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About Me
I enjoy the sensation of flight in modded-up theaters for First Eagles 2 (FE2) and I've also created several flight model (FM) and optimization update packs for this excellent but little-known sim. There are now approximately 220 modded FMs available for FE2. I've also done a couple of small FM tweak packs for Cold War prop. and early WWII installs in Strike Fighters 2 (SF2), another great sim by ThirdWire.
Another of my favorite WWI sims. to fly is my "FrankenWoFF" backport of Wings Over Flanders Fields (WoFF) PE-era terrains and BH&H2-era aircraft into WoFF ver. 4.18 since that allows for the improved shaders of SweetFX to be used (and I prefer the richer color saturation of SweetFX to that of ReShade since the latter looks too grainy). WoFF of any recent vintage is great, and it is a fully-baked sim. with quick combat and complete campaign possibilities.
Also available are FM update packs that cover about 50 or so aircraft in WoFF UE/PE and BH&H2, as well as various Enhancement Packages, GPU Tuners, etc., for the OBD series of sims. For info. regarding flight model tweaking in the WoFF series, recommended is to have a gander at the posts located under this thread.
For info. about my Rise of Flight United Edition (RoF UE) AI/DM mods. and other tweaks, see this link.
I no longer tweak mods. for the WoFF/WoTR series or RoF because there is nothing more that I can offer for those sims. mod-wise, but I do still occasionally dabble in First Eagles 2 tweaking when I find time.
If you are interested in downloading my various mods please see my public Sync account folder. Use the following password "yeoldeworkshopmodsvons" (without quotation marks) to access the folder, and browse the mods by sub-folder. Sub-folders are organized per flight simulator. "Read Me" files are included with mods where necessary, but also check over the couple of links located above in this introductory overview for other supplementary material and tips if you wish.
(Von S tweaks for WoFF/WoTR are of files © OBD Software; Von S tweaks for FE2/SF2/RoF have now been released under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0* "Creative Commons" Licence that is similar to the general CombatAce "Freeware" terms of agreement under which said mods were previously released from circa 2015 to 2024.
* The CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 Licence allows other modders and users to share and distribute my FE2/SF2/RoF mods in their original state freely and non-commercially, as long as original credit is given and as long as no further modifications are done to said mods. Modifications to my FE2/SF2/RoF mods may of course be used personally, but not distributed publicly.
Furthermore, Von S takes no responsibility for ideological injuries or historical fixations that may result from flying heavily tweaked flight/damage models for any of the flight simulators specified above or from attempts to enjoy real flying without aid or instruction from a qualified flight instructor.)
This overview was last updated on Feb. 13, 2025.
Good flying to you,
Von S