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Everything posted by Antares81

  1. Templates will never be like new skins and detail .... than there are also templates for the A-4
  2. would be a good idea to make a skins pack for TW F-14A in high and low viz, is possible ?
  3. SF2 Sparviero Fast Patrol Craft

    good ... some idea about carrier ?
  4. Absalon Class Support Ship

    Another excellent job ... thank you
  5. Is possible to make new cockpit for the diffrent F-111s versions ? Take example from Justflight model for FSX ....
  6. Would be awesome a similar TASK Force Ops in SF2 NA whit new carriers
  7. Story of an F-14 POW

    I know about thi story, Jones was saved duringa RESCUE Op. COMBAT-SAR whit CH-53 Pavw Low and two A-10A.
  8. Sf2_Stockholm_Corvette,7z

    Thanks a lot ... Naval Ops are necessary for increase SF2 NA capability
  9. MiG-23 BN cockpit

    Will you make TV display version ?
  10. would be a good idea to add new aircraft carrier .... nice job
  11. Hello very good 3D model , nice job .... I hope that coming soon
  12. Always a great Work Raven.... very very good mode. It's only a pity that avionic engin is not develope t use the A-G attack modes.
  13. I just hope that engine sim will be developet for give a most realistic figlht and combat conditions. There's no air-refuel, no A-G tracking targets and no EO- AT flir sistem for engage targets whit avionics system. I hope for new improvements
  14. LST-1179 Newport class landing ship

    very good model. Please can you make some US NAVY carriers for SF2 NA , I have a lot of material if you need please. I hope you would hear this request. my best whishes
  15. SF2 "What If" Royal Navy Malta Class CVA

    nice job , there will be some US NAVY carrier class for SF2 NA ? something like class Forrestal or USS JFK and USS America ?
  16. SF2NA MAR-2012 Dupuy de Lome

    Thank You , nice job , can you make some USN carrier ?
  17. La Fayette class frigate

    Thanks a lot , you are a good modder thes ship are very good but please make some US NAVY carrier for SF2 NA. Please ... my best regards
  18. I've read too the post on DCS forum, this is a great news, just wait until the end of year ... just great. Would be good to add a carrier pack ... waiting for :)
  19. Jeanne d'Arc helicopter carrier

    Good work .. is possible some US NAVy Class Forrestalcarriers ?

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