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User Made Missions

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127 files

  1. The Lone Bomber

    The Lone Bomber:
    Date:5th July 2005
    Aircraft: Tornado GR.1
    Mission: Strike
    You are tasked with destroying the enemy hanger which contains a top secret new soviet aircraft. There are 48 tornado F.3's above you who are in combat
    with 48 Su-27SM's. There is one experienced SU-27 pilot that is tasked with shooting you down. If you can make it past this wave of fighters, procede to the
    airbase where the hanger is located. Watch out for flak and SAM's. Afer you have completed your mission, head back to your base, or if you wish to, join up
    with the f.3's and help take out the su-27's. Good luck!
    Required Files:
    Tornado F.3 by bobrock
    Tornado Package by dave
    SU-27sm V1.0 by erwin_hans
    Latest weapons pack by bunyap
    A copy of strike fighters


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  2. Super Hornet Black Sea Mission Pack(Carrier Based)

    This is a set of Missions made for those who don't know how to play from a Carrier using the awesome EricJ's F-18E/F/G family
    those are not real and have no intention to be accurated with reality,just for fun...
    I Hope you Like



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  3. beta Black Sea Carrier Missions (for the Super Hornet)

    Here is a package of carrier based mission flown in the new Super Hornet over the Black Sea
    This mod is by Yuri AKA Silverbolt
    This mod is a beta release and is not 100% complete. please tell us what you think on the suport thread and we will do our best to fix any bugs or issues that are present
    We hope you enjoy


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  4. Six-Day War mission pack for WOI

    Six-Day War mission pack for WOI
    -This pack contains seven missions, including CAP, CAS, and attack missions, inspired on the 1967 Six-Day War. You can fly planes from both sides.
    -To install: extract then copy/paste the folder in the WOI Missions directory.


       (1 review)



  5. WOI Quick Mission Pack v1.01

    Five quick missions :
    the MIRAGE5D_LOADOUT file was edited to add AIM-9 capability
    if you have Mirage Factory MiG-29A/C add on:
    To install, simply extract then copy/paste the two folders in the WOI directory.


       (2 reviews)



  6. In Memory of LCDR Dennis Pike - MIA March 23, 1972 (WOV)

    This mission pack replicates the final mission of Lt. Cmdr. Dennis Stanley Pike (USN), that took place over the Vietnam/Laos border on March 23, 1972. In that mission Lt. Cmdr. Pike and his wingman, Cmdr. Robert Taylor (USN) – commanding officer of Attack Squadron 192 – were flying A-7E aircraft assisting ground-based government forces being overrun by Viet Cong guerrillas, and also a downed T-28 with American pilot and Vietnamese observer in the same area. After forty minutes over the target area both aircraft were heading homeward, when Cmdr. Taylor received a call from Lt. Cmdr. Pike related to “oil pressure problems”. Moments later – and still 20 miles inside the Laotian border - Pike’s A-7E engine failed. Cmdr Taylor saw Lt. Cmdr. Pike eject from the aircraft. No trace of Lt. Cmdr. Dennis Pike has ever been found since. Loss coordinates were 152200N 1073400E (YC755030), and in 1973 his status was recorded as Missing In Action.
    This mission pack has been tested with the October 2008 patch for Wings Over Vietnam (WOV).
    Acknowledgements, Disclaimer and Terms
    Thank you to all those modders that have provided the prerequisites I have used in my mission packs. If there are any problems with these missions and my own modifications, then please contact me directly, not the authors of the prerequisites.
    Released under Fair-Use terms, as defined at CombatAce
    Missions Included in this Pack
    This pack contains the following combat missions:
    1.[720323]DSP Profile A – follow a flight profile similar to that of Lt. Cmdr. Pike, including the simulation of engine problems in the target area
    2.[720323]DSP Profile B – similar to flight profile A above, but without the engine problems so that you may complete the mission and return to base
    3.[720323]DSP Profile A(D) – similar to flight profile A above, but set during daylight hours
    4.[720323]DSP Profile B(D) – similar to flight profile B above, but set during daylight hours
    And the following training missions:
    5.[720322]Carrier Qualify(D) – take off and circuit the fleet, and carry out a daylight carrier landing
    6.[720322]Carrier Qualify(N) – take off and circuit the fleet, and carry out a night carrier landing
    7.[720322]Carrier Qualify(DBW) – take off and circuit the fleet, and carry out a bad weather daylight carrier landing
    8.[720322]Carrier Qualify(NBW) – take off and circuit the fleet, and carry out a bad weather night carrier landing
    This Pack includes the following:
    1.Detailed installation instructions - including list of prerequisites
    2.Set of missions (as described above)
    3.Detailed Mission Briefing
    4.VA-192 Golden Dragons skin for the Mirage Factory's A-7E model
    5.New 'type' definition
    6.New 'target' definitions
    Any problems, please let me know. Good luck!
    comrpnt (02/2009)


       (2 reviews)



  7. The Battle For The Desert!

    This mission has 50+ aircraft involved, its a big battle. You are flying
    a Spitfire 5BL and you have 15 other spitfires at your command. Flying along side
    you is a squadron of Hurricanes which consists of 16 aircraft. Your mission
    is to take out the group of 32 FW-190'S that are escorting the He-111H3. Once you have
    taken out the escorts head for the Bombers and take those out before they reach the tanks and troops
    on the ground.
    Good luck and Good Hunting!
    Stick the mission file into your mission folder.
    Files Needed:
    (THESE CAN BE FOUND AT THE A-TEAMS WEBPAGE...http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/ )
    Spitfire 5BL
    (These can be found at combatace)
    Soldiers By Monty CZ
    USA sherman M4a2-76-W by rebel ryder (I couldnt get in touch with him so i just want to thank him if he see;s this, and that i am sorry if he didnt want
    this to be used)
    Capun and the A-Team Skunk works for the Spitfire, Hurricane, HE-111 and FW-190D
    Soldiers by Monty CZ
    Sherman By Rebel Ryder.
    NOTE: Put flight model setting to easy, that way if you go to make a hard turn you wont just spin out of control.
    PS. Aircraft have been removed seeing as i caused some upset last time i uploaded, all is good now i think. Just want to say sorry for not reading the copyright thingy.


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  8. Jaguar Strike

    This is my time making a mission for WOE, so everything isnt going to be perfect. I tried to make it so there are alot of things going on *tank battle, enemy CAS, friendly intercept, and flak* but after i had a few problms, i had to cut it down a bit. I also had trouble ith the waypoints, but i managd to get it to the point where there arent any premature landings by the autopilot or wingman. So the waypoints arnt going to be the same as in other WOE missions. Hopefully next go round I get it right, lol. Anyways, this is just a simple Jag mission, the bases are close so there is no long flights, and you can quickly get into the action. If there are any problems, just let me know and I'll try to figure them out.
    The only planes you need are the Mirage Factory Jaguar GR.1, Mig-21F *i think that one is already in the stock folder* and the F-14A from Mirage Factory.
    and make sure you have the latest weapons packs and patches*or else some weapons wont work or the phamat and ECM pod wont show*
    They can be found at www.column5.com. or on www.combatace.com
    all thanks go out to column5 for the planes


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  9. Sea Battle Mission Two-Pack (WOE Only!)

    Hello everyone,
    I made this to add some carrier battles to WOE.
    It is my first release so please go a little easy on me.
    It are 2 missions focusing on battles on sea were you have to protect your carrier from enemy attacks.
    Requirements (Very Important!!)
    CVN-68: In .rar file (Credits to Digital Overlord)
    CV-59: http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1 (credits to Beer & Capun)
    Nanuchka 2 PTG: http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1 (Credits: Designer Manuele Villa,Model modifications and data ini by capun,Texture skins and testing by Gramps)
    Spruance Class Destroyer: http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/
    Oliver Hazard Perry Class FFG: http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/ (Credits: Ship Model by Beer,Weapons and INI files by capun,Original Model Design by Bonzonie)
    Kilo Class Submarine: http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/ (Unknown Author,found on the internet by capun,model also converted by capun.)
    F/A-18A Hornet: http://column5.us/
    3D : Flying Toaster
    Mapping, SFP1 import : BPAo
    Base Textures : Column5
    VMFA-122 Markings : USAFMTL
    FM : Column5
    3D : Flying Toaster/BPAo
    Textures : BPAo, HUD from Kesselbrut
    Effects : BPAo
    Pilote : Thirdwire
    Texture : Diego
    3D : BPAo
    Textures : Column5
    F-14A Tomcat: http://column5.us/
    3D : BPAo
    Textures : Column5 (templates)
    FM : Column5
    Sounds : Aaron Swindle
    Tu-95M Bear: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=7752 (Credits: Veltro2K)
    Weapons Pack: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=2672 (Credits: The ones who make those weapons and, of course,Bunyap for putting them all together in one installer.
    F-14A VF-31 Skin: http://column5.us/ (Credits to Ferrit)
    O.H Perry FFG Update SP4: http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/ (Credits to capun and Beer,Make sure you get the SP4 UPDATE with the SM-1 launcher,NOT the helo capable one!!!!!!!!!!)
    Special thanks to:
    scouserlad13 for the link to these destroyers
    Everyone who downloads this
    Missions are made by me,of course.
    Read the readme inside the package!!


       (1 review)



  10. Voodoo Dawn

    Hi, this only another icy, test mission over Bering Straits.
    I love the Voodoos and the Bears, I hope you too.
    So You only need Erikgen's new masterpiece F-101B to crush Veltro's superb Tu-95As.
    Next Veltro's revenge ...... by F-102.
    I'm waiting, and you?
    Merry Christmas - Buon Natale


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  11. Bear Hunters

    Hi, This is a simple mission to test new Bering Scenery,
    the very new Tu-95M and the wonderfull F-106A.
    In the cold war climax you are to intercept two bears on the icy bering straits.
    You can try the falcons or the genie.
    To Install: put the mission file in missions folder.
    These add-ons from Combat-ace are needed:
    - Wrench's DBS terrain
    - Tu-95M
    - F-106A
    This add-on from Marcfighters is needed:
    - Mi-8
    You can fix glittering lights in the water: put DBS_data in DBS terrain folder.
    Back up original file first.
    I thank you all.


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  12. night carrier

    This is a modification to the stock carrier mission in Wings Over Vietnam.
    You use the F-4J
    The AI plane is an A-4F
    It is on Digital Overload´s CVN-75
    Thanks to Digital Overload for his CVN-75 carrier, Thirdwire for the game, and kreelin for the KMD


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  13. VMFA-531 Mission Pack IV (April 25-27, 1965) for WOV

    VMFA-531 Mission Pack IV, for Wings Over Vietnam (WOV)
    This pack covers missions flown by Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 531 (VMFA-531) between the dates of April 25 through April 27, 1965. Where possible I have tried to keep as close as possible to the historical write-up of Mike Wanamaker and Lee R. De haven, given the constraints of the publicly available aircraft and ground objects in WOV. Where necessary, certain bespoke ground objects and pre-requisites are used.
    Update V1.10
    This mod has been updated on request to remove direct links to any Capun and A-team prerequisite models. Instead please contact Capun for access - details enclosed.
    Missions Included in this Pack
    This pack contains the following missions:
    1. [650425]#95013 - target buildings under the jungle canopy 52 miles South-East of Da Nang
    2. [650425]#95014 - target buildings in a wooded area 46 miles South-South-East of Da Nang
    3. [650425]#95015 - target suspected enemy buildings near those found in mission #95013
    4. [650425]#95016 - target suspected VC buildings 39 miles South-East of Da Nang
    5. [650425]#95018b - provide fire suppression for a combat foot patrol, where US troops are in contact with the enemy (FAC assisted mission)
    6. [650426]#95086 - strike suspected VC caves complex North-East of Qui Nhon, Binh Dinh Province, II CORPS
    7. [650426]#95087 - strike suspected VC caves complex North-East of Qui Nhon
    8. [650426]#95088 - strike suspected VC caves complex North-East of Qui Nhon
    9. [650426]#95089 - strike suspected VC caves complex North-East of Qui Nhon
    10. [650427]#95172 - target VC shelters area 21 miles West of Da Nang
    11. [650427]#95173 - target small bridge in the area of VC shelters from mission #95172
    12. [650427]#95175 - provide support of MPQ-10 radar-bombing calibration of MASS-2 unit (bombing training mission)
    13. [650427]#95176 - target VC shelters and housing area, in the vicinity of those shelters from mission #95172/73
    14. [650427]#95177 - similar to mission #95176, in the same target area
    For each mission NAV waypoints are defined to guide you to the target area and back to your home base.
    Acknowledgements, Disclaimer and Terms
    Thank you to all those modders that have provided the prerequisites I have used in my mission packs. If there are any problems with these missions and my own mods, then please contact me directly, not the authors of the prerequisites.
    Released under the CombatAce Fair-Use terms: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=26131
    This Pack includes the following:
    1. 14 x Missions taken from the historical accounts of VMFA-531 for the dates April 25 through April 27, 1965
    2. Detailed installation instructions
    3. Detailed Mission Briefings (as .jpg files) containing more details about each mission
    4. Static aircraft definitions for F-4B, O-1E, F-100D and A310 MRTT
    5. New loadout definitions for the F-4B and O-1E
    6. New 'type' definitions
    7. New 'target' definitions for each mission
    8. New enemy cave ground object files for use with missions #95086 - #95089
    (Just one more pack to go!)
    Any problems, please let me know. Good luck!


       (3 reviews)

    1 comment


  14. CVN-75 Mission

    This is a mission where you have to intercept bombers and fighters that are heading towards your carrier.
    You need the CVN-75
    The F-14A
    The MiG 23 MS
    The TU-16G
    Thanks to all the people who worked on all of those planes, thanks to Digital Overload for the CVN-75, and thanks to Kreelin for the mission editor I used to create this mission.
    This mission is for WoV


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  15. Ghardaka attack

    This is a mission based on the attack on Ghardaka airfield during the 6 day war.
    To install, just put it in your missions folder
    You need:
    Mirage IIIC (mirage factory)
    Israel 2 terrain
    Latest weapon pack
    You can find all of them here.
    This is my 1st mission, so don´t expect it to be perfect.
    This was tested in WoV, I don´t know if it works in the other TW games


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  16. VMFA-531 Mission Pack III (20-24 April 1965) for WOV

    VMFA-531 Mission Pack III, for Wings Over Vietnam (WOV)
    This pack covers missions flown by Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 531 (VMFA-531) between the dates of April 20 through April 24, 1965. Where possible I have tried to keep as close as possible to the historical write-up of Mike Wanamaker and Lee R. De haven, given the constraints of the publicly available aircraft and ground objects in WOV. Where necessary, certain pre-requisites are used.
    Update to V1.1
    Set all drone ground targets to use Nation=DRONE value, to stop game engine automatically (randomly) using them in VietnamSEA terrain on some missions, other than gunnery practice mission. Updated installation instructions accordingly.
    Update V1.20
    This mod has been updated on request to remove direct links to any Capun and A-team prerequisite models. Instead please contact Capun for access - details enclosed.
    Missions Included in this Pack
    This pack contains the following missions:
    1. [650420]#94605 – target a troop concentration and knock out a ‘possible’ gun emplacement
    2. [650420]#94606 – target houses and trucks either side of a river
    3. [650420]#94607 – target buildings and trenches either side of a highway
    4. [650420]#94608 – target buildings, trails and VC troops in a wooded area
    5. [650420]#94674 – target a VC hamlet
    6. [650420]#94675 – target a separate VC hamlet
    7. [650421]#94684+ - carry out in-flight refuelling training due to bad weather in target area. Also practice a bad weather approach and landing
    8. [650421]#94686 – target a network of trails in a heavily wooded area
    9. [650421]#94687 – carry out a Flaming Arrow helicopter escort mission, then divert to assist a FAC and attack a suspected armament repair building
    10. [650421]#94687b – act out the role of the FAC in the previous mission in a ‘bird dog’ O-1E, returning to Phu Cat
    11. [650422]#94688 – take part in another Flaming Arrow escort mission and clear the LZ by attacking VC troops dug in along a ridge line
    12. [650423]531 Formation Training – carry out squadron-level formation flying training due to heavy ordnance restrictions
    13. [650423]531 Gunnery Training – carry out live gunnery training on a specially prepared practice range, again due to heavy ordnance restrictions
    14. [650424]#94982 – target VC transportation assets
    15. [650424]#94983 – target VC-controlled buildings
    For each mission NAV waypoints are defined to guide you to the target area and back to your home base.
    Acknowledgements, Disclaimer and Terms
    Thank you to all those modders that have provided the prerequisites I have used in my mission packs. If there are any problems with these missions and my own mods, then please contact me directly, not the authors of the prerequisites.
    Released under the CombatAce Fair-Use terms: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=26131
    This Pack includes the following:
    1. 15 x Missions taken from the historical accounts of VMFA-531 for the dates April 20 through April 24, 1965
    2. Detailed installation instructions
    3. Detailed Mission Briefings (as .jpg files) containing more details about each mission
    4. Static aircraft definitions for F-4B, O-1E, F-100D and A310 MRTT
    5. New loadout definitions for the F-4B, O-1E and F-100D
    6. Target definitions for each mission
    7. Set of drone enemy ground vehicles - for use with gunnery training mission
    Any problems, please let me know. Good luck!


       (4 reviews)



  17. The Curious Tale of the Lightning and the U2

    The Curious Tale of the Lightning and the U-2
    This simple mission pack allows me to share with you some interesting experiences I've had carrying out ultra high-level interceptions with the English Electric Lightning F.6 and the Lockheed U2-A. From my observations, using Wings Over Vietnam as a base game engine, the behaviour of both aircraft seems very close to what was experienced in real life – a testament perhaps to the quality of the Thirdwire platform and the flight models of the test aircraft.
    Choose from two mission profiles: Fmk6-U2@60k IC or Fmk6-U2@70k IC for Lightning intercept missions at 60,000ft or 70,000ft respectively.
    This download consists of the original illustrated article that I posted at SimHQ and the mission files. Installation instructions and prerequisites are included.
    Released under CombatAce Fair-Use terms (See here: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=26131)
    Regards, comrpnt.


       (1 review)



  18. Squadron Training Missions - Gunnery and Formation Flying (WOV)

    Gunnery Practice and Formation Flying Training Missions for WOV
    Welcome to a small set of training missions for WOV that concentrate on Air-To-Ground gunnery and formation flying, using the F-4B from USMC VMFA-531 and the F-100D from USAF 416th TFS respectively. The action takes place on a squadron training day in April 1965 at Da Nang air base, South Vietnam.
    Update v1.10
    This mod has been updated on request to remove direct links to any Capun and A-team prerequisite models. Instead, please contact Capun for access - details enclosed.
    Missions Included in this Pack
    This is a small mission pack containing two missions:
    1. [650423]Sqn Gunnery Training – fly a F-4B and engage drone enemy ground targets on a specially prepared gunnery range.
    2. [650423]Sqn Formation Training – fly a F-100D as part of a diamond-9 formation and take part in a fly-past of Da Nang air base.
    Acknowledgements & Disclaimer
    Thank you to all those modders that have provided the prerequisites I have used in my mission packs, with special thanks to Sundowner for providing me with the TriRack definitions used in this pack to complement the F-4B weapon loadout. If there are any problems with these missions and my own mods, then please contact me directly, not the authors of the prerequisites.
    This pack contains the following:

    Detailed installation instructions
    Mission definition files
    Detailed training mission briefings
    New training target areas
    Experimental Tri-Rack loadout for the F-4B (courtesy of Sundowner)
    Formation definitions to allow you to take part in a Diamond-9 formation
    Definition files required to create Static (parked) F-4B and F-100D aircraft to populate the dispersal area at Da Nang air base
    A full set of inert enemy (NVA) drone ground objects, white-washed for use as gunnery practice targets

    Released under CombatAce Fair-Use terms (See here: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=26131)
    Regards, comrpnt.


       (2 reviews)



  19. Al Mansura Air Battle mission pack for WOI

    The Air Battle of Al Mansura mission pack
    This missions are written for "Wings over Israel".
    The air battle of Al Mansura was the biggest air combat between Mach 2 fighterplanes. It was fought during Yom Kippur War on 14.October 1973 between the Egyptian Air Force and the israeli Heyl hav Avir. The israelis tried to knock out the egyptian airbase Al Mansura with a massive air raid and were intercepted by egyptian MiG's. Al Mansura was damaged, but finally the israelis lost 17 planes the egyptian 6. Up today the Israelis deny that this battle has taken place.
    This missions pack contains 6 missions.
    You can fly this battle for the egyptian side and for the israelis.
    You can choose between intercept (MiG's), escort (Kurnass, Nesher) and strike (Ahit) missions.
    Unzip all files into your Wings Over Israel\ missions folder
    Thats it.
    This missions are FREEWARE. No commercial use is allowed.
    Hope you enjoy it
    Michael (Gepard)
    Made in Germany
    June 2008


       (5 reviews)



  20. Operation Steel Dawn - Vulcan + Blue Steel (WOE)

    Operation Steel Dawn (for WOE)
    Welcome to Operation Steel Dawn (for WOE)
    This missions pack contains two scenarios using the Vulcan B2 and Blue Steel standoff nuclear missile.
    The objective of the first scenario is to attack and destroy the Soviet Northern Naval fleet undergoing repairs and maintenance in Rostock Naval Yard, East Germany. This scenario requires installation of comrpnt’s Operation Rubicon mission pack for WOE.
    The second scenario’s objective is to destroy a Soviet regional Command & Control HQ located at Wittstock air base. This scenario is standalone for WOE and does not require any prerequisite objects in order to play – only small modifications to selected INI files.
    Both scenarios are offered in both clear and bad weather formats.
    If there are any problems with these missions and my own mods, then please contact me directly, not the authors of the prerequisites. Thanks.
    Update v1.10
    This mod has been updated on request to remove direct links to any Capun and A-team prerequisite models. Instead, please contact Capun for access - details enclosed.
    Missions Overview
    The aircraft used and details of their missions for each scenario in this pack are as follows:
    NATO Forces
    Scenario 1 – Attack on Northern Soviet Fleet based at Rostock
    USAFE F-4G departs Diepholz AB on SEAD mission to IG border SAM sites
    RAF Vulcan B2 departs RAF Wunstorf on nuclear strike mission to Rostock naval base
    Scenario 2 – Attack on Regional Command & Control HQ at Wittstock AB
    RAFG F-4M departs RAF Wunstorf on CAP mission S-East of Wittstock AB
    RAFG F-4M departs RAF Wunstorf on SEAD mission S-East of Wittstock AB
    RAF Vulcan B2 departs RAF Wunstorf nuclear strike mission to Wittstock AB
    Warsaw Pact Forces
    MiG-21PFM departs Wittstock Airbase to intercept radar threats South-West of Wittstock AB
    There are a few prerequisites for this set of missions and links to each of them are included in the HTML ReadMe file.

    Comprehensive installation guide (i.e ReadMe)
    Combat missions for each scenario detailed above (clear and bad weather variants)
    Detailed mission briefing document for each scenario - with planning maps
    Loadout enhancements for F-4M, Vulcan B2 and MiG-21PFM

    Some screenshots of each scenario are available here: http://www.simhq.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/.../Number/2524342
    Any problems, please let me know. Thanks.
    Regards, comrpnt.


       (1 review)



  21. Falklands 1982 Mod - Mission pack v1.10

    Falklands Mod for SFP1/SFG – comrpnt’s Mission Pack
    Welcome to comrpnt’s mission pack for the Falklands mod for SFP1/SFG.
    The missions contained within this pack replicate much of the action that took place over Port Stanley on the 1st May 1982. Details of which can be found here: http://www.naval-history.net/F34opsweek5.htm
    I would like to thank Kesselbrut and the rest of this talented team for providing the excellent Falklands 1982 mod. It is without equal. I am grateful for being asked to contribute to it with these missions, which have been a long time in creation - over a year in fact - while the mod took shape. However, I think you'll agree, it's been worth the wait.
    If there are any problems with these missions and my own mods, then please contact me directly. Thanks.
    Update v1.10
    This mod has been updated on request to remove direct links to any Capun and A-team prerequisite models. Instead, please contact Capun for access - details enclosed.
    Missions Overview
    The missions in this pack are quite complex and usually involve up to 25 Royal Navy, Royal Air Force and Fuerza Aerea Argentina aircraft in a single scenario. In each mission you can take the part of each key player and experience the mission from their perspective. The aircraft used on each side of the conflict, and their mission as specified in the pack, are detailed as follows:
    British Forces
    RN Harrier FRS1 departs HMS Invincible on CAP mission, prior to RAF Black Buck 1 strike
    RN Harrier FRS1 flight departs HMS Invincible on CAP mission, prior to Port Stanley strike
    RN Harrier FRS1 flights depart HMS Hermes on strike missions on Port Stanley airfield
    RN Harrier FRS1 flights depart HMS Hermes on strike missions on Goose Green airfield
    RN Lynx HAS2 departs HMS Alacrity on Anti-ship strike near Port Stanley
    RN Lynx HAS2 departs HMS Alacrity on ASW mission near carrier battle group (AI only)
    RN SeaKing flight departs HMS Hermes on ASW mission near carrier battle group (AI only)
    RAF Vulcan B2 departs Ascension Island (not modeled) on Black Buck 1 strike on Port Stanley airfield
    RAF Victor K2 departs Ascension Island (not modeled) to refuel Vulcan B2 en route to Port Stanley
    Argentine Forces
    FAA Skyhawk A-4C departs Stanley airbase on intercept mission of RN strike force
    FAA Beechcraft T-34B departs Goose Green airbase on intercept mission of RN strike flight
    FAA IAI Dagger departs Rio Gallegos airbase for attack mission on RN coastal bombardment group
    FAA Mirage III departs Rio Gallegos airbase on intercept mission of RN CAP flight
    FAA BAC Canberra departs San Julian airbase for attack mission on main RN task force
    FAA Lockheed C-130A departs Rio Grande airbase for supply dash to Port Stanley airfield
    FAA Lockheed KC-130 departs Rio Grande airbase on air-to-air refuelling tanker mission (AI only)
    There are a few prerequisites for this set of missions and links to each of them are included in the HTML ReadMe file.
    Comprehensive installation guide (i.e ReadMe)
    Combat missions for each major player (as detailed above) for action on May 1, 1982
    Detailed mission briefing packs for UK and Argentine forces
    Enhancements to the Malvinas targets file
    Enhancements to the Malvinas types file
    Enhanced planning maps
    Airfield lights enhancements for Stanley, Goose Green and Argentine mainland airbases

    Screenshots of some of the scenarios available in this mission pack are available on the following Web pages:
    Any problems, please let me know. Thanks.
    Regards, comrpnt.


       (9 reviews)



  22. Operation Reciprocality

    Satellite passed Al-Walid earlier this morning found heat booms indicating Syria Air Force has their first strike long range bomber airbourned. Almost at the same time, air activities near sector 83 and 54 are increasing. Reconnaissance aircrafts reported visual confirmation that SA-2 sites in the area have been refueled indicating a surprise attack is imminent.
    You are tasked to intercept any incoming threats and track distant targets, shoot them down as it deems necessary. Authorization code is AZBZ-BBEZ-DABD.
    Good luck gentlemen!


       (0 reviews)



  23. Operation Rubicon (WOE) - The BDA Missions

    Operation Rubicon (for WOE) – The Bomb Damage Assessment (BDA) Missions
    Welcome. These missions complement and extend the existing Operation Rubicon scenario (see here: http://forum.combata...p;showfile=6299)
    If there are any problems with these missions and my own mods, then please contact me directly, not the authors of any prerequisites that I have used. Thanks.
    Missions Provided in this Set
    F-111F (in stealth camo) departs Jever Airbase on Recon mission to carry out BDA for the Rostock Naval yard strikes
    RF-111G (experimental aircraft) departs Jever Airbase on Recon mission (as above)
    F-15A departs Jever Airbase on Escort mission to see F-111F/RF-111G safely into enemy airspace for their BDA mission
    Lightning F6 departs RAF Wunstorf on QRA mission to defend returning Laage strike force, and also assist Jaguar on BDA mission to Laage airbase
    Jaguar GR.1 departs RAF Gütersloh on Recon mission to assess Laage bomb damage
    The enclosed README is written in HTML so the few prerequisites that I've used are easy to find.

    Combat & Training Missions for each aircraft listed above NATO briefings (for each type of mission, includes detailed planning map) Installation Guide (i.e README)
    Screenshots Available Here: http://forum.combata...rt=#entry149152
    Any problems, please let me know.
    Thanks, regards, comrpnt. :-)


       (1 review)



  24. Operation Rubicon (WOE)

    Operation Rubicon (for WOE)
    Welcome to Operation Rubicon (for WOE) - where Rubicon has two meanings. First, it denotes R(ostock)uB(lockade)icon. Second, to "cross the Rubicon" is a popular idiom meaning to go past a point of no return and refers to Julius Caesar crossing the river of that name in 49 BC, deliberately as an act of war.
    The objective of this mission is to attack and destroy the Soviet Northern Naval fleet undergoing repairs and maintenance in Rostock Naval Yard, East Germany. Strategically, this will stop the Soviet fleet from responding to NATO air and ground strikes on Warsaw Pact forces massing in East Germany. By this very act the NATO forces have reached the point of no return.
    This mission was inspired from a Scenario in Tom Clancy's 1986 novel, Red Storm Rising (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Storm_Rising).
    Version 1.01 update
    Replaced broken links to CA-hosted A-Team models in README with links to Capun's skunkworks site.
    Version 1.02 update
    Removed reference to withdrawn A-Team model of Soviet Chapeav KrestaII-class cruiser. Alternative existing ship model used instead.
    Version 1.03 update
    Fixed minor typos in NATO and Warsaw Pact briefings.
    Version 1.04 update
    Removed reference to withdrawn A-Team model of CGN-9 cruiser. Alternative existing ship model used instead.
    Version v1.10 update
    Updated on request to remove direct links to any Capun and A-team prerequisite models. Instead, please contact Capun for access - details enclosed.
    First, thank you to TK for providing an excellent platform and modding environment. Second, thanks go to all those modders that have provided the prerequisites I have used in my mission packs. Your hard work and dedication is very much appreciated.
    If there are any problems with these missions and my own mods, then please contact me directly, not the authors of the prerequisites. Thanks.
    Mission Overview
    This mission is complex (my most complex to-date) and involves a total of 65 NATO aircraft, drawn from USN, USMC, USAFE and RAFG, and 13 Warsaw Pact aircraft. You can take the part of each main player in the Operation and experience it from their perspective. The aircraft used on each side and their specific mission are detailed as follows:
    NATO Forces
    EA-6A, departs CV-62 USS Independence on SEAD mission to destroy EWR sites near Rostock naval yard
    A-6B, similar mission as above.
    A-6E, departs CV-62 on Strike mission to destroy the Soviet fleet at Rostock
    KA-6D Tanker (only used in air-to-air refuelling training missions)
    E-2C Hawkeye, departs CV-60 USS Saratoga on AEW mission close to East German (IG) border (AI mission only)
    FA-18A, departs CV-60 USS Saratoga on CAP mission North-East of Rostock
    F-111F, en route from RAF Lakenheath(UK) on Strike mission to destroy Soviet fleet at Rostock (returns to Jever Airbase, West Germany)
    F-4G, departs Diepholz Airbase on SEAD mission to penetrate border defences and destroy SAM sites prior to strike force arriving
    A-10A, departs Fassberg Airbase on Strike mission to disable enemy defences at Laage airbase
    Harrier GR3, departs RAF Wunstorf on Strike mission to disable enemy airbase at Laage
    F-4M, departs RAF Gütersloh on Strike mission to disable enemy airbase at Laage
    Warsaw Pact Forces
    Mi-24 Hind, departs Laage Airbase on Intercept mission to multiple radar threats approaching from the West
    MiG-29C, departs Laage Airbase on Intercept mission to radar threats from the North and also from the West
    SU-27 Flanker, departs Pütnitz Airbase on Intercept mission to multiple radar threats approaching from the North-West
    The prerequisites for this set of missions are extensive. However, this time I have written the README as a HTML file with links provided to each one, so they're easy to find.
    It's worth remembering that stock WOE does not contain enough of the correct types of NATO or Warsaw Pact aircraft or ground objects required to model such a complex scenario as portrayed by this Operation, especially for the era I have chosen (i.e. 1979).

    Combat & Training Missions for each major player (i.e. aircraft) in the Operation
    Enhancements to the GermanyCE targets file (including enemy air defences, populated harbour targets and populated airbases)
    Enhancements to the Types file (to complement the targets additions)
    NATO briefings (for each type of mission, includes detailed planning map)
    Warsaw Pact briefings (for each type of mission)
    Comprehensive Installation Guide (i.e README)

    Screenshots Available Here: http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=5209
    Any problems, please let me know.
    Thanks, regards, comrpnt. :-)


       (5 reviews)

    1 comment


  25. Instantaction Modern Beta

    I allowed to USAFMTL !
    Instantaction Modern .MSN file < JUST Drop to Missions folder
    Intantaction .Ini < First if you not extracted it yet, you need SFP1E program to extact it in FLIGHT folder
    BACKUP!!! your original instantaction.Ini , and change it.
    (This is a Beta version...)
    Options. txt
    <Maybe You need to edit the Options in the Thirdwire/ SFP1 folder and change the Instantactions section like tis:
    or paste it from Options .txt
    GOOD HUNTING ! I was try to ad like a secondary Instantaction button or scroll menu, but sorry I dont able yet !


       (0 reviews)



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