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About Serbiansaber1

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    Novi Sad, Serbia
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  1. Soko G-4 Super Galeb v1.1

  2. TU-95 Bear M

    Link shows as dead, any alternatives?
  3. IAI Kfir C10 / CE cockpit

    You need to add the .lod files for the Kfir or provide links to it, as only the users from WOI have those ...
  4. File Name: Serbian Air Force MiG-29A skin File Submitter: Serbiansaber1 File Submitted: 22 July 2014 File Category: Mig-29 Fulcrum Skins This skin represents one of the few MiG-29s that Serbian Air Force possess in their arsenal, only 4 survivors (3 MiG-29B + 1 MiG-29UB trainer) of a very turbulent period, yet as few as they are, they represent the most advanced part of Serbian Air Force, and are flown only by the best pilots... Ex Yugoslavian MiGs were repainted in 2006, with this 2-tone gray paint scheme and low-vis roundel after their refurbishment in Russia. Since then, lack of frequent support, no upgrades, and small numbers of these machines leaves much to be desired. But, they are still kept in high regard by both the people and the army, and are essential part of air-defense of Serbia. Installation is simple: extract the folder called "Serbia" with your WINRAR or other program and put it in your Objects/Aircraft/MiG-29A folder. Tested with Wings Over Europe Oct 2008 patch. Many thanks to the following people: Mirage Factory - Model Ianh755 / Stipe - Serbian AF Skin ivanbasic - Decals I extracted the skin from stipe's MiG-29M2 mod and made it standalone. http://combatace.com/files/file/14332-semi-fictional-mig-29m2s-serbian-af/ This skin is freeware... Click here to download this file
  5. Version 1.0


    This skin represents one of the few MiG-29s that Serbian Air Force possess in their arsenal, only 4 survivors (3 MiG-29B + 1 MiG-29UB trainer) of a very turbulent period, yet as few as they are, they represent the most advanced part of Serbian Air Force, and are flown only by the best pilots... Ex Yugoslavian MiGs were repainted in 2006, with this 2-tone gray paint scheme and low-vis roundel after their refurbishment in Russia. Since then, lack of frequent support, no upgrades, and small numbers of these machines leaves much to be desired. But, they are still kept in high regard by both the people and the army, and are essential part of air-defense of Serbia. Installation is simple: extract the folder called "Serbia" with your WINRAR or other program and put it in your Objects/Aircraft/MiG-29A folder. Tested with Wings Over Europe Oct 2008 patch. Many thanks to the following people: Mirage Factory - Model Ianh755 / Stipe - Serbian AF Skin ivanbasic - Decals I extracted the skin from stipe's MiG-29M2 mod and made it standalone. http://combatace.com/files/file/14332-semi-fictional-mig-29m2s-serbian-af/ This skin is freeware...
  6. Jumping in from nowhere, is there a Hughes AIM-47 Falcon download anywhere here? It is this bird's ONLY weapon system right?
  7. Adding on the Centurion-1's entry I found out about this line on the Wikipedia, the opinion of the Soviet test pilot V. N. Kondaurov. He described the first firing of the GSh-6-30А: "As I imposed the central mark on the air target and pressed the trigger to shoot, I heard such noise that I involuntarily drew my hand aside. The whole plane began to vibrate from the shooting and had almost stopped from the strong recoil of the gun. The pilotless target, which was just making a turn ahead of me, was literally disintegrating into pieces. I have hardly come to my senses from unexpectedness and admiration: This is a calibre! Such a beast! If you hit something — it will not be little [damaged]" About this- the Il-102 came a little closer to being a production aircraft than that, mate :
  8. Yea, but I have a different problem in the KMGU-2 Russian bomblet dispenser. The funny thing is that aldo it is registered as a rocket pod - AI flying the Su-24 do a great bombing run with it, perfect, low level, just like they are carying a regular bomb load, but an AI flying a Su-30 has an issue at going all above and try to dive-bomb and usualy slams into the ground with no bomblets droped at all. So now I am puzzeld as I can't just use a "MER tweak" to the KMGU-2 as it has 32 bomblets in it (in reality can have even more than that - some 90+), and am even more puzzled by the duality of the AI compared to what system if flies on. So maybe it is down to the AI tweaking after all.
  9. Is this thread dead or is something brewing beyond the horizon?
  10. File Name: Su-25A Grach/Frogfoot Repack File Submitter: Serbiansaber1 File Submitted: 24 February 2014 File Category: Modern Soviet Aircraft First of all this plane is here because of the hard work of the following people: AmokFloo 76.IAP-Blackbird Ordway Uhu Armour Dave Sal and many others... This is a repack of the Su-25A attack aircraft remade for SF-1 and tested in WoE October 2008 patch. The original authors of this baby are AmokFloo and 76.IAP-Blackbird, who made the great model for SF-2, and then Uhu recoded the ini files and made everything compatible with SF-1. I have later merged it with the fantastic MiG-27 cockpit made by Armour Dave and Sal, which was posted by Ordway. I liked the Su-25T/39 version a lot but it was a little bit to much for me, and to much for the Russian Air force I guess. So this is what I have been waiting for. A simpler, more down to earth version, rugged but still quite deadly in the capable hands. Reminds me a lot of the old Su-25A days of the LOMAC series! WARNING: Except for the gun there are no other weapons in this pack for this bird so make sure you have some juicy Russian weapon pack installed. P.S. There are some great skins for it made by WINGSOVERISRAEL at: http://combatace.com/files/file/14568-su-25-frogfoot-a-skins/ Click here to download this file
  11. Version 1.01


    First of all this plane is here because of the hard work of the following people: AmokFloo 76.IAP-Blackbird Ordway Uhu Armour Dave Sal and many others... This is a repack of the Su-25A attack aircraft remade for SF-1 and tested in WoE October 2008 patch. The original authors of this baby are AmokFloo and 76.IAP-Blackbird, who made the great model for SF-2, and then Uhu recoded the ini files and made everything compatible with SF-1. I have later merged it with the fantastic MiG-27 cockpit made by Armour Dave and Sal, which was posted by Ordway. I liked the Su-25T/39 version a lot but it was a little bit to much for me, and to much for the Russian Air force I guess. So this is what I have been waiting for. A simpler, more down to earth version, rugged but still quite deadly in the capable hands. Reminds me a lot of the old Su-25A days of the LOMAC series! WARNING: Except for the gun there are no other weapons in this pack for this bird so make sure you have some juicy Russian weapon pack installed. P.S. There are some great skins for it made by WINGSOVERISRAEL at: http://combatace.com/files/file/14568-su-25-frogfoot-a-skins/
  12. File Name: New Woe Mainscreen BF3 style + music File Submitter: Serbiansaber1 File Submitted: 21 February 2014 File Category: SF/WO* Hanger/Menu/Loadout This time its the new BF-3 inspired Main menu screen and the Serenata Immortale by Immediate Music to try and make you feel more epic and in awe when you enter your air combat sim. BE WARNED that the picture will mask the Menu buttons but they will still be there and they should appear when you navigate your mouse over them. I left it like this on purpose to have a cleaner looking Screen. Hopefully you wont have much trouble for this... Do NOT forget to BACKUP your files if you have an alternative installed. Good hunting pilots! Click here to download this file
  13. Version 1.0


    This time its the new BF-3 inspired Main menu screen and the Serenata Immortale by Immediate Music to try and make you feel more epic and in awe when you enter your air combat sim. BE WARNED that the picture will mask the Menu buttons but they will still be there and they should appear when you navigate your mouse over them. I left it like this on purpose to have a cleaner looking Screen. Hopefully you wont have much trouble for this... Do NOT forget to BACKUP your files if you have an alternative installed. Good hunting pilots!
  14. File Name: Main menu for Woi "One MiG Down" File Submitter: Serbiansaber1 File Submitted: 15 February 2014 File Category: SF/WO* Hanger/Menu/Loadout Hello, this is my first minimod for SF1:WOI and representing a new mainmenu picture and menu text disposition and resizing for a better view. You can easily change the text size by changing parameters in the line TextSize=20 to something else located in the MAINSCREEN.INI file. The picture quality is low because I had to enlare the original picture I found on the net. Here is the piece of original description: "A formation of Mirages led by Lt Col Avi Lanir - commander of 101 Squadron Israeli Air Force - intercepts the MiG-21s over the Syrian Desert on 9 November 1972. In the ensuing dogfight two of the Syrian MiGs are shot down. One from a direct hit by Lanir to score his second MiG victory..." all credits go to Robert Taylor at Wings Fine Arts Inc Best regards, Serbiansaber1 Click here to download this file

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