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TaktischesGenie last won the day on May 8 2023

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About TaktischesGenie

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  1. A Brief Site Technical Question from a Returning Rooster

    Hey you should get the dark reader plugin/addon on your browser it should work
  2. it has the dual rack embedded into it maybe you could use this it is a a little covered but could be useful ;)
  3. What i would suggest you do is experiment with the upper limit on vertices through the TOD editor so we have a clear idea on what the limit really is you can check this through the tod editor i would send a screenshot but im 200kms away from my computer to the extent of my knowledge its somewhere between 9-10k vertices
  4. Hello, I have tested TOD editing a fair bit when i was working on the "dense cities" mod for Green Hell 3.5 As far as im aware the hard limit is based on vertices on a single TOD that limit being somewhere around 9000 VERTICES* (not Tris, yes.)
  5. Well... i totally didnt get carried away and started "reworking" the TODs with the Vietnam mod after about a week or so of testing different stuff i have finally come up with something im ready to show off theres still some issues like floating buildings but its not noticeable (its because i created a single lod for each texture) and smooth shading issue im not sure how to fix that ive tried everything i could think of Performance wise? not hit at all from what ive noticed Heres the Results!
  6. https://combatace.com/forums/topic/97412-operation-desert-storm-30ae-issues-fixes
  7. So while flying the A-7 Corsairs from stock game on SF2AGXP (fully updated) I realised the weapons were half assed onto the aircraft example: as you can see.... looks horrendous!! anyway I fixed it by copying over A-7E pylon attachment points from ODS mod.. Which were reworked by Yakarov79 (many thanks :) ) as such: see!! all pretty and things :) anyway... heres the data files! SF2VAGXP A-7.rar just drag and drop into your SF2VAGXP mod folder or even stock one if you want !
  8. Turn your settings down its the only way atm
  9. intruiging... ill try this .-.
  10. Crude Lantirn workaround

    Nope, You need Reshade installed and you have to buy the RTGI shaders from here https://www.patreon.com/mcflypg after this you need to drop this preset file into your main SF2 folder and enable it from Reshade ingame
  11. Not me coming back from the dead hehe screenie dump........ somebody fill me in on what ive missed!!!!!! (kidding ofc) Loving the content you all post !
  12. Crude Lantirn workaround

    Another unrelated thing..... if you want some nice Ambient Occlusion RTGI really helps with that Ive been testing it and it works well aslong as you disable Anti aliasing and use SMAA in Reshade Takti's RTGI,AA Preset.ini

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