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About Kyot54

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  1. SF2NA: Black Sea Crisis (Part 1 of 4)

    I'm sure it's somewhere in the ReadMe, I just haven't found it. I recently had to upgrade my comp, and on the reinstall, the map nixed the carrier start option. How can i get this back? I know I have down it with some personally made campaigns, i just can't remember what little thing I need to change and Some much going on right now, mucking around to fix it might cause more problems I don't have time to fix. Other than that, great campaign, thoroughly enjoyed playing it from multiple angles. Update, I just found it in the instructions here, lol. But feel free to re-post as a comment for other knuckleheads like me. :)
  2. I'm tryign to figure out how to configure 2BR/BRU-55s to allow carriage of 2 1000 lbs JDAMs (GBU-32). I can't figure out what I need to change. I have gotten it to carry two GBU-16s
  3. VF-11 Red Rippers OIF

  4. RA-5C Skinpack

  5. F/A-18E VFA-35 Blk II CAG [Fictional]

    Really nice looking! I can make some line skins, but this is way cooler than what I can make for a CAG bird. I might download it later for my Foxtrots.
  6. VFA-35 Line Blk I [Fictional]

    Looks nice! I jury-rigged some old medium attack skins for the Foxtrot Rhino, VA-35 included, and most of them look pretty good. I hope to make a VFA-65 Tigers and VFA-95 Green Lizards when time allows, but if someone beats me to it, I won't complain.
  7. Ride in an F-4D

    Dang, for a second I thought it said F-*14*D. I was about to dump my life savings into lottery tickets! LOL
  8. Trying this from my phone so we'll see how it woeks. Wikipedia's page on jet fuel was interesting but moderately useful. Seems USN uses JP-5 mostly and USAF uses -8, just s O thing don't get too boring for us :P. LOL So ultimately this was all the government bureaucracy's fault. :D
  9. Back to DACT for a moment, here's some pics of my Tomcat vs Vicious Dragon flights, flown in the aforementioned Op Darius install
  10. EricH, My apologies, I'm not trying to dis your campaigns, I really like them, and have more than a couple of SF2 installs for that purpose. If you've corrected the .ini's that is awesome. It's been a while since I downloaded Darius, and my Super Hornet install for basic SF2 was a separate download, not a cut and paste from Darius, so I can't be sure if the fuel glitch was for both, though I do know it was in the download for my basic SF2. I do know I had to fix the F-22 for Darius, but I'm not sure whether I got the updated version or not, but as you have it set where it needs to be at this time, I see no further reason to dwell on it. Thanks for being willing to check up on all that. EricJ, As Crusader mention, the data.ini's calculate fuel based on Kg, not pounds, so if you are using the pounds number, it is going to be way off to the magnitude of 2.2x. As far as the JP-4/5/8, while I readily admit I am a recovering perfectionist (i.e. still really anal), differences in the order of 100lbs over 300 gallons (give or take) I wouldn't fuss as much about, nor is it going to double the fuel load in poundage. For example, in the Tomcat the difference in a full internal load of JP-5 vs JP-8 is roughly 2000 lbs, however we are talking deviances in the order of 15,000 lbs for the E/F/G Hornets. Looking at the original download files (I keep backups, for just such an occasion) it looks like the lbs vs. Kg exchange is the culprit. If, as you said, what you have listed in the data.ini is based on lbs ; [FuselageFuelCell1] SystemType=FUEL_TANK FuelTankID=1 MaxFuelAmount=2380 SelfHealing=TRUE FireSuppression=TRUE MinExtentPosition=-0.32, 2.636,0.293 MaxExtentPosition= 0.32, 1.686,-0.426 [FuselageFuelCell2] SystemType=FUEL_TANK FuelTankID=2 MaxFuelAmount=2600 SelfHealing=TRUE FireSuppression=TRUE MinExtentPosition=-0.32, 0.203,0.633 MaxExtentPosition= 0.32, 1.335,-0.598 Then it would be off if the game is calculating based on Kg. Based on metric measurements they should read [FuelCell1]:1082 [FuelCell2]:1182. I know when I adjusted the numbers myself, I cut them all at least in half, and then a bit more, which would follow in the order of Kg vs lbs scenario. I apologize, I feel like I've started a ruckus. As long as I can mod thing to my liking, I'm pretty happy. That's one thing I like about Sims, the Tomcat may not have carried AMRAAM's IRL, but in here I can correct that perceived injustice, though I do try to keep things to a plausible reality. Which means as much as I would love an F-8(X?) with an F135 engine, 4 wing hardpoints for whatever my heart desires including AMRAAMs, and a glass cockpit, HUD and AESA radar would be AWESOME, I'm still probably not going to make one :/

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