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Everything posted by frtn

  1. SU-30SM

    Version 1.0.6


    Su-30SM Flanker-H ________________________________________________________________________ This model from the DesireFX Page, by user Quartermaster's su-35 3dmodel There is no cockpit in the package,You have to download it in the cockpit. ini Please set the Position [CockpitSeat001] Position=0.0000,6.05,1.50<--------------Improtant two verson's DATA.ini in the file package, AL-31FP's su30sm and AL-41's SU30sm. Anmation is open the cockpit and Aircraft fuel pipe, The key,ANIMATION_9 and ANIMATION_10 in the game. _________________________________________________________________________ Hope you like it!
  2. img00063.jpg

  3. img00068.jpg

  4. View File SU-35 Su-35 ________________________________________________________________________ This model from the DesireFX Page, by user Quartermaster's su-35 3dmodel There is no cockpit in the package,You must download it. or it can't be runned in the game. Please copy the su-35.lod and su-35data.ini to the su-35 folder. when you have been to download the cockpit, Please set the Position in the cockpit.ini. [CockpitSeat001] Position=0.0000,7.6,1.15<--------------Improtant About the Anmation,The key,ANIMATION_10, open the cockpit. This model's skin can be used in the Su-30sm also. _________________________________________________________________________ Frtn Have Fun! Submitter frtn Submitted 05/30/2020 Category Modern Soviet Aircraft  
  5. SU-35

    Version 1.0.0


    Su-35 ________________________________________________________________________ This model from the DesireFX Page, by user Quartermaster's su-35 3dmodel There is no cockpit in the package,You must download it. or it can't be runned in the game. Please copy the su-35.lod and su-35data.ini to the su-35 folder. when you have been to download the cockpit, Please set the Position in the cockpit.ini. [CockpitSeat001] Position=0.0000,7.6,1.15<--------------Improtant About the Anmation,The key,ANIMATION_10, open the cockpit. This model's skin can be used in the Su-30sm also. _________________________________________________________________________ Frtn Have Fun!
  6. View File SU-30SM Su-30SM Flanker-H ________________________________________________________________________ This model from the DesireFX Page, by user Quartermaster's su-35 3dmodel There is no cockpit in the package,You have to download it in the cockpit. ini Please set the Position [CockpitSeat001] Position=0.0000,6.05,1.50<--------------Improtant two verson's DATA.ini in the file package, AL-31FP's su30sm and AL-41's SU30sm. Anmation is open the cockpit and Aircraft fuel pipe, The key,ANIMATION_9 and ANIMATION_10 in the game. _________________________________________________________________________ Hope you like it! Submitter frtn Submitted 05/23/2020 Category Modern Soviet Aircraft  
  7. View File SU-47 SU-47 _____________________________________________________________ 3dmodel is from the free3d(freeware) (This is not my model, but Edited by me) Cockpit use insky su-35 Cockpit The animation key is the ctrl + 0(open the cockpit) ctrl + O(open the weaponBay) I can't provide sound files and the effect files. so you must find the files before you folder it in the game. Thanks a lot Have fun frtn Submitter frtn Submitted 03/31/2020 Category Modern Soviet Aircraft  
  8. View File S-32(test) 3dmodel is from the free3d(freeware) (This is not my model, but Edited by me) this is a test verson,maybe it has any unknow problem. The su-47 skin is can be used in this mod,too. Cockpit use insky su-35 Cockpit The animation key is the ctrl + 0(open the cockpit) ctrl + O(open the weaponBay) I can't provide sound files and the effect files. so you must find the files before you folder it in the game. Thanks a lot Have fun frtn Submitter frtn Submitted 03/31/2020 Category Modern Soviet Aircraft  
  9. SU-47

    Version 1.0.0


    SU-47 _____________________________________________________________ 3dmodel is from the free3d(freeware) (This is not my model, but Edited by me) Cockpit use insky su-35 Cockpit The animation key is the ctrl + 0(open the cockpit) ctrl + O(open the weaponBay) I can't provide sound files and the effect files. so you must find the files before you folder it in the game. Thanks a lot Have fun frtn
  10. S-32(test)

    Version 1.0.0


    3dmodel is from the free3d(freeware) (This is not my model, but Edited by me) this is a test verson,maybe it has any unknow problem. The su-47 skin is can be used in this mod,too. Cockpit use insky su-35 Cockpit The animation key is the ctrl + 0(open the cockpit) ctrl + O(open the weaponBay) I can't provide sound files and the effect files. so you must find the files before you folder it in the game. Thanks a lot Have fun frtn
  11. Version 1.0


    This is my new mod This package have type-99(China),T-90(Russian),M1A1(USAF) DATA not by myself maybe have some unknow bug Maybe tank size is big I add new tank sound ------------------------------------ Add to GunDATA ------------------------------------ M1A1 [GunDataXXX] TypeName=120MM_L44 FullName=120MM Rheinmetall Maingun Caliber=120.000000 ROF=4.000000 MuzzleVel=920.000000 AmmoWt=30.250002 WarheadWt=0.000000 Reliability=100.000000 Accuracy=95.000000 AddLight=TRUE MaxLightRange=2000.000000 FireColor=0.400000,0.360000,0.256000 GunFireEffect=TankGunFireEffect GunFireSound=TankGun EffectClassName=TankGunEffects EffectTime=0.100000 TracerTexture=Tracer3.tga TracerSize=0.200000 TracerDistFactor=0.002000 TracerLength=0.018000 MaxVisibleDist=4000.000000 MaxStreakVisibleDist=1000.000000 TimeFuzed=FALSE [GunDataXXX] TypeName=25MM_M242 FullName=25mm M242 Bushmaster Caliber=25.000000 ROF=200.000000 MuzzleVel=1100.000000 AmmoWt=0.180000 WarheadWt=0.010000 Reliability=100.000000 Accuracy=50.000000 AddLight=TRUE MaxLightRange=1200.000000 FireColor=0.500000,0.450000,0.320000 GunFireEffect=23mmFireEffect GunFireSound=Cannon EffectClassName=23mmEffects EffectTime=0.100000 TracerTexture=Tracer.tga TracerSize=0.150000 TracerDistFactor=0.002000 TracerLength=0.015000 MaxVisibleDist=4000.000000 MaxStreakVisibleDist=1000.000000 TimeFuzed=FALSE Thanks _____________________________ jasonowen azlyirnizam north ---------------------------------------------------- Frtn
  12. Version Final


    x-02 Wyvern __________________________________________________________________ Fictional fighter-Come From Ace combat ------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the late 1980s, the Federal Erusian Navy issued a request for the development of a new combat aircraft that could also be used by the Air Force. Preliminary blueprints of the new jet, named the "X-02A", were completed by late February 1987, and its maiden flight took place in 1998. Production continued until the start of the Usean Continental War; Erusea planned to use the X-02s for the defending squadron of the Stonehenge network, but controversy was sparked from opposition groups questioning its superiority to conventional aircraft. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- fictional information not true! ___________________________________________________________________ Perhaps some unknown problem of air data, animation key 10 - to open the cockpit door It can use the in sf2,copy sf2-3dmodel x-02 to wyern File Will reach a speed of Mach retractable wings animation, Such as F/A-37 ctrl+o --------- open AIM-9x door The mian weapondoor will auto open If your version is sf2 download seat files unless If you make skin need,Please not use decal.ini ------------------------------------------------------------------------- lotsbiss's 3dmodel edit 3dmodel by myself Data by myself cockpit use Bongodriver's EF2000 cockpit 2014.4.28 I Rewrite two INTERNAL station(AIM9x station),you can see the picture I hope you like it! Thanks ------------------------------------------------------------------------- frtn 2014
  13. Banidos J-31


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