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Status Replies posted by Menrva

  1. Today is my 54th Birthday, and happy to be a life and kicking. :lol:


  2. Dear Menrva, I am really enjoying your work on the Desert Storm stage. One thing occurred to me if it were possible to add burning oil fields like in real warfare. I came up with something akin to the geysers Gerwins placed on their land in Iceland. I have tried but the fire is not animated and does not look good. See if you can think of something. Greetings and thanks for your selfless work


    1. Menrva


      They already exist in the mod. Some oilfields are burning during later dates of the war. Fly in late February and the oilfields are burning all over Kuwait. The effect won't be visible at very long distances due to graphics engine limitations.

  3. Greetings from Royal Air Force Museum, London. Day two of touring it as there is soo much to see

  4. Greetings from Royal Air Force Museum, London. Day two of touring it as there is soo much to see

    1. Menrva


      Wow, it must be great! Any chance for photos, Stary?

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  5. Taking a break and enjoying the Olympics...

    1. Menrva


      Me too! Being European, it's difficult to follow most of the Olympics, you know, timezones...

  6. Has anyone thought of making a terrain covering Northern Iran Turkey Azerbijan Armenia and Georgia ?

    1. Menrva


      Yep, Baltika once had a rather promising WIP terrain that covers said countries. No idea what happened to that project.

  7. History is Lie, Religion is Rulership, Money is Fiction, No Debts, the Media is Manipulation, the Government is a Company, the System is a Fraud. WAKE UP!!!

    1. Menrva


      Well said, Heck! In a few words you summed up what is going on today. Hope is the only thing that we have now, but we must be ready for the worse.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  8. History is Lie, Religion is Rulership, Money is Fiction, No Debts, the Media is Manipulation, the Government is a Company, the System is a Fraud. WAKE UP!!!

    1. Menrva


      I fear that it is too late... I usually never lose hope, but lately I have the horrible impression of being surrounded by zombies instead of thinking human beings.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  9. Turkey violated Greek airspace 2,244 times in 2014 alone

    1. Menrva


      Well said! Maybe one day the HAF will surprise us...

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)


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