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Everything posted by Menrva

  1. We really need an updated ODS campaign with my terrain and the new aircraft models. It's been a while since eburger68 last appeared. I hope he is okay! In my terrain there are oil platforms, but they are not targetable, I did it so because I don't think it would be compliant with ROEs. It's just a matter of seconds to make them as targets though. There are oil terminals and oil fields as targets, instead.
  2. I'd say the _types.ini has priority. The object's separate .ini file comes into play when that object is not used inside the _targets.ini, but it's randomly generated in single missions.
  3. It's doable, I've done something similar in my Iran/Iraq terrain. Basically, you create two targets. One which gets deactivated after a certain date with the InactiveDate statement. The other target, with different alignment, only shows up after a certain date, with the ActiveDate statement. You also have ActiveYear, but that one is more generic, you can only specify the year, while with ActiveDate you can define Month/Day/Year.
  4. RIP Sam Shepard

    I remember him on a number of great movies, from The Right Stuff to Black Hawk Down. Rest In Peace.
  5. I'll wait until Crusader feels like they're ready for release. A major update of my Iran/Iraq terrain is inbound next month, together with a post 2003 version. Perfect playground for them.
  6. Oh, pardon me, Heck, actually I still need to check. I am on the very last patch. It could have been fixed in the later patches, who knows? Much has changed since the 2012 level patches. I'd like to hear from others as well. Are you running a modded install or simply stock?
  7. Really? How come I didn't notice this earlier? It's been a while since I last played a campaign. Seems a bug to me, maybe introduced with the latest patches.
  8. Bright star pictures

    Cool photos! Link does not work on my end, it returns the dreaded 404 error. Anyone can confirm?
  9. Another article at BBC, in English of course: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-40578106
  10. Me neither, I have no access to the modders' repository. Which are the requisites? Anyway, I don't think Baltika's WIP is there. We would need his explicit consent to proceed upon his work, too.
  11. Great skins! Thanks for sharing, 1977Frenchie! I was wondering, when was the low-viz scheme introduced exactly? I was looking for info, the best I found was that the change between hi-viz and low-viz happened during the 80s.
  12. Being Italian, I would like to help on any WIPs of the Balkan theater. In the past, some tried to recreate such terrain, but were limited by the tools available at the time (working on heightmaps was a nightmare). Today, we have more powerful tools, new techniques (Stary's discovery of 250m heightmaps comes to my mind) and so on. The most advanced WIP I recall is Baltika's. I am wondering if there are others as well.
  13. Win10 Creator Update mucked up my desktop

    Very sorry to hear this. I upgraded to the latest build voluntarily and I didn't have any major issues (except one which broke mostly all Adobe Photoshop products, and neither companies are willing to solve the matter). It's very strange that you cannot go back to the previous build. Usually, after such big updates, there is always a Windows.old folder which contains everything needed for a full restore to the previous build. I really don't know what might have happened.
  14. What the topic title says: http://www.bbc.com/news/av/uk-40426747/luftwaffe-ace-flies-in-spitfire
  15. Landing a F-35B on the HMS Queen Elizabeth, using a multi-room flight simulator: http://www.bbc.com/news/av/uk-40405476/hms-queen-elizabeth-how-to-land-a-plane-on-new-ship
  16. Yep, they are using the Unreal Engine 4, it was about time they decided to make a PC release too. For all of you who are interested, here are two gameplay demos, the first with commentary from the AC director himself, Kazutoki Kono. For the second video, keep in mind that the dubbing is still a work in progress, I think; there are some translation mistakes (noticeable also in the E3 trailer).
  17. Little sh*t hit the fan; Russia has confirmed that it will view US-led coalition aircraft as targets, from now on: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-40329036 Another article regarding today's rarity of air-to-air kills: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-40327934
  18. Alaska, Bering Strait (1955-2018)

    Thanks Stary! It's also thanks to your discovery that it looks so pretty. The terrain uses a fresh new heightmap created with DEM files, so altitudes are pretty accurate to the Real World. The same can be said for the Iraq/Iran terrain I made, it was my first attempt, the one I am most proud of.
  19. Sukhois

    Ditto that. Wish you and your family the best, 76.IAP-Blackbird.
  20. Sukhois

    Exactly. It took me three years to develop the Iran/Iraq terrain. I am grateful to all of those who waited for it. I put so much effort into it, and I am a little afraid some people don't even notice it. Other incredible, great modders around here have provided the community with outstanding stuff, all for free. They say, to share is to care. Also, let's not forget, patience is a virtue.
  21. Stratolaunch

    Me too, I like reading aviation related news. Man, I can't believe it. Who needs Ace Combat's fictional aircraft fortresses? We are getting closer to such fiction.
  22. Wow, nice! Thank you, gerwin, I really like your work. Your 3D models (including airbases) and TFDtool are masterpieces.
  23. Good to see you're back, viper63a! Thanks for sharing this nice package!
  24. Nice addition indeed! Maybe one day we will see an updated ODS campaign package with my accurate terrain remake. I keep on dreaming.
  25. Learn your callsign

    "Ripping Falcon" here, reporting for duty! I prefer owls over falcons, though, LOL!

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