By lindr2
MiG-23P Readme
MiG-23P (factory code 32-14)
Model based on MiG-23M model by TMF, sound by Spiloone 104
This plane required MiG-23/27 Weapons Pack. Please install it first.
http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=9693 - part1
http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=10041 - part2
To Install:
- unpack Archive in temporary folder
- copy MiG-23P_ folder to Aicraft folder.
- copy Sounds to sound folder
Plane specifications:
- Max G: 8.5
- Radar: N006 Ametist (also known like RP-23P)
- ASP-17 (ASP-23P on early blocks) gunsight
- MiG-23P can use R-24,R-13M,R-3S,R-60,Kh-23,R-13M1 missiles
- Kh-23 & other A-G weapons removed
- Max Loadout 2000Kg
- R-35-300 Engine
- TP-26 Heat seeker
MiG-23P had used by 5 IAP (150-170 planes summary) in 1978-98
191-th IAP Efremov 15-th IAD PVO (Div) 1-th OA (Army) PVO {Su-11 replaced by MiG-23P}
415-th IAP Tunoshna 1-th OA PVO {Su-9 replaced by MiG-23P}
472-th IAP Oryol,Kursk 15-th IAD PVO (Div) 1-th OA PVO {MiG-19PM replaced by MiG-23P}
683-th IAP Bobrovka 4-th OA PVO
28-th GvIAP (Guards IAP ) Andeapol 1-th OA PVO
Viggen skin/decal -update
By knug
Small Skin/Decal update for Viggen Pack (JA-37, JA-37 edt33, AJ-37, AJS-37, SH-37) by lindr2
Original Plane by SFP1 Dev A-Team
lindr2 Viggen Pack
WHat is it?
This is just an add of national insignias for the viggen.
On my system it looked not so good when the national insignias were part of the skin...
so I took some time to add them as real decals and removed the national insignias from the skins.
I also tried to add the "fara" (warning) as a decal but couldn't get it to stick on the outside of the air intake ...
If someone know how pls let me know ...
Indian Air Force Mod Pack avsim
By Guest
this will serve as readme-
this package is a complete fix of loadout issues and skins issues as well as minor model issue that don't match the inis
thanks to bob howling1 hauser for the package ,tk,community
this package brings all the aircrafts listed to current standards of 08/09 patch
this package originally has three parts but i combined it to one and all the complete fixings
Migs included are : Type 74, Type 76, Type 77, Type 95, Type 96, MiG-21 BISON ( Mig-21/93 )
see which package u like the combined one or separate ones, did it for the community so u don't have to
what u will need- sfp1 patched get it at thiirdwire weapon pack 2.5 might need to run it once and save it.
aircrafts designed for plug and play
original packages name =
1. indian af mod pack
2.iaf v1.5 mod pack
3.iaf mod pack canopy /weapon fix
many helpful files like tools/original readmes are inside file and many redundant/useful and optional files are in the aircrafts respectivley.
if u search of what i have uploaded for the past week and this week this package will be the last major mig21/j-7/f-7 pack out their (refer to old stuff of avsim and some little small stuff here at ca) of any variants that is available unless some one makes a new one it for sfp1 of series 1 , as i'm not an expert on series 2 hope some one will use my complete fixes for series 1 and port it over to series 2.
P-38J Lightning, 20th FG, 8th AF, ETO
By Wrench
P-38J Lightning, 20th FG, 8th AF, ETO
This is a semi-complete aircraft mod, recreating the J Model Lightnings as used in the ETO in 1943/44 by the 20th FG.
I say 'semi-complete', because as per Wolf's wishes, the aircraft LOD file is NOT included. However, everything else is.
You =MUST= have Wolf's WW2 Planes Pak to copy the P-38H.LOD that this mod requires
This package includes skins/decal sets for the 3 squadrons of J models Lightnings that composed the 20th FG, up until they converted to Mustangs at the beginning of 1945. Unfortnately, Invasion stripes are NOT painted on; this is a simpler, cleaner version for either before OVERLORD or after, when they were removed (ok, I'll admit it...I was just too lazy to actually plot their positions, and paint them on the skin bmp. Ya got me!!<grin>). I give this set a rating of 98.6% for historical accurary, for with the excepetion of approx 6 aircraft between the 3 squadrons, every single serial number has been matched to it's aircraft, based on the radio-call/Plane-in-Group letter. These other serials, while regarded as 'filler', ARE actual serials issued to aircraft assigned to the squadrons of the 20th, but that had no particular call letter, or the letter was undiscoverable. But rest assured, these are 100% accurate serials for J Models, as used by the 20th.
The 3 squadrons represented are:
55th FS
77th FS
79th FS
On the loadout screen, each squadron is represented by the Squadron Patch as the Paint Chip. It should be noted the 55th and 77th are done up in OD/Neutral Gray and the 79th is in Natural Metal. Every marking or color blob you'll see on these aircraft -is- a decal, excpeting the anti-glare panel on the 79th skin. There is nothing painted on anywheres. Unfortunately, there is no nose art, due to a) not being able to find good examples per each aircraft, and b) decal bleed on the nose mesh.
As stated, this is a complete pak, minus the LOD, that incluces the cockpit (with a new N-3 gunsight tga), and all the inis, including my experimental 'updated' data ini with some small flight model tweeks. Damage tgas are included. It is designed for use ONLY in 06 level SF/SFG/WoV/WoE. It has NOT been tested in in 08 1st Gens or SF2 Series sims. You use it in these enviroments at your own risk, and completly unsupported by me. You are on your own. (btw, for you nut jobs that don't listen, and actually DO fly this is 08 or SF2, I'd like feedback on 'how it feels'. I actually HAVE flown it in an 08 install, and it felt 'pretty good'. This may hold us until the AvHistory Guys get us realistic FMs)
You MUST also have the WW2 Weapons Pak, available at CombatAce at the following URL:
As always, it's reccomended you unzip this package to a temp folder or your desktop, or somewhere's else that's easy to find to gain access to the rest of this readme for full, detailed install instructions.
Good Hunting!
Kevin Stein
cj-6 reworked
By Guest
nothing much here this will serve as readme- i bascially made sure the canopy works and i add a pit suitable and better than the recoomended one and made sure all essentials worked .
this is for prophead out their a plug and play type of plane
this plane doesn't have weapons only the b version does with 2 cannons and 2 pylons for bombs so watchout.
what u will need sfp1 patched latest and thats it .
cockpit - thanks to AT-6 Harvard Mk4 creator
thanks to tk and community
thanks to fallout
reworked 101's j-7ii
By Guest
this will serve as readme - basically what i did is skin fix loadout fix and ini edits and gears the complete works .
what u will need a proper pit the original creator didn't include it get the green one, u will need sfp1 , patched get it at thirdwire and get the weapon pack 2.5 the big one.
plane designed for plug and play
i stay on course to keep intact of the original design by the original creator but did a complete fix of all essential components a complete job
i advise u to download the original and this one to see which one u like
enjoy the aircraft keep in mind their are alot of variants and nothing is precise.
J-7H reworked
By Guest
this will serve as readme - basically i did is loadout fix skin fix and gears pilot position and making sure its all complete , i hate writing all this but have to due to rules and submission rules, plane is complete
this plane is designed for plug and play just want to thank 101 and tk and community.
what u will need a proper pit , sfp1 patched get it at thirdwire and weapon pack 2.5 the big one
i advise u to download the original one and this one and see which one u like .
enjoy been a busy night watching the nfl playoffs and doing mods .
again install sfp1 patch it weapon pack then this mod.
J-7E reworked
By Guest
this will serve as readme - i did a complete rework of the plane of skins loadout gears bascially the whole works.
what u will need is a proper pit the original creator failed to include it , u will need sfp1 patched latest get it at thirdwire and the weapon pack 2.5
this plane is designed for plug and play
the plane only has a hud and radar no pit panels .
when i reworked it i stay on a course of keeping the originality intact while fixing all that is needed to make it complete and up to current standards as of nowof 2008/9 to now standards u get it .
enjoy also go see which plane u like my reworked or the original one , easy part is for u to shop around for parts like a proper pit . now fly across taiwan strait and and bag some rocaf f-5 for me
J-7IIH Beta v0.1 reworked
By Guest
this will serve as readme - basically what i did is complete rework that includes loadout fix and postions and skins and landing gears plus pilot position the complete works to bring the plane up to latest standards .
what u will need is a proper pit , u will also need sfp1 patched to latest and i mean latest u will need the biggest weapon pack 2.5 one.
the plane is a plug and play type
keep in mind i did a complete job on it while keeping the default specification intact by the original creator named geg
remember this plane is not very accurate with the name of it so what the heck just download the original plane and my reworked planed and see which one u like, smiles to u .
enjoy remember to patch your sfp1 to latest get it at thirdwire.
thanks to geg and tk and community
Chinese F-7/J-7 Mod Pack (avsim)
By Guest
this will serve as readme - this mod/mods is many f-7 j-7 aircraft pack by Bob Hauser founded at avsim. unfortunately his update file is missing due the hack some months back when avsim was hacked and so i got tired of waiting for his update and fix so i fixed all the aircraft to current patched latest standards example skin loadout gears lights the works.
what u will need -sfp1 ,patched latest up to the current one, if possible bluetiger, and then the biggest weapon pack for their is the 2.5 one.
a lot of aircraft is easily changeable like putting a proper pit for a mig 21f/mf etc..
the quality of this pack is far superb than the original one posted at avsim if u are not satisfied compare with the original
readme original is in the pack the aircraft is designed for plug and play
aircraft in pack-
j7d,J-7 III (J-7C),F-7P Skybolt GFS (pak),F-7B(iraq),F-7A Export(zim/chn),F-7BS(sri lanka),F-7MP Airbolt GFS(pak)
remember keep in mind when i did the complete fix on all the aircraft i tried to stay on the default course in specification and design of the original creator , nothing is precise but what the heck enjoy the aircraft.
enjoy your weekend.
Lockheed TV-2 (T-33B) Navy Trainer
The relatively high performance of the turbojet engine, the high altitude environment where jet aircraft routinely operated, and the new and different demands put on pilots flying jet aircraft required that a jet trainer be developed to aid this transition to a new mode of flight.
The answer was the T-33, which was created by inserting a twenty nine inch plug ahead of the wing of a P-80, the Air Force's first operational jet fighter, and a second twelve inch plug behind the wing which provided the extra space for a second cockpit with dual controls. Ejection seats and 235 gallon jettisonable centerline tip tanks were added and, on March 22, 1948, Tony LeVier made the aircraft's first flight. The T-33 flew even better than its single seat ancestor. Cleaned up and refined, the airframe climbed faster, cruised more effortlessly and was slightly faster than its older and smaller cousins. Initially designated as a variant of the P-80/F80, the TP-80C/TF-80C, the designation was subsequently changed to T-33A.The US Navy used the T-33 as a land-based trainer starting in 1949. It was designated the TV-2, but was redesignated the T-33B in 1962.A carrier-capable version of the P-80/T-33 family was subsequently developed by Lockheed, eventually leading to the late 1950s to 1970s T2V-1/T-1A SeaStar
Included with this file are FOUR skins:
* ATU-200 Advanced Training Unit out of NAS Kingsville, Texas in 1954
* FAWTUPAC Fleet All Weather Training Unit Pacific out of NAS North Island, California in 1956
* H&MS-33 Marine headquarters and Maintenance Squadron Thirty-Three, MCAS El Toro,Calif in 1961
* NAS Glenview Naval Air Reserve Training Command, Chicago Illinois in 1962
Please see the enclosed READ-ME file for installation and of course CREDITS.
Lockheed TV-1 (TO-1) Training Star
Due to the slow delivery of new jet fighters and in order to train new jet pilots, the United States Navy in 1947 obtained the transfer of 49 Lockheed P-80Cs destined to the United States Air Force. Designated originally as TO-1 and changed to TV-1 after 1950, these planes served as land-based trainer aircraft for Navy squadron VF-52 and U.S. Marine Corps squadron VMF-311. With the arrival of the delayed Grumman F9F and McDonnell F2H aircraft, the TV-1s were transferred to reserve squadrons before being phased out of service.
Included here are skins for VF-52 and VMF-311 from 1948. Also included is the Fleet All Weather Training unit at NAS North Island, the missile chase planes at NAS Point Mugu and the Naval Air Reserve at NAS Oakland. Please see the READ ME file for more histoical info,installation and of course credits.
By lindr2
MiG-23ML (MLA) DDR Readme
MiG-23MLA factory code 32-12A
Model based on MiG-23M model by TMF, sound by Spiloone 104, skin by Soulfreak
This plane required MiG-23/27 Weapons Pack. Please install it first.
http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=9693 - part1
http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=10041 - part2
To Install:
- unpack Archive in temporary folder
- copy MiG-23MLA_DDR folder to Aicraft folder.
- copy Sounds to sound folder
Plane specifications:
- Max G: 8.5
- Radar: N003E Ametist (also known like RP-23MLA)
- ASP-17 gunsight
- MiG-23MLA can use R-24,R-13M,R-3S,R-60,Kh-23,R-13M1 missiles
- Kh-23 required Delta-NG2 pod (on fuselage)
- Max Loadout 2000Kg
- R-35-300 Engine
- TP-26 Heat seeker
S/N: serie 24 (240,242,246)
Republic P-47 Thunderbolt - Brazilian Air Force "Senta a pua!"
By Skullkickers
"Thanks to our heroes in battle in Italy in World War II".
Merry Christmas
Tkanks Guys
Paulo "Skullkickers"
By lindr2
MiG-23MLA Readme
MiG-23MLA factory code 32-12A
Model based on MiG-23M model by TMF, sound by Spiloone 104,
This plane required MiG-23/27 Weapons Pack. Please install it first.
http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=9693 - part1
http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=10041 - part2
To Install:
- unpack Archive in temporary folder
- copy MiG-23MLA_ folder to Aicraft folder.
- copy Sounds to sound folder
Plane specifications:
- Max G: 8.5
- Radar: N003 Ametist (also known like RP-23MLA)
- ASP-17 gunsight
- MiG-23MLA can use R-24,R-13M,R-3S,R-60,Kh-23,R-13M1 missiles, R-73 aloowed but requred software upgade & new pylons ( mounted on fuselage only)
- Kh-23 required Delta-NG2 pod (on fuselage)
- Max Loadout 2000Kg
- R-35-300 Engine
- TP-26 Heat seeker
in production - 1978~ 83 750-770 planes, ~ 600 for VVS, 560 of them converted to MLD (32-18) in 1982-85
replaced MLD family in 1984:
(MLD [32-18] for VVS, 66 new planes in 1984, MLAE-2 [32-22] 1984-85 for Bulgaria, MLAE [32-19]1984-85 for Syria, Iraq, Libya)
- for VVS only 0390310388~ 0390322399,
- export & VVS 0390322402-0390324860
- special batch for Bulgaria (1984) [not MLAE-2]
Soko G2 Galeb
By ID(io)T Team
A bit of history:
Yugoslavia's Aeronautical Technical Institute began design work on an airplane, named Galeb, in 1957. The first flight of the prototype was performed on 31 July 1961. Soon, after a full-size wooden mock-up, the second prototype Galeb 2 was built The Air Force needed a trainer with secondary combat ability that could operate from unprepared runways. Not familiar with such requirements, the designers provided for landing gear strong enough to make the aircraft suitable for landing on aircraft carriers.
Production began in 1964, making it the first indigenous jet to enter mass production in Yugoslavia. The first production series G-2A was entered in the aircraft register of the Yugoslav Air Force on 30 July 1965, and the last one on 6 January 1981. Production of updated aircraft for export to Libya was extended until mid-1983. Soko produced a total of 248 Galeb aircraft, 132 of which were used by the Yugoslav Air Force. In the first Congo war, a total of three J-21 Jastrebs and one G2Galeb were delivered to the government, flown and mantained by yugoslav mercenaries.In early 90’s during the Yugoslav war, many airframes of dismissed Galebs were put in flight condition and used together with the single seater variant Jastreb as ground attackers from all sides.
Installation instructions:
Put the files in the respective folders.
There are some .INI files to be edited because not everyone have it in the same condition. For exhample: there are guns and a couple of weapons to be added to their respective WEAPONDATA.INI and GUNDATA.INI and then run the editors.
Plus extract or modify the SOUNDLIST.INI in Flight folder in order to have the JATO sound.
Flight Instructions:
This model have a simulated JATO rocket effect to help in take-offs especially when eavy loaded. To activate the JATO use the controls used for vector thrust. (down to activate - up to deactivate) This system works on the principle of the gun recoil so the "propellent" will empty when ammo finish. The rockets work for 14 seconds. Is recomended to not fire the JATO until 150 Km/h.
When the rockets shuts down you could jettison the spent bottles by Ctrl-D as droptanks.
For the model we use the wonderful cockpit for F-80 shooting star, made by76.IAP-Blackbird
Erikgen for the pilots
Aleks and Nghengo for 3d model and texture
Spillone 104 for test flights, JATO mod (bottles and effects), loadouts & sounds
Homer for the serial numbers set taken from his F-84G JRV skin pack
This model is freeware, and so it must remain!!! have a nice flight
By lindr2
MiG-23ML (Early & late) Readme
MiG-23ML factory code 32-12
Model based on MiG-23M model by TMF, sound by Spiloone 104,
This plane required MiG-23/27 Weapons Pack. Please install it first.
http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=9693 - part1
http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=10041 - part2
To Install:
- unpack Archive in temporary folder
- copy MiG-23ML_ & MiG-23ML-1 folders to Aicraft folder.
- copy Sounds to sound folder
Plane specifications:
- Max G: 8.5
- Radar Sapfir-23ML
- ASP-23ML gunsight
- MiG-23ML can use R-23,R-13M,R-3S,R-60 missiles, (R-24 not alowed, it required N003,N006,N008 radars)
- Max Loadout 2000Kg
- R-35-300 Engine
- TP-23M Heat seeker
in production - 1976~ 78 150-170 planes , last SN 0390310383. ML's , in 1978 ML replaced by MLA (factory code 32-12A)
NONE ML's has been updated to MLD level. (but 560 MLA's were updated)
ML-1 is early version with additional rear fuselage pylons, removed later.
Pasko's Yak-3RD
By Wrench
Yak-3RD pak -includes upgrades for 08 Patch Level and SF2 Sims
Fulfilling a request to make the aircraft available again, as the links at Pasko's Mostly MiGs and Etc seem to have disappeared.
Some ini mods are:
moving the cockpit up slightly to hide some gaps;
A Soviet WW2-style PB1 gunsight tga (from Pappa Romeo's EAW sight pack)
VERY small FM tweeks for 08+ level games (btw, a few more tweeks are necessary hint-hint to our FM guys);
Canopy is now operational via an animiation key (Shift/0)
A new WoE-style Hangar screen (didn't have one before)
The "CRSPRP.wav" in-line engine sound -- has a nice V-12 buzz (used on many WW2 mods)
Damage tgas for that 'shot full of holes' look
Included are a second data and loadout ini, for an "operational" interceptor version, in the "What If..." worlds, with the additon of 2 nose 12.7 machine guns, ala the standard Yak-3. An 'operational' Loadout ini, with the additon of drop tanks is included. Instructions for swapping them out are below in the "To Install" section. Sort of an experiment I performed.
I've also included a 2nd skin for the 'operational' variant, which is a basically the gray/blue skin from the Yak-3. Be advised of some small mapping issues, as this skin really wasn't designed for this LOD.
Pasko's original readme is also included
Note: for the 'operational' variant, I've used as much stock weapons as possible; even the guns are pure 3W stock. However, the drop tanks used are the 75 gallon Mustang ones; so you might need one or another of the various Weapons Pak available to get them. They are NOT included.
= IMPORTANT: This aircraft has been tested in Post-Patch SF/WoV/WoE/WoI (mostly 08 Level WoE). Be advised of the existence of some handling issues prevelant in WW2 era and many Pre-Patch (ie: 06 level) aircraft. Fly accordingly!!! It should also work in SF2 and later iterations - this has NOT been tested, however.
As always, unzip this to a temp folder somwhere, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. Of course, the usual 'Notes and Ramblings' section
With thanks to Pasko for creating this interestering little aircraft!
kevin stein
I didn't assign a NATO codename to the aircraft for several reasons:
1) Couldn't really think of one; even with those assigned to other experimental birds that didn't go into production, or Lend-Lease aircraft that went out-of-serivce rather quickly after WW2, and
2) The ones I'd thought of, while being rather descriptive (what with that rocket engine in the tail and all) probably wouldn't get used, even in 'impolite' company (well for a couple I came up with, at any rate). If you want to know what they were, just ask!
End users are encourged to come up with one, and let everyone know.
MiG-23MF (CzSSR)
By lindr2
MiG-23MF (CzSSR) Readme
MiG-23MF for CzSSR code 32-11MF
Model based on MiG-23M model by TMF, sound by Spiloone 104, skin by Blackrat
This plane required MiG-23/27 Weapons Pack. Please install it first.
http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=9693 - part1
http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=10041 - part2
To Install:
- unpack Archive in temporary folder
- copy MiG-23MF_CZ folder to Aicraft folder.
- copy Sounds to sound folder
Plane specifications:
- Max G: 8.5
- Radar Sapfir-23E
- ASP-23D gunsight
- MiG-23MF can use R-23,R-13M,R-3S,R-60 missiles
- Max Loadout 2000Kg
- R-29-300 Engine
- TP-23 Heat seeker
in production - 1978~ 20 (17 S/N in database) planes
MiG-23MF (DDR)
By lindr2
MiG-23MF (DDR) Readme
MiG-23MF for DDR code 32-11MF
Model based on MiG-23M model by TMF, sound by Spiloone 104, skin by whiteknight06604
This plane required MiG-23/27 Weapons Pack. Please install it first.
http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=9693 - part1
http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=10041 - part2
To Install:
- unpack Archive in temporary folder
- copy MiG-23MF_DDR folder to Aicraft folder.
- copy Sounds to sound folder
Plane specifications:
- Max G: 8.5
- Radar Sapfir-23E
- ASP-23D gunsight
- MiG-23MF can use R-23,R-13M,R-3S,R-60 missiles
- Max Loadout 2000Kg
- R-29-300 Engine
- TP-23 Heat seeker
in production - 1978- 45 planes,
XFY-1 Pogo
By Zurawski
XFY-1 POGO / Release 2.0
The Convair XFY-1 "Pogo" emerged from the same VTOL-research competition that produced Lockheed's XFV-1 "Salmon.". The aircraft was similar in design to the "Salmon," except that it eschewed its competitor's conventional wing-and-tail configuration in favor of a single--albeit it larger--set of delta-shaped wings. Like the "Salmon," the XFY-1 "Pogo" boasted counter-rotating propellers, but unlike its cousin, it actually clocked numerous vertical lift-offs before the Navy terminated its experiments in 1955.
XFY-1 POGO is intended for use with Thirdwire stable of flight simulations.
This release of the POGO is not entirely coded to work 100% in the game. As is… it MUST be air-started or it will explode upon mission start.
Sorry, the expertise of modeling the flight-model to allow it to land and take–off from its tail is way beyond my pay-grade! (Well... maybe not. I might be able to apply what I learned from the Osprey to make it work...)
Unzip the archive and copy and past the POGO folder into your \aircraft directory.
I’ve included the 3D StudioMAX file in the event someone wishes to try their hand at getting the plane to work properly in the game.
All I ask is that you give credit where credit is due… Namely place my name somewhere.
New to release 2.0:
1.) Texture mapped (I'm sorry... I have since forgotten who did me the honor of texturing this bird.
Fly, have fun… appreciate the difficulties in getting a bird like this to fly in a game.
MiG-23MF (Romania)
By lindr2
MiG-23MF (Romania) Readme
MiG-23MF for Romania code 32-11MF
Model based on MiG-23M model by TMF, sound by Spiloone 104, skin by whiteknight06604
This plane required MiG-23/27 Weapons Pack. Please install it first.
http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=9693 - part1
http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=10041 - part2
To Install:
- unpack Archive in temporary folder
- copy MiG-23MF_ROM folder to Aicraft folder.
- copy Sounds to sound folder
Plane specifications:
- Max G: 8.5
- Radar Sapfir-23E
- ASP-23D gunsight
- MiG-23MF can use R-23,R-13M,R-3S,R-60 missiles
- Max Loadout 2000Kg
- R-29-300 Engine
- TP-23 Heat seeker
in production - 1980 45 planes, according russian books Romanian MiG-23MF can use Kh-23.
EF-4C Wild Weasel IV + Linebacker II campaign with it
This is my version of EF-4C based on the F-4C_8thTFW_1967 made by Crab_02 and Mike Druzolowski.However some parts from the old EF-4C - like the ER-142 and the avionics .INI- of Column5, Sundowner and Storm are also included.
Be sure that you have your F-4C_8thTFW_1967 and their drop tank and decals mods downloaded and installed properly, because some parts like Ejections seats, drop tanks or decals might not be working.
I don't know when EF-4Cs had been actually retired, I assume sometime in the early '80s, (I saw photos that definetely are post-1975) so I put 1988 just to be sure.And something else...I haven't been able to develop the launchers the way I wanted to.I would like to ask to others to have a look at it.The way it is, it's a dedicated SEAD aircraft with one specific loadout.But that's the way it was in reality, so I decided that it's worth it.The way it is, you have the chance to fly some "hot" Vietnam '72 missions.I guarantee you that you 're going to enjoy it.There is modification of the stock Linebacker II campaign included if you like to test your chances...Default skin is the S.E.A. 67thTFS, but there is an 81thTFS skin if you like to try your luck in '70s Germany.
Mike Druzolowski
If someone else has contributed, please notify me and I 'll mention him.
Request - Hi rez skins for Monty A-6s and MF A-7A/Bs
MiG-23MF Rakshak
By lindr2
MiG-23MF Rakshak Readme
MiG-23MF for India (Indian name 'Rakshak') factory code 32-11MF
Model based on MiG-23M model by TMF, sound by Spiloone 104, skin by ghostrider883
This plane required MiG-23/27 Weapons Pack. Please install it first.
http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=9693 - part1
http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=10041 - part2
To Install:
- unpack Archive in temporary folder
- copy MiG-23MF_ind folder to Aicraft folder.
- copy Sounds to sound folder
Plane specifications:
- Max G: 8.5
- Radar Sapfir-23E
- ASP-23D gunsight
- MiG-23MF can use R-23,R-13M,R-3S,R-60 missiles
- Max Loadout 2000Kg
- R-29-300 Engine
- TP-23 Heat seeker
in production 1982-83 110 planes
QF-100D Super Sabre Target Drone
By Wrench
NAA QF-100D Super Sabre Target Drone
-For SF/SFG/WoV/WoE, and mabye SF2 Series Sims
A modification of the stock F-100D Super Sabre, into the Target Drone as used (up) by the USAF.
This is a semi complete mod, no aircraft lod is included as it uses the stock F-100D lods included in all games excepting WoI. If wanted for use in WoI, you'll need to extract the aircraft lods from any of the other sims, and drop them into the aircraft's main folder.
All other parts are included.
The cockpit has been extensivly modified by using the "moves" pioneered by ArmorDave, and greatly expanded upon by Lexx_Luthor. These moves remove the gunsight, armament panels and other items associated with weapons/weapons controls. The data ini has been edited to add the 08/SF2 advanced AI sections; but ALL weapons have been removed. This aircraft can carry NOTHING other than the drop tanks. Using the AI sections assures it will act in an 'aggressive' manner when confronting Blue Forces. The aircraft has been "nationalized" as Soviet, to doubly assure this. So, don't be surprised with seeing them parked on Red Force airfield ramps. The pilot figure has also been edited out, but the seat remains, which is correct, as these aircraft were STILL human flyable.
The skin supplied herein, whilst highly innaccurate, is based off the original natural metal. In reality, all QF-100s were left painted in their SEA camo, with the addition of hi-viz International Orange markings. I just couldn't quite figure out the exact placements for the Orange on the wings, so didn't bother with the camo skin (even on this skin it's not quite right). I welcome Skinners to create a historically correct one. The decals ini has been edited to only show the aircraft serial numbers; again this is innaccurate, but like the skin itself made for a quick and dirty mod.
It has been tested in an 08 patch level install of WoE. It should work just as well in SF2 'NextGens', but I've not tested that. Some adjustments may be necessary.
As always, unzip this to a temp folder somwhere, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions.
This mod is dedicated to Delta6Actual, who came up with the idea, but who's computer 'went west'.
Good Hunting!!
Kevin Stein
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