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I am unable to find the tutorial on modifying or replacing national decal. There are two nations I want to replace decal. At the same time, there are a few nations I want to add into the game and add their decals too. I can't seem to find the tutorials on it. So may I ask for the advice on this? I am working on interesting projects which requires me to do this. Cheers!
Nations & Medals Expansion
Menrva posted a topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 2 Series - File Announcements
View File Nations & Medals Expansion Nations & Medals Expansion April 13th, 2019 (1st Release) by Menrva >For Strike Fighters 2 games This mod is an extension of the stock ThirdWire _nations.ini file. It adds new nations and respective national decals, missing from the stock game, and it adds numerous medals (made by Capitaine Vengeur and Charles) for the stock countries. Here below a summary of the changes: -Added a number of new service markings decals, for the added nations. -Remade decals for the fictive countries of SF2 to match the default 256x256 resolution of other national decals. -The Mercenary decal no longer shows Dhimari colours; now it's generic and adapt for various scenarios involving mercenaries. -The Soviet Air Force becomes the Russian Air Force since 1992, with proper new decals showing up since 2010. -The Soviet Naval Aviation (Russian Naval Aviation since 1992) has been added as a separate service. -The (Free) Libyan Air Force has been added and becomes active in 2012, in place of the Libyan Arab Republic Air Force. -Biafra and Katanga have been added and are active for a short number of years, as historically accurate. -The Rwandan Air Force has been added, active since 1962, with later finflash showing up since 2002. -The Niger Air Force has been added, active since 1961, with alternative insignia in use since 1980. -The Djibouti Air Force has been added, active since 1977, as historically accurate. -The missing post-Yugoslavia nations, namely Montenegro and Republika Srpska, have been added. -The missing ex-Soviet Union nations of Belarus, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan have been added. -The Irish Air Corps has been added, with alternative decals in use since 1955. -The People's Liberation Army Naval Air Force has been added as a separate service, active since 1953. -The Somali Air Force is known as the Somali Aeronautical Corps before 1960, as historically correct. -The Burkina Faso Air Force is no longer active since 1964, now it's active since 1985; it shows up as the Upper Volta Air Force before 1985. -The Bahrain Amiri Air Force becomes the Royal Bahraini Air Force in 2002, as historically accurate. -Created and added low-vis insignia and finflash textures for the Pakistan Air Force. -Fixed a stock bug in SF2 with the Sultan of Oman's Air Force not being selectable since 1959, as it should be. -Fixed a stock bug in SF2 with the Republic of China (Taiwan) Air Force not using the old roundel as it should be before 1992. -Activated unused low-vis finflash included in stock SF2 for the Canadian Armed Forces. -Other very small changes here and there to other stock nations. -Added new medals for the following nations and respective services: Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Egypt, East Germany, West Germany, France, Finland, Greece, Hungary, India, Iran, Iraq, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, North Korea, South Korea, North Vietnam, South Vietnam, Norway, Pakistan, Poland, Russia, Soviet Union, Spain, Sweden, Syria, Taiwan, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States. Modders and users are advised to tweak their _userlist.ini files and _data.ini files for aircraft and ships, to make use of the new naval aviation services added by this mod. >Credits (in no particular order): -Capitaine Vengeur, for his Modern Russian Federation Medals and Modern Ukrainian Medals packs. -Charles, for his Medals Pack v2.0 addon for SF1, which I have improved and updated to SF2 standards. -mue, for sharing info about the functionality of the alias.lst file. -paulopanz, for creating decals for Rwanda and Niger, which I have further tweaked. -eburger68, for few decals I borrowed from his huge campaign mods. I included the original readme files from the mentioned mods, where available, to the end of giving proper credit to everyone involved directly or not. >Disclaimer: This is a freeware; yet it can be redistributed ONLY in other CombatACE mods/mod packages. This mod may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions. Submitter Menrva Submitted 04/13/2019 Category ini File Edits -
Version 1.4
Nations & Medals Expansion April 13th, 2019 (1st Release) by Menrva >For Strike Fighters 2 games This mod is an extension of the stock ThirdWire _nations.ini file. It adds new nations and respective national decals, missing from the stock game, and it adds numerous medals (made by Capitaine Vengeur and Charles) for the stock countries. Here below a summary of the changes: -Added a number of new service markings decals, for the added nations. -Remade decals for the fictive countries of SF2 to match the default 256x256 resolution of other national decals. -The Mercenary decal no longer shows Dhimari colours; now it's generic and adapt for various scenarios involving mercenaries. -The Soviet Air Force becomes the Russian Air Force since 1992, with proper new decals showing up since 2010. -The Soviet Naval Aviation (Russian Naval Aviation since 1992) has been added as a separate service. -The (Free) Libyan Air Force has been added and becomes active in 2012, in place of the Libyan Arab Republic Air Force. -Biafra and Katanga have been added and are active for a short number of years, as historically accurate. -The Rwandan Air Force has been added, active since 1962, with later finflash showing up since 2002. -The Niger Air Force has been added, active since 1961, with alternative insignia in use since 1980. -The Djibouti Air Force has been added, active since 1977, as historically accurate. -The missing post-Yugoslavia nations, namely Montenegro and Republika Srpska, have been added. -The missing ex-Soviet Union nations of Belarus, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan have been added. -The Irish Air Corps has been added, with alternative decals in use since 1955. -The People's Liberation Army Naval Air Force has been added as a separate service, active since 1953. -The Somali Air Force is known as the Somali Aeronautical Corps before 1960, as historically correct. -The Burkina Faso Air Force is no longer active since 1964, now it's active since 1985; it shows up as the Upper Volta Air Force before 1985. -The Bahrain Amiri Air Force becomes the Royal Bahraini Air Force in 2002, as historically accurate. -Created and added low-vis insignia and finflash textures for the Pakistan Air Force. -Fixed a stock bug in SF2 with the Sultan of Oman's Air Force not being selectable since 1959, as it should be. -Fixed a stock bug in SF2 with the Republic of China (Taiwan) Air Force not using the old roundel as it should be before 1992. -Activated unused low-vis finflash included in stock SF2 for the Canadian Armed Forces. -Other very small changes here and there to other stock nations. -Added new medals for the following nations and respective services: Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Egypt, East Germany, West Germany, France, Finland, Greece, Hungary, India, Iran, Iraq, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, North Korea, South Korea, North Vietnam, South Vietnam, Norway, Pakistan, Poland, Russia, Soviet Union, Spain, Sweden, Syria, Taiwan, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States. Modders and users are advised to tweak their _userlist.ini files and _data.ini files for aircraft and ships, to make use of the new naval aviation services added by this mod. >Credits (in no particular order): -Capitaine Vengeur, for his Modern Russian Federation Medals and Modern Ukrainian Medals packs. -Charles, for his Medals Pack v2.0 addon for SF1, which I have improved and updated to SF2 standards. -mue, for sharing info about the functionality of the alias.lst file. -paulopanz, for creating decals for Rwanda and Niger, which I have further tweaked. -eburger68, for few decals I borrowed from his huge campaign mods. I included the original readme files from the mentioned mods, where available, to the end of giving proper credit to everyone involved directly or not. >Disclaimer: This is a freeware; yet it can be redistributed ONLY in other CombatACE mods/mod packages. This mod may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions. -
F-15S Saudi Strike Eagle Nationality issue help?
Spudknocker posted a topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 2 Series - General Discussion
Hello all! I've been working on a Saudi F-15SA to share with everyone but something keeps bugging me. No matter what I do the nationality of the F-15S is always -None- in the single mission screen. I have Saudi Arabia in my nations.ini and other F-15's with Saudi skins or my Saudi F-15C_RSAF never have this strange issue anyone have any suggestions? Also I have fixed the double cockpit issue with the Singaporean F-15SG if anyone wants me to upload that fixed Data.ini just let me know. -
Multinational Speech Pack
thereg posted a topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 2 Series - File Announcements
File Name: Multinational Speech Pack File Submitter: thereg File Submitted: 16 November 2012 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Objects Multinational Speech pack version 1.0 for Strike Fighters 2 SHould work on any type of SF2 installation. This is a compilation of speech packs brought together by me from original files mainly made for IL-2 Sturmovik and released as part of DBW. Due to the limited phrases available, it is intended more for immersion than for accuracy. I can't claim any credit for the actual recording, but I did some re-editing and re-processing to better bring the files in line with SF2. I've also included a re-processed version of Gramps' Russian Speech Pack available on Combatace. BE WARNED: If you speak any of these languages you may not enjoy how they fit into the game. For the most part I tried to find phrases that fit the different SF2 files in general meaning, but they are far from perfect, and a few are actually just random. You may want to turn on subtitles, at least until you get used to the different phrases. Special note to my fellow New Zealanders: I humbly apologise for lumping us in with the Aussies, but it was the closest I could get ;-) ----------------------------- Credits and huge thanks: Original files provided as part of the awesome Dark Blue World mod from for IL-2: RAF NZandAus French German Italy ------------------------- Originals from GONVISE for IL2: Spain ---------------------------- Originals from Azrael-WT, TIGERLIU, CrazyDog, Northeastern Panda, Liu MM, TIGERLIU, bwhorse, treefanweijia, llb00825, bwhorse for IL2: China -------------- Originals from EECH and first converted by Richard "Gramps" Kaminski: Russian ---------------- As for the Arabic, I actually can't remember where I got them from, but thanks to whoever made them. Installation: Place whichever pack you desire into the Speech sub-folder of your main mod folder eg: ...username/Saved Games/Thirdwire/StrikeFighters2 Europe/Speech/German then go to the flight folder and open the NATIONS.ini file to edit whatever nationality you want to use that particular language. Making sure to use the EXACT same spelling as the folder you're pointing to. eg: [Nation008] Name=WGermany DisplayName=German Luftwaffe Alignment=FRIENDLY PilotNameList=NamesGerman.lst RankList=RanksGAF.lst CallsignList=CallsignsUS.lst Formation.Fighter=USFighter Formation.Attack=USFighter Formation.Bomber=USBomber Formation.Transport=USBomber Formation.Tank=USTank Formation.MobileAD=USAD PilotTrainingStandard=NORMAL GenderRatio=0 DebriefSuccessMusic=DebriefSuccess.wav DebriefFailMusic=DebriefFail.wav DebriefKilledMusic=DebriefKilled.wav SpeechFile=German <------edit this line SpeechTextFile=USAFSpeechText.str StartDate=1956 [Nation017] Name=EGermany DisplayName=East German Air Force Alignment=ENEMY PilotNameList=NamesGerman.lst RankList=RanksUSAF.lst CallsignList=CallsignsUS.lst Formation.Fighter=SovietFighter Formation.Attack=SovietFighter Formation.Bomber=SovietBomber Formation.Transport=SovietBomber Formation.Tank=SovietTank Formation.MobileAD=SovietAD PilotTrainingStandard=NORMAL GenderRatio=0 DebriefSuccessMusic=DebriefSuccess.wav DebriefFailMusic=DebriefFail.wav DebriefKilledMusic=DebriefKilled.wav SpeechFile=German <------------------and again SpeechTextFile=USAFSpeechText.str ActiveDate=1959 AlternateDecal=EGermany_OLD55 StartDate=1956 EndDate=1990 It's as easy as that. You can use different languages for as many different countries as you wish and whenever you fly for that particular country, that is the language you will hear. This pack is strictly freeware. Use however you want, so long as it's free. Have fun! Cheers thereg Click here to download this file -
Version 1.0
Multinational Speech pack version 1.0 for Strike Fighters 2 SHould work on any type of SF2 installation. This is a compilation of speech packs brought together by me from original files mainly made for IL-2 Sturmovik and released as part of DBW. Due to the limited phrases available, it is intended more for immersion than for accuracy. I can't claim any credit for the actual recording, but I did some re-editing and re-processing to better bring the files in line with SF2. I've also included a re-processed version of Gramps' Russian Speech Pack available on Combatace. BE WARNED: If you speak any of these languages you may not enjoy how they fit into the game. For the most part I tried to find phrases that fit the different SF2 files in general meaning, but they are far from perfect, and a few are actually just random. You may want to turn on subtitles, at least until you get used to the different phrases. Special note to my fellow New Zealanders: I humbly apologise for lumping us in with the Aussies, but it was the closest I could get ;-) ----------------------------- Credits and huge thanks: Original files provided as part of the awesome Dark Blue World mod from for IL-2: RAF NZandAus French German Italy ------------------------- Originals from GONVISE for IL2: Spain ---------------------------- Originals from Azrael-WT, TIGERLIU, CrazyDog, Northeastern Panda, Liu MM, TIGERLIU, bwhorse, treefanweijia, llb00825, bwhorse for IL2: China -------------- Originals from EECH and first converted by Richard "Gramps" Kaminski: Russian ---------------- As for the Arabic, I actually can't remember where I got them from, but thanks to whoever made them. Installation: Place whichever pack you desire into the Speech sub-folder of your main mod folder eg: ...username/Saved Games/Thirdwire/StrikeFighters2 Europe/Speech/German then go to the flight folder and open the NATIONS.ini file to edit whatever nationality you want to use that particular language. Making sure to use the EXACT same spelling as the folder you're pointing to. eg: [Nation008] Name=WGermany DisplayName=German Luftwaffe Alignment=FRIENDLY PilotNameList=NamesGerman.lst RankList=RanksGAF.lst CallsignList=CallsignsUS.lst Formation.Fighter=USFighter Formation.Attack=USFighter Formation.Bomber=USBomber Formation.Transport=USBomber Formation.Tank=USTank Formation.MobileAD=USAD PilotTrainingStandard=NORMAL GenderRatio=0 DebriefSuccessMusic=DebriefSuccess.wav DebriefFailMusic=DebriefFail.wav DebriefKilledMusic=DebriefKilled.wav SpeechFile=German <------edit this line SpeechTextFile=USAFSpeechText.str StartDate=1956 [Nation017] Name=EGermany DisplayName=East German Air Force Alignment=ENEMY PilotNameList=NamesGerman.lst RankList=RanksUSAF.lst CallsignList=CallsignsUS.lst Formation.Fighter=SovietFighter Formation.Attack=SovietFighter Formation.Bomber=SovietBomber Formation.Transport=SovietBomber Formation.Tank=SovietTank Formation.MobileAD=SovietAD PilotTrainingStandard=NORMAL GenderRatio=0 DebriefSuccessMusic=DebriefSuccess.wav DebriefFailMusic=DebriefFail.wav DebriefKilledMusic=DebriefKilled.wav SpeechFile=German <------------------and again SpeechTextFile=USAFSpeechText.str ActiveDate=1959 AlternateDecal=EGermany_OLD55 StartDate=1956 EndDate=1990 It's as easy as that. You can use different languages for as many different countries as you wish and whenever you fly for that particular country, that is the language you will hear. This pack is strictly freeware. Use however you want, so long as it's free. Have fun! Cheers thereg