat speculative, but, I think they are definitely useable and valid, the Pakistani beagles for example, were not in service for very long, as the aircraft were not popular in Pakistani service, also the Finnish ones, Finland only had about 3 or 4 actual airframes, and were mainly used for target towing. However, I think we can all apply a little artistic licence and imagination here. 
    I have adjusted the aircraft a bit, ie I have added Geezers excellent RAF pilots to the crew positions, as Beagles tended to be flown in leather flying helmets rather than bone domes, I have also swapped the rear guns on the H-5's to reflect the changes done by the Chinese. Also I have upgraded the cockpits to utilise STARY's pit for the type, and enabled the RWR as well. This enables a viable bombing position and is a really nice upgrade to the aircraft. I have made the weapons for the Harbin H-5 Chinese, and included the weapons in this upload. This is an all inclusive upload, so you will need all 4 files to get the full experience !!! 
    The first 3 files are the actual aircraft, and the "ADDONS" file contains all the sounds, pilots, weapons, guns, decals So please make sure you do use that file as well !!! 
    All the usual shout outs to all the usual people, who keep this sim alive and kicking.
    AS ALWAYS......................ENJOY !!! 


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  4. Heinkel He 51

    Heinkel He 51
    Spanish Civil War era
    A set of skins for Stephen 1918's HE 51. This is the same format , and arrangement, in my previous upload, except this is purely for FE 2 and specifically the Spanish Civil War map. All files except for the LOD files are included, you will need to download Stephens original Heinkel HE 51, then drop my files into the folder that has Stephens original aircraft in it, allow the overwrite, as the .INI files are slightly Different from Stephens. The Skins are 3 different ones from Condor Legion J 88, then 4 Luftwaffe examples in their colourful pre war plumage. 2 Bulgarian examples, one is pre Soviet , and the other post Soviet. Finally there is a Spanish 1939 version.
    Any problems or errors, please do message me, and I will hopefully rectify the issue.


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  5. Heinkel He 51

    Heinkel  He 51
    Birth of the Luftwaffe
    I present you with my latest collection of skins, this time for the Heinkel He 51, one of the first Luftwaffe aircraft to see active service, in a air war, the first time for Germany since the end of WWI. The He 51 was a biplane fighter, which was to see service in the Spanish Civil War. It however was found to be very un suited for use as a fighter, as , to be honest, there wasn't much really ground breaking, and there were certainly far better biplane types in service around the world, than the Heinkel turned out to be. Where it was found to shine however, was in the light ground attack role, in which it was quite successful. Several future Luftwaffe aces cut their teeth flying this aircraft, before transitioning across to the BF 109 , which swiftly replaced the biplane in the Jagd role.
    It was however, an attractive aircraft, and was as I mentioned before, quite a successful recon and ground attack aircraft. I was used by the Luftwaffe, probably as a squadron hack, until the middle of the war. It was only exported to 2 countries, those being Bulgaria, and Spain, The Spanish had these old girls still in service until the mid 50's. It appears the Bulgarians used them until around 1942 -43.
    So, on with the blurb. I have included 3 skins for aircraft of JG 88 Condor Legion, from different JagdGruppe ( 2, 3, 4 ) Also I have 4 colourful examples from around 1936 or so, in Luftwaffe colours of the time, with their colourful markings. next there are 2 variations on the Bulgarian machines, pre Communist, and post Communist, the final real skin is a Spanish post 1939 scheme. The last 2 I have thrown in for fun. The first is a Parani one because I KNOW some of you lot do play Paran Dhimar. and finally, An Imperial Elbonian Air Service skin, just because, SO THERE !! 
    This aircraft is a model made by Stephen 1918. I have completely redone the skin , panels, rivets etc. etc. All the files you need are included in this upload EXCEPT for the LOD's. For those, please be kind enough to download Stephens original model FIRST Before attempting to fly the beastie !! I have however included all the .INI files, that are pertinent to these skins, so please, after you have downloaded the aircraft from the FE 2 Golden age download section, you ensure that the files I have included , replace the ones you will get with Stephens original aircraft. There are reasons for this, such as gunsights, sounds, weapons, pilots etc. etc. So please rename stephens .INI files just in case you want to use those instead of mine. I cannot see that you shall want or need to though. 
    I have included everything else all in their respective folders, so you should be able to drop it into your save file, wherever that may be. So Sounds, guns, bombs and tank, sounds, and pilots, and of course Decals are all here for you. Just please follow the directions I have stated here. and you will be good to go. As a side note, I have found that a good terrain to utilise for this aircraft is the Finland one, seems to work well. However if you are wanting this aircraft to use in FE2 then wait as I shall be doing a separate upload for First Eagles Spanish Civil War, these skins in this format WILL NOT WORK IN FE !! 
    Anyhow, that about wraps it up. Thanks to Stephen, who is very kind to me, and allows me to bugger up his lovely aeroplanes. So major kudos to him for making the model in the first place. Any glitches, problems, gripes, whinges, or moans, please contact my P.A. Mrs Ramsbottom. She will occupy you and deflect ALL your woes, with her rather nice Victoria sponge cake and a nice cup of Tea ........failing that, message me and I shall see about correcting any bugger ups 
    Finally, as ever, ENJOY (I have enjoyed flying around in this rather attractive aircraft, I even got 2 kills in her )  


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    Anyone who runs is a VC. Anyone who stands still is a well-disciplined VC
    The final Huey pack ( for now ) in this series. 13 various slicks from the Vietnam war period. They include the following skins: Air America , 1/9 Cav, 82 Medical, 101 Airborne, 101 Aviation Company, 116 AHC 1 and 2 Platoon colours, 118 AHC 1 and 2 Platoon colours, 498 Medical, 9 Sqn RAAF, 213 Sqn VNAF, and finally 215 Sqn VNAF.
    Same drill as the previous packs, all in one plug and play ( hopefully, my track record of mistakes are over ) I am working on a gunship version of the Huey, however i am struggling with getting a working cockpit for the H model Huey, so a little patience and hopefully I shall have some armed and dangerous hueys for your enjoyment !!
    Thanks to Yakarov79 for the original model.
    As ever ENJOY 


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  7. UH-1H (EUROPE) errata

    Thanks to Shaolin for bringing it to my attention, it was a spelling error , so I have made a new decal , and updated the relevant .INI files to reflect the change . Download, and just drop the files into the UH-1H ( EUROPE) folder, and allow the over write, you all know the drill ( I hope ) so, again thanks to Shaolin for pointing this error out. Without input from you guys, errors cannot be corrected so keep up the good work as I appreciate it greatly


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  8. UH-1H (EUROPE)

    The final large pack of hueys, all these are european birds, consisting of the following.  Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina ( slick and medevac ), Bosnian and Croatian Federation ( slick and medevac ), Germany Heer and Bundesgrenschutze, Greece, Italy, Macedonia ( slick and medevac ) Spain Army and Air Force, and finally a Turkish example.
    Unfortunately , except for a few noteworthy exceptions, most European Hueys seem to be good old green, so there are not a huge amount of variety in this selection pop pickers !! However even the mundane is still useful ! I have dispensed with the 2 separate DATA.INI files in this pack, as it was a bit pointless, so the cargo nets ARE already available on these birds. everything else is there as per my previous uploads. So as before, if anything is missing, broken, or anything, please feel free to message me as ever.
    I shall be doing probably one more pack, which will be Vietnam slanted, so if you like your dose of Fortunate Son, watch this space.
    Again a big shout to Yakarov79 for the original Huey model
    Finally, as always ENJOY 


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    The third pack of hueys for your delight and hopefully delectation !! The same drill as with my other  previous 2 packs, everything is included to allow you to depart into the wild ( or not so wild ) blue yonder , skins included are as follows. Royal Australian Airforce, Australian Army, Cambodia, Japan, Royal New Zealand Air Force, a revisitation of my Pakistani skins, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Taiwan, South Korean Army and Navy, Royal Thai Air Force, and Singapore.
    I hope you enjoy these Hueys, even if some of the skins may seem a little obscure. Also as with the other packs, there is an alternative DATA.INI for the cargo net should you wish to have it available.
    Please feel free to comment, berate, point fingers, or donate to my retirement fund ( just kidding, for any wallies who think that was a serious comment....YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE !!! ) 
    Thanks to Yakarov79 for the original model
    As always ENJOY 


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    Files are now correct, we had a slight technical hitch with removing the other error ridden file , so all good now troops.


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    The second set in my collection of UH-1H Hueys, this pack consists of the following nations. Burkina Faso, Imperial Iran both Army and Airforce, Islamic Republic of Iran Army, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Morocco, Oman, Rhodesia, Uganda, Yemen, and finally Zambia. As with my previous upload, of Latin Hueys, everything is contained in this pack to enable you to plug and play , I must also add, as I failed to do so in my last upload, that enclosed are 2 DATA.INI files, one is the vanilla one, the other has the settings to allow the cargo net to be underslung, use one or the other, which ever flavour you prefer 
    Hopefully this upload is error free, however should you discover anything that my proof reader has missed please contact me and I will sack the bugger, and repair the damage !! 
    Thanks again to Yakarov79 for the original model of the UH-1H 
    As always, ENJOY 


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  12. UH-1H HUEY ( LATIN )

    This will be the first in a series of uploads for the venerable and widely used UH-1H Huey. Included in this pack are examples from Latin America . They include Argentina , Bolivia, Brazil , Chile , Columbia, Domincan Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Uraguay, and finally Venezuela.
    I have tried to be as accurate as possible in my representations here, however, serial numbers etc in some cases WILL be speculative , I was going to include more civilian police versions, however most of them are all in pretty much the same colour schemes of the couple I have included, so I didn't bother, and I expect that most people dont actually fly civilian marked aircraft in SF 2 , of course in the Latin countries the Police and the military do, in a lot of cases fly joint missions. But anyway, I hope you enjoy the offerings I have brought to your respective tables !!!
    Included in the file are all the bits and bobs you need to make this bird fly, sound, weapons, crew decals etc. So there should be no difficiulties involved installing and flying
    Credit to Yakolev79 for his original model !!
    As always ENJOY !!!  


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    Please find enclosed the fix for the missing decals for the Pakistani UH-1H for the cargo doors when a gunner is enabled, just replace the decals.ini file in all 3 colour schemes, it is exactly the same file for all 3 so just delete the old one and replace with this one, then we shall all be number enhanced 
    I apologise I should have fixed this from the start, however, after a quick chat with Yakarov79 I got on to it this morning, and corrected the error, quick and easy fix , as I suspected .


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    Using Yakarov79's excellent UH-1H I have created 3 new skins for the Pakistani Army, the first is the standard overall green, there is a grey/green camo scheme, and finally what appears to be the latest cam scheme which is sand/green/brown . I have included the whole package in this upload to make it easier to install as it needs really  to be installed separate from a general UH-1H installation, as it is a purely Pakistani machine. all the files needed are included, sounds, weapons, pilots etc etc . I have left the decals the same for all 3 schemes, as it appears that standard markings are commonplace on Pakistani aircraft. One thing to note though, is that when the gunners are enabled, it removes the numbering from the cargo doors, not a major issue at all, but I just thought you may need to know. also, the latest iterations of the Huey in Pakistani service appear to be armed with miniguns rather than M60's however I dont have the ability to adjust this , so the Pigs will have to suffice, I am not sure if this modification is for the newer Venoms, rather than the standard UH-1 , however, if it is possible to mod the gunners with the miniguns, that would be totally ace.
    As I said this model is originally from Yakarov79, so all the main, and important workings are his sterling work not mine, I have merely adapted it to reflect the Pakistan Army's aircraft.
    As always, any questions or issues/omissions, please feel free to message me. I hopefully will be doing more UH-1H's soon, in fact I have started working on them already, so wait out on that !! 
    Finally as always, ENJOY !!! 


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  15. Westland Wessex HU5/HC2 (DAT)

    Westland Wessex HU 5 / HC 2
    This is an update to my previous upload of Westland Wessex HU 5 skins, I have tweaked the files that I previously uploaded, and have included skins for RAF , Royal Navy, and Oman, the original skins are ok should you wish to still use them, however, I would recommend you delete them and use these ones instead, the changes are minor, however there ARE some corrections.
    As stated in my previous upload, these skins require you to aquire the A-Team original, as you need the lods from there, if you need assistance on installing these skins please contact me via PM.
    Included skins are as follows 845 NAS based on HMS Bulwark in 1966, 847 NAS involved in the Falklands campaign, and 771 NAS Culdrose Air Sea Rescue. The RAF Skins consist of 78 SQN in early grey/green markings, also a grey/green later marked version from 18 SQN, a 72 SQN skin in winter grey/white, and a late version green/green from 60 SQN, the final RAF skin is for 22 SQN Air Sea Rescue. Finally I have included an Omani Army scheme.
    I have included all hangar and loading screens, for all 3 versions, also the pilots and the sound file that I use . The RAF and Omani aircraft are not operable from carriers, and all armament capability has been removed from them, as they never were armed to the best of my knowledge, the navy ones of course are, and are carrier operational.
    I believe everything is included, but of course errors and omissions do occur, so any issues or questions please feel free to message me and ask.
    One final comment, the serials and codes, are not 100% accurate for the aircraft portrayed, but they are in the right sort of range, so really not a huge issue, as they look right, even if maybe they are out of sequence or wrong for THAT particular airframe. 
    I hope you enjoy these aircraft, as I said in my previous upload, the model is far from perfect, its acceptable, but nowhere near spot on, but, until one of our model making gurus makes a new one, we are stuck with this old lady.
    Finally, as always, ENJOY !!!    


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  16. SF2 Westland Wessex HU 5 (DAT)

    Westland Wessex Hu 5
    Royal Navy skin 
    A re work of the skin for the Wessex HU5 , the aircraft is originally from the A-Team site, so you will ( if you want to fly this aircraft ) have to obtain the files and lods from there, 
    This is a complete re do of the whole thing, as I was never happy with the colour, so I have corrected that, I have re drawn all the panels relatively accurately, I haven't bothered with rivet detail as to be honest it doesn't actually show up too well, I have corrected and updated ALL the stencilling, as the original effort was a dogs breakfast to be honest. I have also re done the decals and markings.
    So what is included.........2 skins, one for aircraft from 848 NAS who were the squadron in action during the Falklands operation, and one skin for 845 NAS flying off HMS Bulwark in 1966 during the Brunei and Indonesia debacle. I have included the decals for both Squadrons, and also the pilots that I personally use, although green helmets were more the flavour of the day during the Falklands, so feel free to swap out the pilots if that is your taste.
    A quick note about the shortfalls of these skins, the aircraft I believe was originally done for SF 1 so it is a little aged, therefore there are some clipping issues you may encounter, I am unable to do anything about this, in reality, we could do with a completely new model of this important aircraft, and hopefully one day it will happen !! So pretty much I have made a silk purse from a sows ear here, the aircraft itself. looks a little "off" I am sure there are some dimension errors, it doesn#'t seem tall enough, and it looks a little bit odd from the front view.....but I could of course be wrong, and the thing is perfect, but I doubt it. The stuff we all are getting used to like working lights and hatches......yeah ok.......not happening on this model, and I forgot to make lights work at least....oh well, such is life !! 
    Hopefully I shall do some skins for RAF HC3's next so watch this space for those.
    As always, ENJOY !! 


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  17. A-1H VNAF

    Trâu nước điên
    VNAF A-1 Skyraiders
    Also known as "The Crazy Water Buffalo"
    Hi Rez skins 
    To be used on the stock 3W SF2 A-1H Skyraiders
    My next set and final set for the A-1H/J Skyraiders, is the one I  just KNOW you have been waiting for in breathles anticipation !! Oh you giddy young things !! Yes these are the VNAF versions of the Skyraider. 
    The contents are as follows :-
    83 SOG 
    514 FS
    516 FS
    518 FS
    The 514 skins are just a rework of KULBIT80's skin and decal set, I have just updated the skins , the other 3 Squadrons are all new decal sets, and reworked skins, 514's skins are overall grey, 516 & 518 are pretty much standard USAF 3 tone over grey schemes with the usual over the top Vietnamese markings, SOOOOO TACTICAL !! The lack of tail markings on the 516th airframes is correct they just didnt 'ave 'em so there !! I have done the 518th skins as slightly earlier ones so I could do the snazzy white super tactical and camo friendly cowling bands, I have put anti glare panels on these skins even though in reality they didnt have them, but I thought the looked a bit odd like that so anti glare are us deal with it !! harharharhar finally the 83 SOG scheme.....I mean WOW...Really !! hyper tactical or what !! they do look we snazzy though eh chaps !! these aircraft carried no national markings except for the fin flashes, I know the reasons elude me too . 
    Anyhow as with the previous skins I have done everything is all inclusive AT NO EXTRA CHARGE mind you !! 
    All the usual shout outs to all and sundry, youre all groovy froods and you rock !!
    Now what are you waiting for, get into your Spad and go kick some Commie bottom !!! and of course, as always ENJOY !!! 


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  18. A-1J USN

    SPADS !!!
    A-1J Skyraiders of the US Navy
    Hi Rez skins 
    To be used on the stock 3W SF2 A-1J Skyraiders
    Continuing my series of Skyraider skins, these ones are for late mark Spads, of the US Navy.
    Included are :-
    VA-25 "Fist of the Fleet" 2 different skins from 2 consecutive cruises the first on USS Coral Sea, and the secon on USS Midway
    VA-115 "Arabs" again 2 different skins, both on the same tour of duty on USS Kittyhawk, the second set are a rework of Wrench's original experimental camo scheme, again mine is not 100% accurate, but I think it conveys the general idea. Only 2 or 3 Airframes were actually painted in this scheme, but it was just easier to do all of the squadron in it, the scheme was an experiment, which was found to be non beneficial, and in fact a bit of a problem for deck crews whilst operating at night or in bad weather, so it was dropped , however it does look pretty cool, the aircraft had only very basic markings and I have tried to replicate this with these skins, the other set of  "ARABS" are in the standard Grey/White scheme.
    VA-145 "Swordsmen" aboard USS Intrepid 
    VA-152 "Friendlies" on the USS Oriskany and they were called the Friendlies at this time NOT the Black Aces, or the Fighting Aces, the Name is correct for the Time period, the Squadron I believe are now known as the Mavericks !!
    As with all my previous uploads, everything you need is in the package ( obviously you need the aircraft in the first place hahahaha ) Again I will give the Gypsies warning about the Data.ini, make sure you DO use it , or you WILL have clipping issues !!!
    I will also say, as mentioned my my friend Mr Wrench, these are not 100% completely new , shiny, you cant bend it, built from the ground up , skins, but rather total reworks of skins that are already available ( in most cases) Hopefully I have improved on previous and older ones, and I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed doing them for you all !!
    All the usual shout outs ( you know who you are !! ) 
    As always ENJOY !!!! 


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  19. A-1H USAF -for SF2V A-1H

    Also known as the A-1/AD-6 Skyraider
    For the stock 3rd Wire SF2:V A-1H Skyraider
    Continuing on from my previous uploads and reworks of USN and USMC Skyraiders, I present to you, for your delectation, and enjoyment the next in my rework of our beloved mud moving , snarling, piston powered , and rather handsome USAF Versions , I have made 3 Camouflage versions of the Aircraft from the 1st SOS, 22nd SOS, and 602st SOS of the 56th Special Operations Wing .
    22 SOS is in the Zorro scheme of Camo over Nite, I am aware that not all the aircraft in the Squadron were painted this way, however rather than making a split squadron, the whole load of 'em are nite unders, if ya don't like it....well tough !!  1 SOS is done in the more usual "day" scheme, but is very dirty drab and scratched up, whilst 602's airframes are reasonably clean ( for a skyraider) And a slightly lighter colour tone with the more usual Light Grey unders.
    I have tried to get the numbers and nose art matched up on the different squadrons airframes, and yes I am aware that some of the pilots flew on different squadrons and took their aircraft's name with them, so some of the ones I have portrayed, may appear with different tail codes etc, depending on your sources.
    I have pretty much reworked the camo schemes from scratch, and I hope that these beautiful aircraft meet your approval .
    Everything you need is in the package decals, sounds, pilots , weapons etc. etc. etc. also the Data.ini for the aircraft.........Be advised, you MUST use this Data.ini with these aircraft, firstly because I have enabled the Chaff dispensers, and secondly, it kills off the clipping issue that started me off on this project in the first instance................YOU HAVE BEEN INFORMED AND WARNED!!
    That I think covers it, all the usual shout outs to Wrench and Nyghtfall for their Templates, which are instrumental in these 'ere skins And to anyone else who had anything to do with the original , aircraft, cockpits, and any other stuff that I have to be politically correct about .
    Please feel free to leave feedback ( it is much appreciated) also if you find any glitches that may have slipped by my (cough) quality control (cough) department, please give me a shout so I can attempt to fix it.
    Get out there, move some mud, scare the bejesus out of the baddies in Injun country, and above all ENJOY !!!


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  20. Austro Hungarian Taube ( Galacia)

    This is a re do of Stephen 1918's Kondor Taube, specifically in Austrian Markings for the Eastern Front, and as Stephen has just released his updated Galacia Map, I thought it fitting to re skin one of his Aircraft. 
    The First one is actually a skin seen on and Etrich built Taube, and NOT a Kondor, however as we only have the one model, I applied a little artistic licence. I have also added serial numbers, not historically correct for this aircraft, however they look the part, so a little suspension of belief will go a long way !!! also I am unsure if this scheme was a one off on a single airframe, or whether it was done on others, but anyway it looks very Austrian, and a gaggle of them flying together ( when you can actually get any altitude) look very smart and efficient, so all good !! The Second skin is just Stephens original one with new markings . I have also made new hangar and loading screens specific to this Aeroplane.
    I used a combination of Stephens and Gambits skins , so most of the hard work must go to those worthy souls !! I have also included Von S' Data.ini which makes the aircraft a brute to fly, but that was what they were like, underpowered and SLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW !!! I was going to apply weathering to the skins , but most pictures I have seen of Taubes portray pretty clean aircraft all things considered. I have re done the Engine sound as I wasn't happy with the stock proploop. I have also amalgamated the Armed ( rifle) and grenade armed machines, as I feel that they would have carried both, and no one or the other exclusively  . and have therefore put a loadout.ini file in with the aeroplane. everything else is in there sounds, guns pilots etc so it should be plug and play......if I have left anything out please accept my apologies, and blame the weather or the cat, anything but me !! 
    So again thanks and huge shout outs to Stephen, Gambit, and Von S who gave us the original I hope you enjoy this very attractive Aeroplane, even if its hard work to get the best out of it .


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  21. A-1H USMC DECAL.ini Corrections

    Just a quick errata sheet for the USMC Skyraider skins I released last month, I just noticed a glaring error, ie I had misnumbered the decals in the decal.ini on 3 of the skins I uploaded that is for VMA212 - 251 - 333 causing the tail numbers to be errr rather truncated on the right side of the fin.....ooops !! 
    So, here are the 3 corrected decal.ini's for the relevant skins, just rename them ie just delete the names I have put on them for reference, and rename EACH one "Decals" and drop them into the relevant skin folder and allow it to over write the existing decal.ini file if you didnt delete it first of course, oh yes, I had also forgotten to enable the prop decals on those 3 skins so that has been rectified as well.
    Totally my bad here, I shall be having strong words with my quality control department , apologies for the error , silly me !!   


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  22. A-1H Skyraider USMC Pack

    This is another rework of the available A-1H  Skyraider skins, this time for USMC A-1's same details as the previous upload for the USN versions. 3 of which are generic USMC airframes, the bu numbers etc are also generic as not many A1's were in use with the Marines in Vietnam as most of the squadrons had re equipped with A4's by then.
    included are 
    VMA 212 generic
    VMA 225
    VMA 251 generic
    VMA 331
    VMA 333
    the reworked data.ini to stop the clipping issue
    All the Sounds needed
    Pilot ( a different one from the USN one )
    lo res screens if you need them
    as with the previous skins I have re-enabled the wingfold system,and the canopy so the usual shift-9 for the wings and shift-0 for the canopy
    Enjoy, fly safe, and give 'em hell.


       (1 review)



  23. A-1H Skin Pack

    This is a rework of the available A-1H  Skyraider skins, the project started when I noticed there was a clipping issue on the original user made skins, after the stock aircraft had been made flyable etc. being an OCD sufferer I couldn't live with it, so I had to comb the DATA.INI of the aircraft to find the issue, which I never didi, probably one number out of place , or something of that nature. So I re did the whole data file, using a frankenstien of a couple of the available ones, mainly Wrench's , so worry ye not good campers, very little has been altered, so the A/C still operates as Wrench intended, just NO CLIPPING !!! ................YAY !! RESULT !! HAPPY BLOODY DANCE !! ......
    Anyhow, I then went on to re do all the skins, utilising the templates from bot Wrench, and Nyghtfall, so a mix and match of those as well, I hope you like and enjoy the results !!
    Included are 
    VA-52 ( two versions, one dirty one clean , the clean one has new decals for the squadron markings made by me )
    VA-65 (Early version )
    VA-65 ( USS Enterprise )
    VA-105 ( A really shiny pristine skin ) 
    VA-176 (USS Shangri La )
    VA-176 (USS Intrepid)
    the reworked data.ini to stop the clipping issue
    Decals ( of course....no use without 'em as I have altered theDECAL.INI of all the skins , 'cos I like to make trouble harharhar )
    All the Sounds needed
    Finally the weapons ie drop tanks and the bog bomb, and the Pilot I myself use for this aircraft, oh yes and all the screens, both in hi res, and lo res if you need lo res screens for any reason. 
    One final note, on the  VA-176 ( Intrepid ) skin, two of the aircraft have kill markings, I have put the entry to enable those in the DECAL.INI of that particular aircraft, however I have them disabled, as in reality the Bu Numbers of the skins and the Actual aircraft are not the same, and I couldnt be bothered to make the correct bu numbers for thos 2 particular aircraft, however if you do not have OCD, and you want the marking showing ( they are keyed to the correct nose numbers ) the just remove the hash marks in the DECAL.INI
    //FilenameFormat=A-1H/VA176a/D/kills    <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< THAT THERE !!! 
    Thats about it, please enjoy, and please leave feedback if you like...........................cheers !! 
    OH yes, I forgot one last thing, I have re-enabled the wingfold system, , yes , yes I know its not perfect, as it leaves the stores hanging in a weightless environment, but hey ho, if ya dont like it, eith re disable it or , simply ignore it !! so canopy opens with SHIFT-0 and the wingfold is SHIFT-9.


       (1 review)



  24. Fokker DII

    Fokker DII
    A revamp of Stephen 1918's Glorious Fokker D II , I have re done the original 3 skins as I thought the aluminum cowl needed to be lightened up somewhat, and the panels on the cowlings needed a slight tweak. So I have re done the original ones supplied by Stephen, I have also made alternative versions of thos 3 aircraft with painted cowlings, and white bandage markings for the Maltese crosses, I also made one skin in Clear dope, for those of you who like CDL aircraft, it appears that the DII was usually painted , so a doped aircraft was rare, I also did 2 separate aircraft from Kesta 4b one with a black and whirte striped rear fuselage, and the other one was just white, also was not a named aircraft. and lastly I did an aircraft from Kesta 16 with a rather natty eyeball marking and the fuselage over painted with paint smears.
    I have also included the FM by Von S , along with the early spandau, and finally one of Geezers smashing pilots. sounds decals, and hangar screens are all included or at least they should be.

    I hope I have included everyone who I am supposed to give credit to, if I have missed anyone out I heartilly apologise, and thank you whomsoever ye may be.
    You may also notice that I have applied little or no weathering to these skins, that is basically because although these aircraft got very dirty very quickly, I much prefer the model to be shown in "airshow" condition, so if you want weathering, please feel free to add your own to taste, myself, I like 'em looking clean.


       (2 reviews)



  25. Fokker EIV

    The final collection of Eindeckers, the infamous EIV . apparently there were only ever 50 airframes operational, one assumes that different squadrons were allocated 1 or 2 at a time, and as the aircraft was really not that much of an improvement over the EIII it must have been a rare bird indeed, as the Albatri were starting to come into service around the same time, so few of these aircraft were around, So, the skins are as follows, for the EIVa or 3 gun version, of which there was only ever one, thats the one you get ( you can of course use any of the other skins with this version if you like the idea of 3 Spandaus ) the rest of them are for the production 2 gun EIV , so I have done 2 factory finish skins, one CDL, and one Grey, I have also done Max Immelmans EIV, along with Kurt Students from Fokker Staffel 3, one skin representing a machine from KeK 3 flown by many different pilots, the final skin is of an aircraft called Hannah, now I have seen a few different colours for this particular aircraft, from Kesta 4, there is one pretty clear photo, which shows that it was at some time camouflaged, the colours are speculative, but I think they look about right, I have also seen pictures of the same aircraft in CDL as well, so I did both of them just for good measure.
    As with the other releases, the requisite files are all included, the ~~Numbers for the named aircraft are correct to the best of my knowledge, the other FOK numbers, are again speculative, but not far off the mark hopefully.
    The call outs for the usual suspects is as follows, Von S and his troupe, for all the behind the scenes jiggery pokery, Laton for making the models, and to peter for the FM's, also Gambit and Von Deutchmark for any original skins I have butchered and hacked about ( hopefully for the better !! )
    As always, please please ENJOY !!


       (2 reviews)




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