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Everything posted by yakarov79

  1. I made a new one some time ago together with late vehicles (SA-8B). The thing is we used only the late one in ODS30, so early (A) somehow stayed untouched on a drive. When time allows I will put together SA-8 pack and upload it.
  2. you have to make it as a gunner station / flexible gun... check my data of AH-64 or AH-1S/P/E/F and above... [TSU-1] SystemType=FLEXIBLE_GUN GunTypeName= MuzzlePosition= 0.00,-11.90, 0.78 LightPosition= 0.00,-11.90, 0.78 MaxAmmo= TracerLoading=0 BurstAmount=0 GunnerID=1 MinExtentPosition=-0.35,-9.50, 0.60 MaxExtentPosition= 0.35,-11.50, 1.50 [TSU-2] SystemType=GUNNER_STATION SeatID=4 GunnerID=1 SetCockpitPosition=FALSE MinExtentPosition=-0.0, 5.68, 0.07 MaxExtentPosition= 0.0, 5.37, 1.02 PitchModelNodeName= YawModelNodeName=TSU GunRange=2500 PitchAngleRate=0 MaxPitch=0 MinPitch=0 DefaultPitchAngle=0 YawLimited=TRUE YawAngleRate=45 MaxYaw=25 MinYaw=-25 DefaultYawAngle=0
  3. Could be that this is due to additional 'video' inside the cockpit. Is this in every Maverick-capable aircraft or some particular one? Try to look into desired aircraft avionics.ini and check values RadarTextureSize=512 TVDisplayTextureSize=512 try to set them to 256 and observe if this changed anything.
  4. I have a crate full of self-sealing stem bolts....where should I put it? GreenHell Vietnam, near Loc Chau exactly...
  5. Aalternate data GK-M163-VADS_Data.rar for M163 VADS. Reduced range of effective fire and added capability to target and attack AIR_AND_GROUND. Effective range is somewhere between real range against air and ground targets. and some minor adjustments.... Looks like I have changed the name of ini file (compared to the original GKABS one) - just to make modding more complicated. M163 PIVADS is designated somewhere from 1984..when Product Improvement program was introduced. Before it was officially M163 VADS. And in Vietnam was mainly used to support ground units. By the way, google.books have a 1976 manual if someone is interested.
  6. excellent work.... I believe we had 4096 skins M2000 in ODS30 (or 3072 but templates I did in 4096) But keep up the good work, looks fantastic.
  7. PBR-MK-II riverboat

    Nicely done!
  8. Ha-Long longboat

    Nicely done!
  9. DaNang longboat

    Nicely done!
  10. Asian Junk boat

    Nicely done!
  11. Asian Junk-Furled -Sail

    Nicely done!
  12. English Electric Canberra B(I)8

    Nicely done. As always. Love your attention to details
  13. we are sabotaging scumbags on every front... check collision points I had a similar issue with some old planes.

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