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Everything posted by w3llt1n

  1. I found it fun to fly... good aircraft... thanks...
  2. my first delta wing plane to enjoy flying... thanks for sharing
  3. Strike Fighters Android Review

    sf android.. this is the first game in strike fighter... i started to fall in love with this game and now i found my self flying pc version... this is owesome games best and fun aircraft simulator i ever play...
  4. This Fighter is the best fighter ever developed in numbers, developed as multirole nothings could replace this bird untill now..
  5. wow this is graeat plane.. i found that i just need to update my sf2 to may2011... now its working... its a greate honnor for me to be in combatace... i found sf2 very stunning.. and fun to fly than ather simulator....
  6. SF2 F-16C/D Block 60 Fictional USAF Squadrons.

    any other skin for this plane?
  7. SF2 F-16C/D Block 60 Fictional USAF Squadrons.

    thank you for this... this is one of my new favorite plane to fly
  8. SU-25 Project

    thank you for sharing this file...
  9. Vought F-118 Raider - Israeli Air Force Pack

    my internet suddenly drop before the download finish.. :( like to fly this plane
  10. SF2_F16D_B52_EGYPT

    good plane, i just re edit its texture in rear ingine to make the textue map right....
  11. Super Hornet Package for SF2 v4.1

    just download update and patches... like i do... i had the same problem before.
  12. 3D Max Exporter Plug In 2009

    hi sir dave... can this exporter work in 3dsmax2013? because i cant use "3dsmax 2009" in windows 7... thanks for uploading this exporter... it will be usefull for me...
  13. best fighter in my game... thanks a lot... cant stop flying this bird...
  14. F-15 A/B/C/D Baz Super Pack (Version 1.11)

    good plane... lot of thaks... :)
  15. T-45A Goshawk for SF2

    this is the first plane i download and it work in my sf2/woi... good plane.. tnx a lot to all modders.. credits to combatace..
  16. i love this plane but i cant use it in my sf2/woi, in doesnt show on battle, the only visible is its weapon, ex. bomb/RP. even cockpit is missing the only visible is its avionics...

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